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Indiana Fish Stocking

man fishing

DNR hatcheries produce 16 different fish species for stocking throughout Indiana. The Indiana DNR does not provide fish for private ponds.

The online fish stocking database includes DNR hatchery-raised fish and those approved by permit from a district fisheries biologist. Species include black crappie, bluegill, brown trout, channel catfish, Chinook salmon, coho salmon, grass carp, hybrid striped bass (wiper), hybrid sunfish, largemouth bass, muskellunge, Northern pike, rainbow trout, redear sunfish, saugeye, steelhead, striped bass, walleye, and yellow perch.

District fisheries biologists evaluate fish populations to determine the best sites for stocking. Fish stockings are not done as a cure-all for poor fishing in a lake or stream.

Indiana fish stocking locations

The annual fish stocking database includes fish stocked from DNR hatcheries, commercially purchased fish, and fish stocked by fishing clubs or groups with a DNR fish stocking permit. The database has been updated to include all historical stockings.

It is illegal to stock fish into public water without a fish stocking permit that has been approved by a DNR fisheries management biologist. Rules and regulations apply to stocked fish and anglers should read the annual fishing regulation guide for information about proper fishing methods, seasons, and catch limits. Questions about the DNR fish stocking program should be directed to the appropriate District Fisheries Management Biologist for the area or water.

For city stocking locations, visit urban fishing.

Indiana trout plans

Trout stocking plans may be altered due to weather and river-level conditions.

Indiana catfish plans

Catfish stocking plans may be altered due to weather and water level conditions.

Regulation summary

Rainbow, brown, and brook trout
Open season for streams:
Last Saturday in April,
after 6 a.m. local time through Dec. 31. 
Open season for inland lakes: See details below.

Bag limit: 5
Minimum size limit: 7 inches

Brown trout fishing regulations on selected waters
Anglers may not possess brown trout at Oliver, Olin, and Martin lakes in LaGrange County, and Whitewater River below Brookville Reservoir dam in Franklin County unless the trout is 18 inches or longer. The daily bag limit is five trout but no more than one shall be a brown trout. These regulations are intended to increase the number of large trout available to anglers.

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