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Licensed Angler Survey

The Licensed Angler Survey (LAS) is an electronic survey that gathers information about Indiana anglers and their opinions on fisheries management at both the body of water and state level. Survey topics cover broad topics on angler participation, angling locations, and other relevant topics, such as fish stocking, access, and equipment types permitted for fishing. If you have questions about the LAS please contact

Who participates in the survey?

Any individual who purchased a fishing license (resident or nonresident) and has a valid email address is eligible. The survey will be sent to the email address tied to the Access Indiana account used to purchase a fishing license.

Anyone can create an Access Indiana account and verify email addresses below:

Access Indiana

What questions are asked?

Survey participants can be asked questions about:

  • Participant demographics (residence, age, gender)
  • Angling demographics (fishing location and frequency)
  • Relevant fish management topics in Indiana

Survey results

In 2022, DNR sent the Licensed Angler Survey to all licensed anglers with an email address on file who purchased a fishing license during the 2021-2022 license year.  Use this interactive dashboards to view selected results.

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Survey Results Dashboard

Surveys in Wildlife Management

Wildlife is managed by Indiana DNR for the public using social, biological, and ecological factors. Indiana DNR uses social science to understand public desires (via. surveys, public comment, forums, etc.) and biological science to manage wildlife populations (via. wildlife surveys, measured harvest, disease management, habitat improvement, etc.). Through surveys like the LAS, Indiana DNR can incorporate the desires of anglers into fish management decisions.

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