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Wildlife Control Operators

Wildlife control operators can capture and remove wildlife that may be considered a nuisance because: (1) they damage or threaten to cause damage to property or (2) they pose a health or safety threat to a person or domestic animal. The captured animal will either be euthanized or released on property with permission from the landowner. The database does not include waterfowl control operators. Wildlife control operators make the final decision on their ability to provide assistance and set their own fees, and are not employed or funded by the Indiana DNR.

Updated February 17, 2025

County Last Name First Name Business NameTelephoneAnimalsServices Service Area
Allen Beard Jared Mole Control LLC 419-236-7381 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows beaver dam removal, dead animal removal,deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major repairs, major exclusion, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harrassment Allen, Adams, Dekalb, Whitley, Huntington, Noble, Wells, Steuben
Allen Beining Brian Buckeye Exterminating, Inc. 1-800-523-1521, 419-453-3931 bat, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, mouse, rat, vole, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, trap/removal, hand capture, netting, repellent application Allen, Adams
Allen Dick Ryan Wildlife Wranglers 260-750-8983 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House sparrows, Pigeons, Venomous & non-venomous snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment. Geese management: habitat modification, flock harassment, nest and egg management, repellant application Allen, Adams, Dekalb, Huntington, Noble, Wells, Whitley (Pest management / Rodent & Bat: Elkhart, Lagrange, Kosciusko, Steuben, Wabash)
Allen Glock Dan All Out Bird Control, LLC 260-715-2717 Beaver, Coyote, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, Repellent Application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife recovery St. Joseph, Elkhart, Cass, Clinton, Carroll, Tippecanoe, Noble, Kosciusko, Pulaski, Lake, LaPorte, Porter, Pulaski, Starke, Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen
AllenHernandezAdanRose Pest Solutions800-462-3869, 260-484-5589Bat, Chipmunk, Groundhog, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Raccoon, Rodent (Mice, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeonsflock harrassment/deterrents, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, lift applications, euthanasia servicesAllen, Lagrange, Noble, Steuben, Dekalb, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Adams
Allen Rhymer Bruce Bruce's Wildlife Controller 260-623-2208 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, trap/removal Allen, Dekalb, Noble, Adams, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Blackford, Jay
Bartholomew Breedlove William Indiana Wild Animal Mgmt 812-350-5732 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, major exclusion, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Bartholomew, Brown, Jennings, Jackson, Decatur, Monroe
Allen, Dekalb, Noble, Adams, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Blackford, Jay Bartholomew Mahoney Jim One Awesome Possum Critter Catcher 812-374-7709 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel Beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, trap/removal, repellant application, Goose Management: Habitat modification, flock harassment, nest and egg management and repellent application Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Johnson
Benton Puetz Kevin Fowler Pest Control, Inc. 765-884-1881 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, , non-venomous snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, major exclusion, trap/removal Benton, Tippecanoe, Newton, Jasper, White, Fountain, Warren, Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Starke, Pulaski, Cass, Carroll, Clinton, Vermillion, Montgomery
Boone Alter Joshua The LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control 317-601-2873 Bat, Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, snakes (non-venomous) beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation Boone, Hendricks, Hamilton, Montgomery, Clinton, Marion, Tipton, Tippecanoe, Shelby
Boone Hart Patrick LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control 317-601-2873 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson
Boone Ricci Johnny, Jaclyn, Jadin The LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control 317-601-2873 Bat, Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation Boone, Hendricks, Hamilton, Montgomery, Clinton, Marion, Tipton, Tippecanoe, Shelby
Brown Lee Brandon Indian Creek Wildlife Control & Removal LLC 812-344-1964 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Johnson, Shelby
Clark Kendrick Thomas A. Nuisance Animal Services 502-544-0110 bat, beaver, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel. Starlings, house sparrows, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, Geese Management: habitat modification Clark, Floyd, Jefferson, Harrison, Scott, Washington
Daviess Gaither Larry E. Gator's Critters 812-254-1490 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) Hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, sharp shooting Daviess, Martin, Knox, Pike, Dubois, Greene, Sullivan
Daviess Gaither Benjamin Gators Nuisance Animal Specialist 812-698-8869 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles dead animal removal, minor exclusion, trap/removal Daviess, Knox, Dubois, Greene, Martin, Pike
Dearborn Adkins Justin Indiana Wildlife Control Services LLC 812-577-4749 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, pigeons, starlings, hose sparrows, snakes, and turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland
Dearborn McKnight Brandon Sheepdog Nuisance Wildlife Removal 513-309-4512 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles, starlings, pigeons, house sparrows beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, wildlife harrassment, wildlife damage management consultation Dearborn, Ohio, Switzerland, Franklin, Jefferson, and Ripley
Dearborn McVey Nick Animal Remover LLC 513-324-9453 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, non-venomous snakes, turtles trap/removal Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland
Dearborn Schindler Andy Schindler Wildlife Solutions 513-378-2760 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles hand capture, trap/removal Dearborn, Franklin
Dekalb Burns John Burns Wildlife Control 260-255-7048 Beaver, chipmunk, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal Dekalb, Noble, Allen, Steuben
Delaware Brock Michael Orkin LLC 765-378-0811 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, netting, repellent application Cass, Clinton, Tippecanoe, Carroll, Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen
Delaware Smith Philip K. Wildlife Solutions 765-760-7981 beaver, groundhog, muskrat beaver dam removal, trap/removal Delaware, Madison, Henry
Delaware Wilson Daron White River Property Services 765-722-0211 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Delaware, Madison, Henry
Dubois Brescher Gregory Critter Gitters 812-630-9409 chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel Dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal Dubois, Pike, Martin, Daviess, Crawford, Perry, Spencer, Orange
Elkhart Simcox Evan Lakeshore Nuisance Wildlife Control LLC 269-546-1017 bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), and turtles dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting,repellent application, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Elkhart, Kosciusko, Lake, LaPorte, Fulton, St. Joseph
Elkhart McKenzie Nathaniel Mov Em Wildlife Solutions LLC 317-426-7765 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation Elkhart, St. Joseph, Lagrange, Kosciusko, Marshall
Fulton Dotson Ryan Dotson Pest Patrol 260-223-8998 beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, turtles hand capture, trap/removal Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen
Gibson Atkins Damon Regulator Wildlife Control LLC 812-779-7578 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Gibson, Pike, Vanderburgh, Warrick, Knox, Daviess, Dubois, Posey
Gibson Hanold Gregory Trapping & Removal of Animal Pests 812-430-9124 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous & venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery Gibson, Pike, Warrick, Posey, Vanderburgh, Spencer
Gibson Keeker Scott Wild Animal Control 812-749-4912 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification Gibson, Vanderburgh, Knox, Posey, Warrick, Pike
Gibson Sollman Darryl G. Mole Control 812-386-3410 groundhog, mole, raccoon, skunk, squirrel hand capture, trap/removal Gibson, Vanderburgh, Knox, Posey, Warrick
Hamilton Bowman Jerry   317-440-8729 Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal Hamilton, Marion (north), Tipton (south), Boone (east)
Hamilton Morelock Tom Morelock Wildlife Control 765-860-3991 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, snakes (non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, trap/removal, repellant application Hendricks, Marion, Johnson, Morgan, Hamilton, Boone, Putnam, Vigo, Tippecanoe, Monroe, Orange, Martin, Bartholomew
Hamilton Spees Martin   317-667-2153 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel Hand capture, trap/removal, sharp shooting Hamilton, Hancock, Marion, Boone, Madison, Johnson
Hancock Burkhart Lonnie Trapper Joe's Wildlife Control 317-832-5840 Bat, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, snakes (non-venomous) dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusions, major repairs Hancock, Marion, Hamilton, Rush, Johnson, Shelby, Henry
Hancock Fields Rusty Rusty's Animal control 317-714-2028 Bat, Beaver, Coyote, fox, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusions, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Boone, Marion, Hendricks, Hamilton, Hancock, Shelby, Johnson
Hancock Petty Bryce Nuisance Wildlife Management 502-810-7238 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), and turtles hand capture, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting Hancock, Shelby
Hancock VanSkyock Terry Out of Control Wildlife 317-409-9052 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, , , non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, geese management-habitat modification, flock harassment, nest & egg management, repellent application Hancock, Hamilton, Marion, Madison, all counties for bats, geese, and attic remediation
Hancock Wendt Nathan Nuisance Solutions Wildlife Control 317-326-4670, 317-902-2470 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation Marion, Johnson, Shelby, Hancock, Hamilton, Boone, Rush, Madison, Putnam, Hendricks, Ripley, Dearborn, Jefferson, Jennings, Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Decatur, Jackson, Scott,Monroe, Floyd, Harrison, Delaware, Randolph, Henry, Wayne, Jay, Blackford, Grant, Madison,
Hendricks Johnson DJ Timberline Wildlife Control 317-345-3461 Beaver, coyote, fox, muskrat, raccoon, skunk, swine, Flock harassment/deterrents, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, Wildlife damage management consultation, Wildlife harassment, Geese Management - Flock harassment, nest & egg management, round ups and relocation. Hendricks, Marion, Johnson, Morgan, Hamilton, Boone, Putnam, Vigo, Tippecanoe, Monroe, Orange, Martin, Bartholomew
Hendricks Setser Tom Tom S. Trapping Services 317-287-9027 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunks, and weasel Dead animal removal, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Hendricks, Boone, Putnam, Morgan, Marion
Henry Grollimund Stephen   765-278-4504 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel beaver dam removal, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting Henry, Delaware, Madison, Hamilton, Hancock
Howard Beroshok Deric Wildlife Control Services, LLC 765-860-7499 Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, turtles, snakes (non-venomous) dead animal removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, goose egg & nest management Howard, Cass, Clinton, Miami, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton, Carroll, Wabash, Huntington, Blackford, Madison, Boone, Delaware, Fulton, Statewide
Howard Landis Patrick Varment Guard Wildlife Services 765-720-9575 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous & non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal Howard
Howard Trine Josh Trine's Nuisance Control 765-438-6551, 765-860-8347 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles Dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusions, minor repairs, precision shart shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, Wildlife Damage Management Consultation, Wildlife Harassment, Geese Management: Habitat modification, flock harassment, nest & egg management, repellent application, round ups and relocation Howard, Cass, Clinton, Miami, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton, Carroll, Wabash, Huntington, Blackford, Madison, Boone, Delaware, Fulton, Statewide
Howard Church Elijah Affordable Pest Management 765-450-8584 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion, major repairs, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment Howard, Tipton, Hendricks, Cass, Carroll, Tippecanoe, Miami, Marion, Grant
Huntington Dillion Ryan Advanced Predator Management 260-341-6363 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Howard, Cass, Clinton, Miami, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton, Carroll, Wabash, Huntington, Noble, Miami, Whitley, Dekalb, Blackford, Madison, Boone, Delaware, Fulton, Statewide
Jackson Willey Leif Aquatic Control, Inc. 800-753-5253 x 2450, 812-497-2410 x 2450 beaver, muskrat   Jackson, Jennings, Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Monroe, Washington, Scott, Lawrence, Shelby, Johnson, Decatur, Rush, Hancock, Henry, Hamilton, Boone
Jasper Parrish Mike Trapper Mike's Nuisance Animal Removal 219-869-3476 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink,mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp-shooting, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment Newton, Porter, Pulaski, Jasper, Laporte, White, Lake, Marshall, Starke, Fulton, Benton
Jefferson Woodfill Ferlin Lee Lee's Nuisance Wildlife Services 812-621-3790 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Venomous & Non-venomous Snakes, Turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Jefferson, Jennings, Scott, Clark, Ripley, Switzerland
Johnson Graves Mark Wildlife Rescue & Control, Inc. 317-535-4605 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, Dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusions, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, Wildlife damage management consultation Bats and Raccoons Statewide; all other animals - Central Indiana
Johnson Hall Karley Critter Removal 317-360-2121 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, venomous and non-venomous snakes beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs Marion, Hendricks, Boone
Knox Like Toby Nuisance Animal Solutions 812-887-2764 Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, weasel, non-venomous snakes, Turtles Dead animal removal, Deodorizing, Hand Capture, Habitat Modification, Minor exclusion, Minor repairs, Trap/Removal, wildlife damage management consultation Knox, Sullivan, Greene, Daviess, Dubois, Pike, Gibson
Kosciusko Eccles Robbie    bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, Repellent Application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife recovery Kosciusko, Marshall, Fulton, Cass, White
Kosciusko Magiera Joe AJM Nuisance Animal Control 574-528-0755 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Non-venomous Snakes, Turtles Beaver dam removal, Dead animal removal, Deodorizing, Flock harassment/deterrents, Hand capture, Habitat modification, Minor exclusion, Minor repairs, Major exclusions, Major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/removal, Repellent application, Netting, Wildlife Damage management consultation, Wildlife Harassment, Wildlife recovery, Geese Management, Habitat modification, Flock Harassment, Repellent application Northern Indiana
Kosciusko Satkowiak Anthony True Grit Wildlife Control 260-823-1191 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal Kosciusko, Fulton, Allen, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley
Kosciusko Shortt Ronald Shortt's Pest Control Inc. 574-834-1729 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, swine, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal Kosciusko, Elkhart, Marshall, Whitley
LaGrange Drake Jared Drake's Wildlife Services 260-215-5367 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles. Starlings, House sparrows, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusions, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, netting, repellent application, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation Elkhart, Kosciusko, Steuben, Noble, LaGrange, Whitley, Allen
Lake    Guardian Pest Control, Inc. 219-922-7378, 219-477-2847 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous) Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusions, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, Geese Management- Habitat modification, flock harassment, repellent application Lake, Porter, Jasper, Laporte
Lake Groen Randy Groen Wildlife Service 219-677-7803 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, pigeons and non-venomous snakes Hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal Lake, Porter, Newton
Lake Jensen Bob   219-696-1725 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, muskrat, raccoon minor exclusion, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Lake, Newton, Porter
Lake Larson Tom   219-552-0131, 219-313-8484 beaver, groundhog, coyote, fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, trap/removal Lake, Newton, Jasper, Porter
Lake Reay Ryan Nuisance Animal Removal 219-314-8096 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal Lake, Porter
Lake VanProoyen Kent Van's Animal Control 219-629-1083 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, precision sharp shooting Lake, Porter, LaPorte
LaPorte Campbell Carrie McCoy Wildlife Control 219-362-7444 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp-shooting, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment LaPorte, Porter, Starke, St. Joseph, Marshall, Kosciusko, Noble
LaPorte Dittmar Cal Trappin' Fool 574-302-8498 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel non-venomous & venomous snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation LaPorte & St Joseph
LaPorte Lenz Evan Varment Guard Wildlife Services 317-281-6608 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous & venomous snakes, turtles Dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellant application, wildlife damage management consultation LaPorte, Starke, Elkhart, Porter, St Joseph, Jasper, Marshall
LaPorte O'Donnell Mark Michiana Wildlife Removal & Repair LLC 219-210-5018 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, non-venomous snakes, turtles flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment LaPorte, Starke, Porter, St. Joseph
Lawrence Collier James J & R Nuisance Wildlife & Pest Control Inc 812-797-9904 Call or Text Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Opossum, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Turtles, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (Venomous and non-venomous), Turtles Minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, repellent application Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, Jackson
Lawrence Cox II Joe Critter Gitter 317-654-0407 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, Lawrence, Morgan, Jennings, Jakson, Johnson, Brown, Monroe, Marion, Hendricks
Madison Baldwin Chi Strike Force 765-617-4365 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment Madison, Delaware, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton
Madison Dobson Adam Sugar Creek Wildlife Services 317-937-7501 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs Madison, Shelby, Johnson, Hancock, Hamilton, Decatur, Marion, Henry, and Rush
Madison Eiler Douglas Integrity Wildlife 765-381-5182 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal, minor repairs, minor exclusion, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, wildlife damage management consultation Madison, Delaware, Henry, Grant, Hamilton, Marion
Madison Valenzuela Merissa Patriot Wildlife Removal LLC 463-444-2427 Bat, Fox, Groundhog, Mole, Opossum, Rabbit,  Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs,major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application,habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Hamilton, Delaware, Marion, Hancock, Tipton, Clinton, Boone, Tippecanoe, Howard
Marion Arvin Keith Arvin's Wildlife Solutions 317-496-8511,317-985-4849 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting Marion, Johnson, Shelby, Hancock, Hamilton, Boone, Rush, Madison, Putnam, Hendricks
Marion Danner David Black Diamond of Indy 317-890-2847 bat, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, non-venomous snakes, starlings, pigeons deodorizing, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, major repairs, hand capture Marion, Grant, Tipton, Madison, Hancock, Howard, Henry, Hamilton, Delaware
Marion Hartwig Gabe Pride Property Services, LLC. 765-585-2253 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, , non-venomous snakes Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery Marion, Hancock, Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks
Marion Lowe Robert E. Hoosier Wildlife Control 317-362-4199 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (non-venomous and venomous), Turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, Flock harassment/deterrents, Hand capture, Habitat modification, Minor exclusion, Minor repairs, Major exclusion, Major repairs, Precision Sharp Shooting, Trap/Removal, repellent application, Netting, Wildlife Damage Management Consultation, Wildlife harassment, Wildlife recovery, Geese Management, Habitat Modification, flock harassment, Nest and Egg management, Repellent Application Marion, Shelby, Hendricks, Hamilton, Johnson, Boone, Hancock, Morgan, Brown (Beavers), Switzerland (Black Vultures)
Marion Rumrill Benjamin   463-265-2157 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasely, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment Marion, Johnson, Brown, Monroe, Morgan, Shelby, Hancock, Hamilton, Boone
Marion Tankersley Jonathan Uncle J's Trapping 317-767-5646 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, flock harassment/deterrents, minor exclusions, mnor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting, repellent application, habutat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Boone, Hancock, Morgan, Hamilton, Shelby, Hendricks, Marion, Johnson
Fayette Mathews  Chandler    765-993-6748 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, snakes (non-venomous), turtles dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture Fayette, Union, Franklin, Wayne
Marshall Boyne, Jr. James Boyne's Critter Control 574-261-3023 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal Marshall, Fulton, Kosciusko, Wabash, Miami, Cass, Pulaski, Starke
MiamiCobbleTrentonTC Wildlife & Pest Control765-475-4414Beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, snakes (non-venomous), turtlesdead animal removal, trap/removal, hand captureMiami, Wabash, Howard, Grant, Kosciusko, Fulton, Cass
Miami Delaney Richard Northern Indiana Wildlife Control LLC 574-382-0261 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, minor exclusion, hand capture, trap/removal, minor repairs, wildlife damage management consultation Miami, Fulton, St. Joseph, Cass, Marshall, White, Kosciusko, Wabash, Pulaski, Carroll
Monroe Edmanson Don   812-340-2956 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture Monroe, Greene, Morgan, Brown, Lawrence, Jackson, Owen, Martin
Monroe Hilger Eugene Hilger Enterprises, Inc. 812-331-8066 888-295-0098 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment Geese Management: habitat modification, flock harassment, repellant application Monroe, Brown, Bartholomew, Decatur, Jennings, Jackson, Lawrence, Orange, Washington, Scott
Montgomery Steward David L. Green Lawn Plus LLC 765-918-4960 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, snakes (non-venomous) hand capture, trap/removal Montgomery
Montgomery Riehle Brian County Line Nuisance Wildlife Control 765-404-5610 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, , non-venomous snakes dead animal removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery Montgomery, Putnam, Owen, Boone, Hendricks, Tippecanoe, Fountain, Parke, Clinton, Carroll
Morgan Harris Steve All-American Wildlife Control 317-431-1198 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repair, major exclusion, major repair, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Morgan, Hendricks, SW Marion, W Johnson
Morgan Sturges Tim Trapper Tim's Nuisance Wildlife Removal 765-913-7553 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, minor exclusion, minor repair, trap/removal Morgan, Marion, Johnson, Brown, Hendricks, Monroe, Shelby, Bartholomew, Hamilton
Noble Fox Nicholas Fox Wildlife Solutions 260-350-0843 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting,repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Elkhart, Noble, Lagrange, Steuben, Kosciusko, Dekalb, Allen
Noble Knapp William Advanced Wildlife & Pest Control 260-349-0862, 260-925-5750 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Allen, LaGrange, Dekalb, Steuben, Noble, Whitley
Noble Riecke Jordan Riecke Nuisance Control & Wildlife Management 260-599-4567 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, pigeons, non-venomous snakes trap/removal Noble, Allen, Elkhart, Dekalb, Whitley, Steuben, Kosciusko
Noble Sibert Terry Wildside 260-349-8085 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, pigeons, turtles beaver dam removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repair, major exclusion, major repair, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Noble, Lagrange
Noble Vosteen Erik Pro-Critter Beaver Damage Management 574-518-0774 Beaver, Groundhog Specializing in full service beaver and groundhog control in Northeast Indiana. Free onsite assessment and estimate. Noble, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Whitley, Stueben, Allen, Dekalb, LaGrange (Statewide occasionally)
Out of State York Jacob North Fork Trapping 618-926-0667 Beaver Beaver dam removal, trap/removal Posey, Pike, Vanderburgh, Gibson, Warrick
Perry Fitzgerald Cody Complete Animal Removal USA 502-805-7287, 270-285-0000 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap / removal, netting,repellent application Perry, Floyd, Orange, Crawford, Clark, Scott, Harrison, Washington, Jefferson
Porter Ford Bob Nuisance Wildlife 219-531-5796 mammals (no swine), starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, dead animal removal (no deer), hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation Lake, Porter
Porter Olaughlin Ryan Shamrock Wildlife Services 219-707-1968 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, netting, chimney caps, attic & crawl space restorations Porter, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Jasper
Porter Trask Richard Trask ADC 219-477-0132 bat, beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusions, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Lake, Porter, Laporte, Newton
Posey Hatfield Luke Luke's Wildlife Control 812-270-2441 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, trap/removal Posey, Vanderburgh
Pulaski Miller John   574-242-1370 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Pulaski
Putnam Coffey Charles C.J.s Pest Rmoval 765-721-3988 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, turtles hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp-shooting Putnam, Morgan, Hendricks, Clay, Vigo
Out of State Landry Jerome   630-416-9920 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture Lake, Porter, Newton , Jasper
Shelby Dooley L. Michael Wildlife Warriors 317-398-0900 chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal Shelby, Hancock, Decatur, Bartholomew, Johnson, Marion, Rush
Shelby Neuner Kirk A. Admiral Wildlife Services 317-835-7444, 317-902-6220 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusions, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, Geese management: Nest and egg removal Marion, Shelby, Johnson, Hancock, Hamilton, Hendricks
St. Joseph Barbour Justin Master Wildlife Control 574-250-8727 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment St. Joseph, LaPorte, LaGrange, Elkhart
St. Joseph Powell Chuck Wiley's Nuisance Wildlife Removal 574-303-7383 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel dead animal removal, trap/removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs Miami, Fulton, Elkhart, St. Joseph, Cass, Marshall, White, Kosciusko, Wabash, Pulaski, Carroll
St. Joseph Sheffield Jessica Awesome Critter Gitters 800-934-7454, 269-429-9821 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink,mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation St. Joseph, Elkhart, LaPorte, Porter, Marshall
St. Joseph Smith Terry   574-272-5507 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel Trap/removal St. Joseph
Starke Baum David   574-249-8882 beaver   Starke, Pulaski, Laporte
Starke Martin Samuel   574-952-2740 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles trap/removal, hand capture, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment Starke, Porter, Lake, LaPorte, Pulaski, White, Newton, Marshall, Fulton, Benton, Warren, St. Joseph, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Miami, Cass, Clinton, Tippecanoe, Carroll, Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Hendricks, Howard, Noble, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen
Tippecanoe Banes Michael   765-532-5997 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous & venomous), turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, Geese management - habitat modification, flock harassment, nest and egg management, repellent application Tippecanoe, Benton, Cass, Montgomery, Carroll, Warren, White, Clinton, Fountain
Tippecanoe Koning Kitrick Eagle Hill Wildlife Control 765-426-0614 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel,snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, wildlife harassment Tippecanoe, Montgomery, Fountain, Carroll, Clinton, White, Warren, Benton
Tippecanoe Neal Kevin Tippy South Nuisance Wildlife Control 765-427-0934 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Marion, Tippecanoe, Carroll, Cass, White, Montgomery, Vermillion, Benton, Warren, Fountain, Clinton, Howard, Tipton, Pulaski, Jasper, Newton, Parke, Putnam, Hendricks, Jackson, Jennings, Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Monroe, Washington, Scott, Lawrence, Shelby, Johnson, Decatur, Rush, Hancock, Henry, Hamilton, Boone
Tipton Tolle Barry   765-461-7349 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink,mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), and turtles dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, widlife damage management consultation Howard, Grant, Miami, Tipton, Clinton, Boone, Hamilton, Madison, Wabash
Vanderburgh Taylor Steven Coyote Creek Animal Damage Control 812-430-7160 beaver, coyote, fox, mink, muskrat, rabbit, squirrel, weasel, turtles Wildlife Damage Management Consultation, Nest and Egg Management Posey, Warrick, Vanderburgh
Vigo Lyday Michael Varment Guard Wildlife Services 1-866-399-1403 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen
Vigo Moore Cody Moore Wildlife Solutions 812-533-3767,812-870-2995 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment / deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap / removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, habitat modification Vigo, Clay, Greene, Sullivan, Parke, Owen, Putnam, Vermillion
Vigo Powell Jason Varment Guard Wildlife Services 1-866-399-1403 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous) beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Vigo, Clay, Parke, Vermillion, Sullivan, Putnam, Knox, Brown, Greene; Birds and Bats statewide
Vigo Sherrill Steven Sherrill's Pest Control & Insulation LLC 812-240-3139 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, rodents trap/removal Vigo, Clay, Parke, Vermillion, Sullivan
Wabash King Matthew M & D Wildlife Services LLC 260-568-1805 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel trap/removal Wabash, Huntington, Grant, Marshall, Miami, Fulton, Kosciusko, Whitley, Howard, Cass
Wabash Tart Joshua Tart Property Services, LLC 260-330-3298 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification Wabash, Huntington, Allen, Howard, Kosciusko, Grant, Miami, Tipton, Cass
Warrick Byers Charles Southern Indiana Wild Game Management LLC 812-305-7171 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation Warrick, Spencer, Pike, Vanderburgh
Warrick Clutter Charles Southern Indiana Wild Game Management LLC 812-204-1044 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation Warrick, Spencer, Pike, Vanderburgh
Warrick Smith Nathaniel   812-568-1514 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, snakes, turtles. Starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, and turtles Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Posey, Gibson, Dubois, Warrick, Vanderburgh, Spencer, and Pike
Warrick Springston Duane K. ADC Wildlife Mngmt Services 812-431-4389 Bat, Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, venomous and non-venomous snakes, Turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, Minor exclusion, minor repair, Major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, Netting, wildlife damage management consultation, Wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, geese management-habitat modification, flock harassment Vanderburgh, Spencer, Pike, Posey, Gibson, Dubois, Warrick
Washington Parks Scott Parks Wildlife Removal Service 812-572-6940 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal Washington, Orange, Lawrence, Jefferson, Floyd, Harrison, Crawford, Jackson, Scott, Sullivan, Warrick, Clark
Wayne Schwab William Tri-County Pest Control 1-888-590-7378, 765-478-5800 Bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife recovery Wayne, Franklin, Rush, Fayette, Henry, Hancock, Union, Randolph, Dearborn
Cass Wright Amanda Wright Wildlife Removal 574-702-5377, 574-702-5894 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture Cass, Fulton, Miami, Howard, Marshall, Carroll, White, Wabash, Pulaski
Whitley Werstler Robert   260-750-2361 beaver, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk, pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal Whitley, Kosciusko, Noble, Allen, Huntington, Wabash
Marion Webb Gregory Terminix Indianapolis #2786 317-223-6457 bat, chipmunk, fox, groundhog, opossum, raccoon rodent (mouse, rat, vole)t, skunk, squirrel deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting (bats) Marion, Hamilton, Howard, Boone, Johnson, Shelby, Delaware, Henry, Rush
Greene Strauser Logan Catch Co Wildlife Control 812-798-3995 raccoon, opossum, skunk, groundhog, rabbit dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, habitat modification Greene, Sullivan, Clay, Owen, Knox, Daviess
Allen Klingenberger Jason 3 Rivers Wildlife Control 260-415-4848 Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Groundhog, Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Pigeons beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting Allen, Noble, Dekalb, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Adams, Steuben, LaGrange, and Kosciusko
Hamilton Sullivan Tracy Critter Control of Hamilton County 317-591-9744 Bat, Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, snakes (non-venomous) beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery Marion, Hamilton, Hendricks, Howard, Boone, Johnson, Shelby, Delaware,
Johnson York Terrence Wildlife Solutions LLC 317-604-7486 Bat, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Johnson, Marion, Hendricks, Shelby, Hamilton, Hancock, Morgan, Brown, Bartholomew
Morgan Gruener Ryan Gruener Family Trapping 765-720-1410 beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rabbit, skunk, squirrel beaver dam removal, hand capture, trap/removal Morgan, Putnam, Hendricks, Owen, Clay
Fountain Riggs Roy Wildlife Nuisance Control 217-778-0999 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, turtles, snakes (non-venomous) hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Fountain, Warren, Vermillion
Elkhart Cole David Cole Property Service 765-259-2549 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal Elkhart, St. Joseph
Clark Carroll Joseph Valley Wildlife Solutions 812-346-7687 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mice, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Clark, Floyd, Jefferson, Harrison, Scott, Washington, Lawrence, Jackson, Jennings
Boone Vanover Michael Trapper Mike's Critter Control 317-618-6096,317-618-7809 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mice, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous),turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment Boone, Clinton, Montgomery, Hamilton, Hendricks, Marion, Tipton
Noble Tackett Michael Wildlife Management Services 260-343-1386 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, and turtles beaver dam removal, flock harassments/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting, habitat modification, wildlife damage manegement consultation, wildlife Harassment Lagrange, Noble, Whitley, Allen, Dekalb, Steuben, Vigo
Hamilton Niccum Dustin Nuisance Wildlife Services, LLC. 317-512-3779 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modifications, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Hamilton, Madison, Tipton, Delaware, Hancock, Marion, Howard, Boone, Clinton, Shelby
Wayne Wilson Daren Backwood Wildlife, LLC. 765-914-1427 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Wayne, Randolph, Union, Henry, Fayette
Dekalb Jagoda Andrew   260-908-1412 Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Weasel, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles dead animal removal, hand capture, minor repairs, minor exclusion, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation Dekalb, Steuben, Lagrange, Noble, Allen, Whitley
Harrison Singleton Joshua Hometown Animal Nuisance Control 812-572-8298 Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse rat, vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Snakes (non-venomous), turtles minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion Harrison, Clark, Crawford, Floyd
Shelby Prickett Michael Wildlife Warrior 317-360-0020 Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse rat, vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Snakes (venomous), turtles minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion Shelby, Rush, Decatur, Bartholomew
Clark Hudgins Jamie Rentokil-Terminix 502-810-2460 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse, rat, vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal Clark, Jefferson, Floyd, Scott
Gibson Black Bradley Pestbusters LLC 812-677-3907 bat. beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, vole, rat), skunk, squirrel, swine, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, habitat modification, minor exclusion, major exclusion, trap/removal, repellent application, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Gibson, Pike, Daviess, Knox, Vanderburgh, Dubois, Harrison, Spencer, Warrick, Crawford, Orange
Owen Hickey Timothy Critter Outlaws LLC 812-821-4462, 812-821-5594 bat. coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, vole, rat), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, repellent application, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Owen, Putnam, Martin, Clay, Morgan, Johnson, Washington, Vigo, Daviess, Monroe, Brown, Sullivan, Greene, Lawrence, Jackson, Bartholomew
Steuben Steinbarger Christopher C & C Wildlife Removal LLC 260-304-2921, 574-377-9309 bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (rat, mouse, vole),skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, netting, repellent application, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment Steuben, Allen, Whitley, Lagrange, Noble, Dekalb, Kosciusko
Vigo Goodroad Michael Goody's Nuisance Control  317-544-9530 beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, pigeons, snakes, turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife damage management consultation Vigo, Clay, Sullivan, Greene, Knox, Vermillion, Parke, Putnam, Owen
Owen Smith Wen Swampdawg NWAC 765-558-0776 beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, squirrel, weasel, turtles hand capture, trap/removal Owen, Clay, Putnam, Morgan
Bartholomew Cowan William Indiana Critter Solutions 812-560-7582 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, minor exclusion, major repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation Bartholomew, Johnson, Jackson, Decatur, Brown, Jennings, Shelby
Owen Miller Jon Southern Indiana Trapping 812-821-2777 Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Swine, Weasel beaver dam removal, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife harassment Owen, Clay, Daviess, Greene, Putnam, Sullivan, Monroe, Morgan, Hendricks
Vanderburgh Fisher David J. Nuisance Wildlife Control, LLC 812-801-7712 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application Vanderburgh, Spencer, Pike, Posey, Gibson, Warrick
Howard Jackson Brycen Affordable Pest Management 765-450-8584 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal,deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major repairs, major exclusion, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment Howard, Cass, Miami, Tipton, Carroll, Clinton, Wabash, Grant White
Marion Coffman Devan Ecoshield 463-255-9562 opt 2 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous) Trap/removal Marion, Johnson, Hendricks, Boone, Morgan, Hamilton, Hancock, Monroe, Shelby
Huntington Klingenberger Jacob Advanced Predator Management 260-466-0286 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), Turtles beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation Huntington, Noble, Wabash, Whitley, Allen, Jay, Wells, Blackford, Grant
Ohio Rayls Casey Beastmaster Pest Services 812-438-2847 Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine trap/removal Ohio, Switzerland, Dearborn, Ripley, Jefferson
KosciuskoBartelsSteve 574-253-3931Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Weaselbeaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, repellent application, habitat modificationKosciusko, Noble, Whitley
BooneNorthcuttLoganLadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control317-601-2873Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtlesbeaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassmentBoone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson
BooneDeWeeseEthynLadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control317-601-2873Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtlesbeaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassmentBoone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson
BooneHawksJohnLadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control317-601-2873Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtlesbeaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassmentBoone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson
VanderburghRoberts DonaldNuisance Wildlife Control, LLC812-746-6988, 812-801-7712Bat, Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), Turtlesdead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent applicationVanderburgh, Posey, Gibson, Warrick
ShelbyTreonKevin 317-604-8718Beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, snakes (non-venomous), turtlesdead animal removal, trap/removal, hand captureShelby, Johnson, Bartholomew, Marion
DaviessRoachEthanE & E Trapping812-698-3168Bat, beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, pigeons, snakes, turtlesbeaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife harassmentDaviess, Greene, Pike, Martin, Lawrence, Knox, Monroe
HamiltonJacksonJohnathan 765-620-6048Bat, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, snakes, turtlesdead animal removal, trap/removal, hand captureMadison, Tipton, Johnson, Marion, Henry, Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Shelby, Morgan, Hendricks, Delaware
JohnsonBlunkAlanRK Environmental Services317-903-3041Bat, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous)dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs,major exclusion, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, flock harrassment/deterrentsJohnson, Hancock, Brown, Morgan, Shelby, Bartholomew, Hendricks, Monroe, Decator, Hamilton, Madison, Delaware, Boone, Henry, Rush, Wayne

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