Wildlife control operators can capture and remove wildlife that may be considered a nuisance because: (1) they damage or threaten to cause damage to property or (2) they pose a health or safety threat to a person or domestic animal. The captured animal will either be euthanized or released on property with permission from the landowner. The database does not include waterfowl control operators. Wildlife control operators make the final decision on their ability to provide assistance and set their own fees, and are not employed or funded by the Indiana DNR.
Updated February 17, 2025
County | Last Name | First Name | Business Name | Telephone | Animals | Services | Service Area |
Allen | Beard | Jared | Mole Control LLC | 419-236-7381 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal,deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major repairs, major exclusion, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harrassment | Allen, Adams, Dekalb, Whitley, Huntington, Noble, Wells, Steuben |
Allen | Beining | Brian | Buckeye Exterminating, Inc. | 1-800-523-1521, 419-453-3931 | bat, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, mouse, rat, vole, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, trap/removal, hand capture, netting, repellent application | Allen, Adams |
Allen | Dick | Ryan | Wildlife Wranglers | 260-750-8983 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House sparrows, Pigeons, Venomous & non-venomous snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment. Geese management: habitat modification, flock harassment, nest and egg management, repellant application | Allen, Adams, Dekalb, Huntington, Noble, Wells, Whitley (Pest management / Rodent & Bat: Elkhart, Lagrange, Kosciusko, Steuben, Wabash) |
Allen | Glock | Dan | All Out Bird Control, LLC | 260-715-2717 | Beaver, Coyote, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons | beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, Repellent Application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife recovery | St. Joseph, Elkhart, Cass, Clinton, Carroll, Tippecanoe, Noble, Kosciusko, Pulaski, Lake, LaPorte, Porter, Pulaski, Starke, Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen |
Allen | Hernandez | Adan | Rose Pest Solutions | 800-462-3869, 260-484-5589 | Bat, Chipmunk, Groundhog, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Raccoon, Rodent (Mice, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons | flock harrassment/deterrents, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, lift applications, euthanasia services | Allen, Lagrange, Noble, Steuben, Dekalb, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Adams |
Allen | Rhymer | Bruce | Bruce's Wildlife Controller | 260-623-2208 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, trap/removal | Allen, Dekalb, Noble, Adams, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Blackford, Jay |
Bartholomew | Breedlove | William | Indiana Wild Animal Mgmt | 812-350-5732 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine | beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, major exclusion, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Bartholomew, Brown, Jennings, Jackson, Decatur, Monroe |
Allen, Dekalb, Noble, Adams, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Blackford, Jay Bartholomew | Mahoney | Jim | One Awesome Possum Critter Catcher | 812-374-7709 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel | Beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, trap/removal, repellant application, Goose Management: Habitat modification, flock harassment, nest and egg management and repellent application | Bartholomew, Brown, Jackson, Johnson |
Benton | Puetz | Kevin | Fowler Pest Control, Inc. | 765-884-1881 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, , non-venomous snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, major exclusion, trap/removal | Benton, Tippecanoe, Newton, Jasper, White, Fountain, Warren, Lake, Porter, LaPorte, Starke, Pulaski, Cass, Carroll, Clinton, Vermillion, Montgomery |
Boone | Alter | Joshua | The LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control | 317-601-2873 | Bat, Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, snakes (non-venomous) | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation | Boone, Hendricks, Hamilton, Montgomery, Clinton, Marion, Tipton, Tippecanoe, Shelby |
Boone | Hart | Patrick | LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control | 317-601-2873 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson |
Boone | Ricci | Johnny, Jaclyn, Jadin | The LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control | 317-601-2873 | Bat, Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation | Boone, Hendricks, Hamilton, Montgomery, Clinton, Marion, Tipton, Tippecanoe, Shelby |
Brown | Lee | Brandon | Indian Creek Wildlife Control & Removal LLC | 812-344-1964 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Johnson, Shelby |
Clark | Kendrick | Thomas A. | Nuisance Animal Services | 502-544-0110 | bat, beaver, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel. Starlings, house sparrows, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, Geese Management: habitat modification | Clark, Floyd, Jefferson, Harrison, Scott, Washington |
Daviess | Gaither | Larry E. | Gator's Critters | 812-254-1490 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) | Hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, sharp shooting | Daviess, Martin, Knox, Pike, Dubois, Greene, Sullivan |
Daviess | Gaither | Benjamin | Gators Nuisance Animal Specialist | 812-698-8869 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles | dead animal removal, minor exclusion, trap/removal | Daviess, Knox, Dubois, Greene, Martin, Pike |
Dearborn | Adkins | Justin | Indiana Wildlife Control Services LLC | 812-577-4749 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, pigeons, starlings, hose sparrows, snakes, and turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation | Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland |
Dearborn | McKnight | Brandon | Sheepdog Nuisance Wildlife Removal | 513-309-4512 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles, starlings, pigeons, house sparrows | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, wildlife harrassment, wildlife damage management consultation | Dearborn, Ohio, Switzerland, Franklin, Jefferson, and Ripley |
Dearborn | McVey | Nick | Animal Remover LLC | 513-324-9453 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, non-venomous snakes, turtles | trap/removal | Bartholomew, Dearborn, Decatur, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Ohio, Ripley, and Switzerland |
Dearborn | Schindler | Andy | Schindler Wildlife Solutions | 513-378-2760 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | hand capture, trap/removal | Dearborn, Franklin |
Dekalb | Burns | John | Burns Wildlife Control | 260-255-7048 | Beaver, chipmunk, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal | Dekalb, Noble, Allen, Steuben |
Delaware | Brock | Michael | Orkin LLC | 765-378-0811 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, netting, repellent application | Cass, Clinton, Tippecanoe, Carroll, Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen |
Delaware | Smith | Philip K. | Wildlife Solutions | 765-760-7981 | beaver, groundhog, muskrat | beaver dam removal, trap/removal | Delaware, Madison, Henry |
Delaware | Wilson | Daron | White River Property Services | 765-722-0211 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Delaware, Madison, Henry |
Dubois | Brescher | Gregory | Critter Gitters | 812-630-9409 | chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel | Dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal | Dubois, Pike, Martin, Daviess, Crawford, Perry, Spencer, Orange |
Elkhart | Simcox | Evan | Lakeshore Nuisance Wildlife Control LLC | 269-546-1017 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), and turtles | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting,repellent application, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Elkhart, Kosciusko, Lake, LaPorte, Fulton, St. Joseph |
Elkhart | McKenzie | Nathaniel | Mov Em Wildlife Solutions LLC | 317-426-7765 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation | Elkhart, St. Joseph, Lagrange, Kosciusko, Marshall |
Fulton | Dotson | Ryan | Dotson Pest Patrol | 260-223-8998 | beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, turtles | hand capture, trap/removal | Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen |
Gibson | Atkins | Damon | Regulator Wildlife Control LLC | 812-779-7578 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Gibson, Pike, Vanderburgh, Warrick, Knox, Daviess, Dubois, Posey |
Gibson | Hanold | Gregory | Trapping & Removal of Animal Pests | 812-430-9124 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous & venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery | Gibson, Pike, Warrick, Posey, Vanderburgh, Spencer |
Gibson | Keeker | Scott | Wild Animal Control | 812-749-4912 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification | Gibson, Vanderburgh, Knox, Posey, Warrick, Pike |
Gibson | Sollman | Darryl G. | Mole Control | 812-386-3410 | groundhog, mole, raccoon, skunk, squirrel | hand capture, trap/removal | Gibson, Vanderburgh, Knox, Posey, Warrick |
Hamilton | Bowman | Jerry | 317-440-8729 | Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal | Hamilton, Marion (north), Tipton (south), Boone (east) | |
Hamilton | Morelock | Tom | Morelock Wildlife Control | 765-860-3991 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, trap/removal, repellant application | Hendricks, Marion, Johnson, Morgan, Hamilton, Boone, Putnam, Vigo, Tippecanoe, Monroe, Orange, Martin, Bartholomew |
Hamilton | Spees | Martin | 317-667-2153 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel | Hand capture, trap/removal, sharp shooting | Hamilton, Hancock, Marion, Boone, Madison, Johnson | |
Hancock | Burkhart | Lonnie | Trapper Joe's Wildlife Control | 317-832-5840 | Bat, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, snakes (non-venomous) | dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusions, major repairs | Hancock, Marion, Hamilton, Rush, Johnson, Shelby, Henry |
Hancock | Fields | Rusty | Rusty's Animal control | 317-714-2028 | Bat, Beaver, Coyote, fox, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes | dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusions, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Boone, Marion, Hendricks, Hamilton, Hancock, Shelby, Johnson |
Hancock | Petty | Bryce | Nuisance Wildlife Management | 502-810-7238 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), and turtles | hand capture, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting | Hancock, Shelby |
Hancock | VanSkyock | Terry | Out of Control Wildlife | 317-409-9052 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, , , non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, geese management-habitat modification, flock harassment, nest & egg management, repellent application | Hancock, Hamilton, Marion, Madison, all counties for bats, geese, and attic remediation |
Hancock | Wendt | Nathan | Nuisance Solutions Wildlife Control | 317-326-4670, 317-902-2470 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation | Marion, Johnson, Shelby, Hancock, Hamilton, Boone, Rush, Madison, Putnam, Hendricks, Ripley, Dearborn, Jefferson, Jennings, Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Decatur, Jackson, Scott,Monroe, Floyd, Harrison, Delaware, Randolph, Henry, Wayne, Jay, Blackford, Grant, Madison, |
Hendricks | Johnson | DJ | Timberline Wildlife Control | 317-345-3461 | Beaver, coyote, fox, muskrat, raccoon, skunk, swine, | Flock harassment/deterrents, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, Wildlife damage management consultation, Wildlife harassment, Geese Management - Flock harassment, nest & egg management, round ups and relocation. | Hendricks, Marion, Johnson, Morgan, Hamilton, Boone, Putnam, Vigo, Tippecanoe, Monroe, Orange, Martin, Bartholomew |
Hendricks | Setser | Tom | Tom S. Trapping Services | 317-287-9027 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunks, and weasel | Dead animal removal, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Hendricks, Boone, Putnam, Morgan, Marion |
Henry | Grollimund | Stephen | 765-278-4504 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel | beaver dam removal, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting | Henry, Delaware, Madison, Hamilton, Hancock | |
Howard | Beroshok | Deric | Wildlife Control Services, LLC | 765-860-7499 | Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, turtles, snakes (non-venomous) | dead animal removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, goose egg & nest management | Howard, Cass, Clinton, Miami, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton, Carroll, Wabash, Huntington, Blackford, Madison, Boone, Delaware, Fulton, Statewide |
Howard | Landis | Patrick | Varment Guard Wildlife Services | 765-720-9575 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous & non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal | Howard |
Howard | Trine | Josh | Trine's Nuisance Control | 765-438-6551, 765-860-8347 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles | Dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusions, minor repairs, precision shart shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, Wildlife Damage Management Consultation, Wildlife Harassment, Geese Management: Habitat modification, flock harassment, nest & egg management, repellent application, round ups and relocation | Howard, Cass, Clinton, Miami, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton, Carroll, Wabash, Huntington, Blackford, Madison, Boone, Delaware, Fulton, Statewide |
Howard | Church | Elijah | Affordable Pest Management | 765-450-8584 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion, major repairs, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Howard, Tipton, Hendricks, Cass, Carroll, Tippecanoe, Miami, Marion, Grant |
Huntington | Dillion | Ryan | Advanced Predator Management | 260-341-6363 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Howard, Cass, Clinton, Miami, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton, Carroll, Wabash, Huntington, Noble, Miami, Whitley, Dekalb, Blackford, Madison, Boone, Delaware, Fulton, Statewide |
Jackson | Willey | Leif | Aquatic Control, Inc. | 800-753-5253 x 2450, 812-497-2410 x 2450 | beaver, muskrat | Jackson, Jennings, Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Monroe, Washington, Scott, Lawrence, Shelby, Johnson, Decatur, Rush, Hancock, Henry, Hamilton, Boone | |
Jasper | Parrish | Mike | Trapper Mike's Nuisance Animal Removal | 219-869-3476 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink,mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp-shooting, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Newton, Porter, Pulaski, Jasper, Laporte, White, Lake, Marshall, Starke, Fulton, Benton |
Jefferson | Woodfill | Ferlin Lee | Lee's Nuisance Wildlife Services | 812-621-3790 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Venomous & Non-venomous Snakes, Turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Jefferson, Jennings, Scott, Clark, Ripley, Switzerland |
Johnson | Graves | Mark | Wildlife Rescue & Control, Inc. | 317-535-4605 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, | Dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusions, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, Wildlife damage management consultation | Bats and Raccoons Statewide; all other animals - Central Indiana |
Johnson | Hall | Karley | Critter Removal | 317-360-2121 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, venomous and non-venomous snakes | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs | Marion, Hendricks, Boone |
Knox | Like | Toby | Nuisance Animal Solutions | 812-887-2764 | Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, weasel, non-venomous snakes, Turtles | Dead animal removal, Deodorizing, Hand Capture, Habitat Modification, Minor exclusion, Minor repairs, Trap/Removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Knox, Sullivan, Greene, Daviess, Dubois, Pike, Gibson |
Kosciusko | Eccles | Robbie | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, Repellent Application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife recovery | Kosciusko, Marshall, Fulton, Cass, White | ||
Kosciusko | Magiera | Joe | AJM Nuisance Animal Control | 574-528-0755 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Non-venomous Snakes, Turtles | Beaver dam removal, Dead animal removal, Deodorizing, Flock harassment/deterrents, Hand capture, Habitat modification, Minor exclusion, Minor repairs, Major exclusions, Major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/removal, Repellent application, Netting, Wildlife Damage management consultation, Wildlife Harassment, Wildlife recovery, Geese Management, Habitat modification, Flock Harassment, Repellent application | Northern Indiana |
Kosciusko | Satkowiak | Anthony | True Grit Wildlife Control | 260-823-1191 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal | Kosciusko, Fulton, Allen, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley |
Kosciusko | Shortt | Ronald | Shortt's Pest Control Inc. | 574-834-1729 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, swine, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal | Kosciusko, Elkhart, Marshall, Whitley |
LaGrange | Drake | Jared | Drake's Wildlife Services | 260-215-5367 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles. Starlings, House sparrows, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusions, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, netting, repellent application, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation | Elkhart, Kosciusko, Steuben, Noble, LaGrange, Whitley, Allen |
Lake | Guardian Pest Control, Inc. | 219-922-7378, 219-477-2847 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous) | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusions, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, Geese Management- Habitat modification, flock harassment, repellent application | Lake, Porter, Jasper, Laporte | ||
Lake | Groen | Randy | Groen Wildlife Service | 219-677-7803 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, pigeons and non-venomous snakes | Hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal | Lake, Porter, Newton |
Lake | Jensen | Bob | 219-696-1725 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, muskrat, raccoon | minor exclusion, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Lake, Newton, Porter | |
Lake | Larson | Tom | 219-552-0131, 219-313-8484 | beaver, groundhog, coyote, fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, trap/removal | Lake, Newton, Jasper, Porter | |
Lake | Reay | Ryan | Nuisance Animal Removal | 219-314-8096 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal | Lake, Porter |
Lake | VanProoyen | Kent | Van's Animal Control | 219-629-1083 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, precision sharp shooting | Lake, Porter, LaPorte |
LaPorte | Campbell | Carrie | McCoy Wildlife Control | 219-362-7444 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp-shooting, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | LaPorte, Porter, Starke, St. Joseph, Marshall, Kosciusko, Noble |
LaPorte | Dittmar | Cal | Trappin' Fool | 574-302-8498 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel non-venomous & venomous snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | LaPorte & St Joseph |
LaPorte | Lenz | Evan | Varment Guard Wildlife Services | 317-281-6608 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous & venomous snakes, turtles | Dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellant application, wildlife damage management consultation | LaPorte, Starke, Elkhart, Porter, St Joseph, Jasper, Marshall |
LaPorte | O'Donnell | Mark | Michiana Wildlife Removal & Repair LLC | 219-210-5018 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, non-venomous snakes, turtles | flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment | LaPorte, Starke, Porter, St. Joseph |
Lawrence | Collier | James | J & R Nuisance Wildlife & Pest Control Inc | 812-797-9904 Call or Text | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Opossum, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Turtles, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (Venomous and non-venomous), Turtles | Minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, repellent application | Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, Jackson |
Lawrence | Cox II | Joe | Critter Gitter | 317-654-0407 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, | Lawrence, Morgan, Jennings, Jakson, Johnson, Brown, Monroe, Marion, Hendricks |
Madison | Baldwin | Chi | Strike Force | 765-617-4365 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, flock harrassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Madison, Delaware, Grant, Tipton, Hamilton |
Madison | Dobson | Adam | Sugar Creek Wildlife Services | 317-937-7501 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs | Madison, Shelby, Johnson, Hancock, Hamilton, Decatur, Marion, Henry, and Rush |
Madison | Eiler | Douglas | Integrity Wildlife | 765-381-5182 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal, minor repairs, minor exclusion, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, wildlife damage management consultation | Madison, Delaware, Henry, Grant, Hamilton, Marion |
Madison | Valenzuela | Merissa | Patriot Wildlife Removal LLC | 463-444-2427 | Bat, Fox, Groundhog, Mole, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs,major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application,habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Hamilton, Delaware, Marion, Hancock, Tipton, Clinton, Boone, Tippecanoe, Howard |
Marion | Arvin | Keith | Arvin's Wildlife Solutions | 317-496-8511,317-985-4849 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting | Marion, Johnson, Shelby, Hancock, Hamilton, Boone, Rush, Madison, Putnam, Hendricks |
Marion | Danner | David | Black Diamond of Indy | 317-890-2847 | bat, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, non-venomous snakes, starlings, pigeons | deodorizing, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, major repairs, hand capture | Marion, Grant, Tipton, Madison, Hancock, Howard, Henry, Hamilton, Delaware |
Marion | Hartwig | Gabe | Pride Property Services, LLC. | 765-585-2253 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, , non-venomous snakes | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery | Marion, Hancock, Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks |
Marion | Lowe | Robert E. | Hoosier Wildlife Control | 317-362-4199 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (non-venomous and venomous), Turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, Flock harassment/deterrents, Hand capture, Habitat modification, Minor exclusion, Minor repairs, Major exclusion, Major repairs, Precision Sharp Shooting, Trap/Removal, repellent application, Netting, Wildlife Damage Management Consultation, Wildlife harassment, Wildlife recovery, Geese Management, Habitat Modification, flock harassment, Nest and Egg management, Repellent Application | Marion, Shelby, Hendricks, Hamilton, Johnson, Boone, Hancock, Morgan, Brown (Beavers), Switzerland (Black Vultures) |
Marion | Rumrill | Benjamin | 463-265-2157 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasely, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment | Marion, Johnson, Brown, Monroe, Morgan, Shelby, Hancock, Hamilton, Boone | |
Marion | Tankersley | Jonathan | Uncle J's Trapping | 317-767-5646 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, flock harassment/deterrents, minor exclusions, mnor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting, repellent application, habutat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Boone, Hancock, Morgan, Hamilton, Shelby, Hendricks, Marion, Johnson |
Fayette | Mathews | Chandler | 765-993-6748 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Fayette, Union, Franklin, Wayne | |
Marshall | Boyne, Jr. | James | Boyne's Critter Control | 574-261-3023 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal | Marshall, Fulton, Kosciusko, Wabash, Miami, Cass, Pulaski, Starke |
Miami | Cobble | Trenton | TC Wildlife & Pest Control | 765-475-4414 | Beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Miami, Wabash, Howard, Grant, Kosciusko, Fulton, Cass |
Miami | Delaney | Richard | Northern Indiana Wildlife Control LLC | 574-382-0261 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, minor exclusion, hand capture, trap/removal, minor repairs, wildlife damage management consultation | Miami, Fulton, St. Joseph, Cass, Marshall, White, Kosciusko, Wabash, Pulaski, Carroll |
Monroe | Edmanson | Don | 812-340-2956 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Monroe, Greene, Morgan, Brown, Lawrence, Jackson, Owen, Martin | |
Monroe | Hilger | Eugene | Hilger Enterprises, Inc. | 812-331-8066 888-295-0098 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole) skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes | dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife harassment Geese Management: habitat modification, flock harassment, repellant application | Monroe, Brown, Bartholomew, Decatur, Jennings, Jackson, Lawrence, Orange, Washington, Scott |
Montgomery | Steward | David L. | Green Lawn Plus LLC | 765-918-4960 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, snakes (non-venomous) | hand capture, trap/removal | Montgomery |
Montgomery | Riehle | Brian | County Line Nuisance Wildlife Control | 765-404-5610 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, , non-venomous snakes | dead animal removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery | Montgomery, Putnam, Owen, Boone, Hendricks, Tippecanoe, Fountain, Parke, Clinton, Carroll |
Morgan | Harris | Steve | All-American Wildlife Control | 317-431-1198 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repair, major exclusion, major repair, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Morgan, Hendricks, SW Marion, W Johnson |
Morgan | Sturges | Tim | Trapper Tim's Nuisance Wildlife Removal | 765-913-7553 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, minor exclusion, minor repair, trap/removal | Morgan, Marion, Johnson, Brown, Hendricks, Monroe, Shelby, Bartholomew, Hamilton |
Noble | Fox | Nicholas | Fox Wildlife Solutions | 260-350-0843 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, and turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting,repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Elkhart, Noble, Lagrange, Steuben, Kosciusko, Dekalb, Allen |
Noble | Knapp | William | Advanced Wildlife & Pest Control | 260-349-0862, 260-925-5750 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Allen, LaGrange, Dekalb, Steuben, Noble, Whitley |
Noble | Riecke | Jordan | Riecke Nuisance Control & Wildlife Management | 260-599-4567 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, pigeons, non-venomous snakes | trap/removal | Noble, Allen, Elkhart, Dekalb, Whitley, Steuben, Kosciusko |
Noble | Sibert | Terry | Wildside | 260-349-8085 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, pigeons, turtles | beaver dam removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repair, major exclusion, major repair, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Noble, Lagrange |
Noble | Vosteen | Erik | Pro-Critter Beaver Damage Management | 574-518-0774 | Beaver, Groundhog | Specializing in full service beaver and groundhog control in Northeast Indiana. Free onsite assessment and estimate. | Noble, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Whitley, Stueben, Allen, Dekalb, LaGrange (Statewide occasionally) |
Out of State | York | Jacob | North Fork Trapping | 618-926-0667 | Beaver | Beaver dam removal, trap/removal | Posey, Pike, Vanderburgh, Gibson, Warrick |
Perry | Fitzgerald | Cody | Complete Animal Removal USA | 502-805-7287, 270-285-0000 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap / removal, netting,repellent application | Perry, Floyd, Orange, Crawford, Clark, Scott, Harrison, Washington, Jefferson |
Porter | Ford | Bob | Nuisance Wildlife | 219-531-5796 | mammals (no swine), starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, | dead animal removal (no deer), hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation | Lake, Porter |
Porter | Olaughlin | Ryan | Shamrock Wildlife Services | 219-707-1968 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, netting, chimney caps, attic & crawl space restorations | Porter, Lake, LaPorte, Newton, Jasper |
Porter | Trask | Richard | Trask ADC | 219-477-0132 | bat, beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusions, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Lake, Porter, Laporte, Newton |
Posey | Hatfield | Luke | Luke's Wildlife Control | 812-270-2441 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, trap/removal | Posey, Vanderburgh |
Pulaski | Miller | John | 574-242-1370 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel | minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Pulaski | |
Putnam | Coffey | Charles | C.J.s Pest Rmoval | 765-721-3988 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, turtles | hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp-shooting | Putnam, Morgan, Hendricks, Clay, Vigo |
Out of State | Landry | Jerome | 630-416-9920 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Lake, Porter, Newton , Jasper | |
Shelby | Dooley | L. Michael | Wildlife Warriors | 317-398-0900 | chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal | Shelby, Hancock, Decatur, Bartholomew, Johnson, Marion, Rush |
Shelby | Neuner | Kirk A. | Admiral Wildlife Services | 317-835-7444, 317-902-6220 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusions, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, Geese management: Nest and egg removal | Marion, Shelby, Johnson, Hancock, Hamilton, Hendricks |
St. Joseph | Barbour | Justin | Master Wildlife Control | 574-250-8727 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | St. Joseph, LaPorte, LaGrange, Elkhart |
St. Joseph | Powell | Chuck | Wiley's Nuisance Wildlife Removal | 574-303-7383 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel | dead animal removal, trap/removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs | Miami, Fulton, Elkhart, St. Joseph, Cass, Marshall, White, Kosciusko, Wabash, Pulaski, Carroll |
St. Joseph | Sheffield | Jessica | Awesome Critter Gitters | 800-934-7454, 269-429-9821 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink,mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation | St. Joseph, Elkhart, LaPorte, Porter, Marshall |
St. Joseph | Smith | Terry | 574-272-5507 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel | Trap/removal | St. Joseph | |
Starke | Baum | David | 574-249-8882 | beaver | Starke, Pulaski, Laporte | ||
Starke | Martin | Samuel | 574-952-2740 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles | trap/removal, hand capture, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Starke, Porter, Lake, LaPorte, Pulaski, White, Newton, Marshall, Fulton, Benton, Warren, St. Joseph, Elkhart, Kosciusko, Miami, Cass, Clinton, Tippecanoe, Carroll, Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Hendricks, Howard, Noble, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen | |
Tippecanoe | Banes | Michael | 765-532-5997 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous & venomous), turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, Geese management - habitat modification, flock harassment, nest and egg management, repellent application | Tippecanoe, Benton, Cass, Montgomery, Carroll, Warren, White, Clinton, Fountain | |
Tippecanoe | Koning | Kitrick | Eagle Hill Wildlife Control | 765-426-0614 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel,snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, wildlife harassment | Tippecanoe, Montgomery, Fountain, Carroll, Clinton, White, Warren, Benton |
Tippecanoe | Neal | Kevin | Tippy South Nuisance Wildlife Control | 765-427-0934 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Marion, Tippecanoe, Carroll, Cass, White, Montgomery, Vermillion, Benton, Warren, Fountain, Clinton, Howard, Tipton, Pulaski, Jasper, Newton, Parke, Putnam, Hendricks, Jackson, Jennings, Bartholomew, Brown, Morgan, Monroe, Washington, Scott, Lawrence, Shelby, Johnson, Decatur, Rush, Hancock, Henry, Hamilton, Boone |
Tipton | Tolle | Barry | 765-461-7349 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink,mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), and turtles | dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, widlife damage management consultation | Howard, Grant, Miami, Tipton, Clinton, Boone, Hamilton, Madison, Wabash | |
Vanderburgh | Taylor | Steven | Coyote Creek Animal Damage Control | 812-430-7160 | beaver, coyote, fox, mink, muskrat, rabbit, squirrel, weasel, turtles | Wildlife Damage Management Consultation, Nest and Egg Management | Posey, Warrick, Vanderburgh |
Vigo | Lyday | Michael | Varment Guard Wildlife Services | 1-866-399-1403 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery | Madison, Miami, Delaware, Boone, Hamilton, Wayne, Marion, Fulton, Hancock, Hendricks, Morgan, Howard, Johnson, Wells, Tipton, Adams, Grant, Blackford, Jay, Wabash, Huntington, Whitley, Allen |
Vigo | Moore | Cody | Moore Wildlife Solutions | 812-533-3767,812-870-2995 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment / deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap / removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, habitat modification | Vigo, Clay, Greene, Sullivan, Parke, Owen, Putnam, Vermillion |
Vigo | Powell | Jason | Varment Guard Wildlife Services | 1-866-399-1403 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous) | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Vigo, Clay, Parke, Vermillion, Sullivan, Putnam, Knox, Brown, Greene; Birds and Bats statewide |
Vigo | Sherrill | Steven | Sherrill's Pest Control & Insulation LLC | 812-240-3139 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, squirrel, rodents | trap/removal | Vigo, Clay, Parke, Vermillion, Sullivan |
Wabash | King | Matthew | M & D Wildlife Services LLC | 260-568-1805 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel | trap/removal | Wabash, Huntington, Grant, Marshall, Miami, Fulton, Kosciusko, Whitley, Howard, Cass |
Wabash | Tart | Joshua | Tart Property Services, LLC | 260-330-3298 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification | Wabash, Huntington, Allen, Howard, Kosciusko, Grant, Miami, Tipton, Cass |
Warrick | Byers | Charles | Southern Indiana Wild Game Management LLC | 812-305-7171 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation | Warrick, Spencer, Pike, Vanderburgh |
Warrick | Clutter | Charles | Southern Indiana Wild Game Management LLC | 812-204-1044 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation | Warrick, Spencer, Pike, Vanderburgh |
Warrick | Smith | Nathaniel | 812-568-1514 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, snakes, turtles. Starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, non-venomous snakes, and turtles | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Posey, Gibson, Dubois, Warrick, Vanderburgh, Spencer, and Pike | |
Warrick | Springston | Duane K. | ADC Wildlife Mngmt Services | 812-431-4389 | Bat, Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, venomous and non-venomous snakes, Turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, Minor exclusion, minor repair, Major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, Netting, wildlife damage management consultation, Wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery, geese management-habitat modification, flock harassment | Vanderburgh, Spencer, Pike, Posey, Gibson, Dubois, Warrick |
Washington | Parks | Scott | Parks Wildlife Removal Service | 812-572-6940 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel | dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal | Washington, Orange, Lawrence, Jefferson, Floyd, Harrison, Crawford, Jackson, Scott, Sullivan, Warrick, Clark |
Wayne | Schwab | William | Tri-County Pest Control | 1-888-590-7378, 765-478-5800 | Bat, beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, venomous and non-venomous snakes, turtles, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, Precision sharp shooting, Trap/Removal, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife recovery | Wayne, Franklin, Rush, Fayette, Henry, Hancock, Union, Randolph, Dearborn |
Cass | Wright | Amanda | Wright Wildlife Removal | 574-702-5377, 574-702-5894 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Cass, Fulton, Miami, Howard, Marshall, Carroll, White, Wabash, Pulaski |
Whitley | Werstler | Robert | 260-750-2361 | beaver, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, raccoon, skunk, pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal | Whitley, Kosciusko, Noble, Allen, Huntington, Wabash | |
Marion | Webb | Gregory | Terminix Indianapolis #2786 | 317-223-6457 | bat, chipmunk, fox, groundhog, opossum, raccoon rodent (mouse, rat, vole)t, skunk, squirrel | deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, netting (bats) | Marion, Hamilton, Howard, Boone, Johnson, Shelby, Delaware, Henry, Rush |
Greene | Strauser | Logan | Catch Co Wildlife Control | 812-798-3995 | raccoon, opossum, skunk, groundhog, rabbit | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, habitat modification | Greene, Sullivan, Clay, Owen, Knox, Daviess |
Allen | Klingenberger | Jason | 3 Rivers Wildlife Control | 260-415-4848 | Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Groundhog, Fox, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Pigeons | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting | Allen, Noble, Dekalb, Whitley, Huntington, Wells, Adams, Steuben, LaGrange, and Kosciusko |
Hamilton | Sullivan | Tracy | Critter Control of Hamilton County | 317-591-9744 | Bat, Beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, snakes (non-venomous) | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, repellent application, netting, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment, wildlife recovery | Marion, Hamilton, Hendricks, Howard, Boone, Johnson, Shelby, Delaware, |
Johnson | York | Terrence | Wildlife Solutions LLC | 317-604-7486 | Bat, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Johnson, Marion, Hendricks, Shelby, Hamilton, Hancock, Morgan, Brown, Bartholomew |
Morgan | Gruener | Ryan | Gruener Family Trapping | 765-720-1410 | beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, rabbit, skunk, squirrel | beaver dam removal, hand capture, trap/removal | Morgan, Putnam, Hendricks, Owen, Clay |
Fountain | Riggs | Roy | Wildlife Nuisance Control | 217-778-0999 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, turtles, snakes (non-venomous) | hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Fountain, Warren, Vermillion |
Elkhart | Cole | David | Cole Property Service | 765-259-2549 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal | Elkhart, St. Joseph |
Clark | Carroll | Joseph | Valley Wildlife Solutions | 812-346-7687 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mice, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Clark, Floyd, Jefferson, Harrison, Scott, Washington, Lawrence, Jackson, Jennings |
Boone | Vanover | Michael | Trapper Mike's Critter Control | 317-618-6096,317-618-7809 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mice, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous),turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment | Boone, Clinton, Montgomery, Hamilton, Hendricks, Marion, Tipton |
Noble | Tackett | Michael | Wildlife Management Services | 260-343-1386 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, and turtles | beaver dam removal, flock harassments/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, netting, habitat modification, wildlife damage manegement consultation, wildlife Harassment | Lagrange, Noble, Whitley, Allen, Dekalb, Steuben, Vigo |
Hamilton | Niccum | Dustin | Nuisance Wildlife Services, LLC. | 317-512-3779 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes | Beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modifications, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusions, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Hamilton, Madison, Tipton, Delaware, Hancock, Marion, Howard, Boone, Clinton, Shelby |
Wayne | Wilson | Daren | Backwood Wildlife, LLC. | 765-914-1427 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Wayne, Randolph, Union, Henry, Fayette |
Dekalb | Jagoda | Andrew | 260-908-1412 | Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Squirrel, Weasel, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, hand capture, minor repairs, minor exclusion, major exclusion, major repairs, precision sharp shooting, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation | Dekalb, Steuben, Lagrange, Noble, Allen, Whitley | |
Harrison | Singleton | Joshua | Hometown Animal Nuisance Control | 812-572-8298 | Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse rat, vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Snakes (non-venomous), turtles | minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion | Harrison, Clark, Crawford, Floyd |
Shelby | Prickett | Michael | Wildlife Warrior | 317-360-0020 | Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse rat, vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Snakes (venomous), turtles | minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major exclusion | Shelby, Rush, Decatur, Bartholomew |
Clark | Hudgins | Jamie | Rentokil-Terminix | 502-810-2460 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (mouse, rat, vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel | deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, trap/removal | Clark, Jefferson, Floyd, Scott |
Gibson | Black | Bradley | Pestbusters LLC | 812-677-3907 | bat. beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, vole, rat), skunk, squirrel, swine, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, habitat modification, minor exclusion, major exclusion, trap/removal, repellent application, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Gibson, Pike, Daviess, Knox, Vanderburgh, Dubois, Harrison, Spencer, Warrick, Crawford, Orange |
Owen | Hickey | Timothy | Critter Outlaws LLC | 812-821-4462, 812-821-5594 | bat. coyote, fox, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, vole, rat), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, repellent application, trap/removal, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Owen, Putnam, Martin, Clay, Morgan, Johnson, Washington, Vigo, Daviess, Monroe, Brown, Sullivan, Greene, Lawrence, Jackson, Bartholomew |
Steuben | Steinbarger | Christopher | C & C Wildlife Removal LLC | 260-304-2921, 574-377-9309 | bat, beaver, chipmunk, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (rat, mouse, vole),skunk, squirrel, weasel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, deodorizing, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, habitat modification, minor exclusion, minor repairs, netting, repellent application, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife harassment | Steuben, Allen, Whitley, Lagrange, Noble, Dekalb, Kosciusko |
Vigo | Goodroad | Michael | Goody's Nuisance Control | 317-544-9530 | beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, swine, weasel, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, hand capture, habitat modification, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, wildlife damage management consultation | Vigo, Clay, Sullivan, Greene, Knox, Vermillion, Parke, Putnam, Owen |
Owen | Smith | Wen | Swampdawg NWAC | 765-558-0776 | beaver, chipmunk, groundhog, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, squirrel, weasel, turtles | hand capture, trap/removal | Owen, Clay, Putnam, Morgan |
Bartholomew | Cowan | William | Indiana Critter Solutions | 812-560-7582 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, trap/removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor repairs, minor exclusion, major repairs, major exclusion, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, netting, wildlife harassment, wildlife damage management consultation | Bartholomew, Johnson, Jackson, Decatur, Brown, Jennings, Shelby |
Owen | Miller | Jon | Southern Indiana Trapping | 812-821-2777 | Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Skunk, Swine, Weasel | beaver dam removal, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife harassment | Owen, Clay, Daviess, Greene, Putnam, Sullivan, Monroe, Morgan, Hendricks |
Vanderburgh | Fisher | David J. | Nuisance Wildlife Control, LLC | 812-801-7712 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application | Vanderburgh, Spencer, Pike, Posey, Gibson, Warrick |
Howard | Jackson | Brycen | Affordable Pest Management | 765-450-8584 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal,deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, major repairs, major exclusion, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harassment | Howard, Cass, Miami, Tipton, Carroll, Clinton, Wabash, Grant White |
Marion | Coffman | Devan | Ecoshield | 463-255-9562 opt 2 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous) | Trap/removal | Marion, Johnson, Hendricks, Boone, Morgan, Hamilton, Hancock, Monroe, Shelby |
Huntington | Klingenberger | Jacob | Advanced Predator Management | 260-466-0286 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), Turtles | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, major exclusion, major repairs, trap/removal, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation | Huntington, Noble, Wabash, Whitley, Allen, Jay, Wells, Blackford, Grant |
Ohio | Rayls | Casey | Beastmaster Pest Services | 812-438-2847 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine | trap/removal | Ohio, Switzerland, Dearborn, Ripley, Jefferson |
Kosciusko | Bartels | Steve | 574-253-3931 | Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Weasel | beaver dam removal, dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, precision sharp shooting, repellent application, habitat modification | Kosciusko, Noble, Whitley | |
Boone | Northcutt | Logan | LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control | 317-601-2873 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles | beaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson |
Boone | DeWeese | Ethyn | LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control | 317-601-2873 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles | beaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson |
Boone | Hawks | John | LadyBug Pest & Wildlife Control | 317-601-2873 | Bat, Beaver, Chipmunk, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, skunk, Squirrel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes, Turtles | beaver dam removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, habitat modification, wildlife damage management consultation, wildlife harrassment | Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Montgomery, Tipton, Shelby, Hancock, Madison, Putnam, Morgan, Clinton, Marion, Tippecanoe, Johnson |
Vanderburgh | Roberts | Donald | Nuisance Wildlife Control, LLC | 812-746-6988, 812-801-7712 | Bat, Beaver, Coyote, Fox, Groundhog, Mink, Mole, Muskrat, Opossum, Otter, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rodent (Mouse, Rat, Vole), Skunk, Squirrel, Swine, Weasel, Starlings, House Sparrows, Pigeons, Snakes (venomous & non-venomous), Turtles | dead animal removal, deodorizing, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, netting, repellent application | Vanderburgh, Posey, Gibson, Warrick |
Shelby | Treon | Kevin | 317-604-8718 | Beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, snakes (non-venomous), turtles | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Shelby, Johnson, Bartholomew, Marion | |
Daviess | Roach | Ethan | E & E Trapping | 812-698-3168 | Bat, beaver, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, muskrat, opossum, otter, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, pigeons, snakes, turtles | beaver dam removal, flock harassment/deterrents, hand capture, minor exclusion, minor repairs, trap/removal, precision sharp shooting, habitat modification, wildlife harassment | Daviess, Greene, Pike, Martin, Lawrence, Knox, Monroe |
Hamilton | Jackson | Johnathan | 765-620-6048 | Bat, coyote, fox, groundhog, mink, mole, opossum, rabbit, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, snakes, turtles | dead animal removal, trap/removal, hand capture | Madison, Tipton, Johnson, Marion, Henry, Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Shelby, Morgan, Hendricks, Delaware | |
Johnson | Blunk | Alan | RK Environmental Services | 317-903-3041 | Bat, chipmunk, groundhog, mole, opossum, raccoon, rodent (mouse, rat, vole), skunk, squirrel, starlings, house sparrows, pigeons, snakes (non-venomous) | dead animal removal, deodorizing, minor exclusion, minor repairs,major exclusion, trap/removal, netting, repellent application, flock harrassment/deterrents | Johnson, Hancock, Brown, Morgan, Shelby, Bartholomew, Hendricks, Monroe, Decator, Hamilton, Madison, Delaware, Boone, Henry, Rush, Wayne |