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Corn Belt Region

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Corn Belt Region

What makes this region unique

The unique characteristics of the Corn Belt Region shape the fish and wildlife that inhabit it. If you travel here, you’ll find landscape scraped flat by a past glacier. Along with leveling the land, the glacier also left behind fertile soils that once supported an expansive forest that now serves as valuable agricultural land.

Surprisingly, you’ll find that various unique habitats coexist in the Corn Belt, the largest natural region in the state. While the northeastern portion of the region contains swamps, the western part contains areas with rocky canyons found nowhere else in Indiana. If you visit in spring or fall when the agricultural fields flood after a rain, you may see greater yellowlegs foraging during migration. In pockets of wetlands like small creeks, ponds, or lakes, you might hear what sounds like marbles clinking together but is the Blanchard’s cricket frog’s call.

Most of the remaining forests are flatwoods, where trees grow on relatively flat terrain, and the soil holds water in the spring. There, you could encounter a slow-moving terrestrial Eastern box turtle, a species that lives near thickets, pastures, marshes, and bogs. In the northern part of the Corn Belt, where the soils are drier, you might observe the white-striped American badger lumbering near agricultural fields or open, grassy areas.

The region is also unique in that it is home to fish and wildlife that thrive in its remaining wild places.

State wildlife action planning in the Corn Belt region

In December 2023, partners from the Corn Belt region convened to discuss the ecosystems that are in need of conservation in the region. Then, conservation strategies were built around the most pressing threats to these ecosystems. In 2024, we’ll be working with partners to further refine elements of the regional plan. Partners who have not been involved in the work are welcome to participate in the refinement process.

Curious about who has been involved in the process? Check out our list of partners below.

Interested in learning more about the progress of the Corn Belt regional plan? Contact us at or call 317-234-8440.

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