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Wildlife Research Funding

The Indiana Division of Fish & Wildlife (DFW) is committed to enriching the quality of life for present and future generations by balancing the biological, ecological, recreational, and economic benefits of Indiana’s fish, wildlife, and their habitats.

In order to fulfill this directive, the division seeks collaborative partnerships with universities and other researchers to help fill knowledge gaps and meet the management needs of the agency. Research questions are centered on effective management actions the division can take to improve fish and wildlife management. Research topics typically include survey methods, harvest models, conservation genetics, full annual life cycle models, population estimation techniques, economic valuation, and human dimensions.

The Notifications of Funding for Research page provides researchers with a list of projects the Division of Fish & Wildlife currently has funding to conduct. Researchers may submit proposals for any of the available projects. Researcher-provided match is often required for research projects. Summary reports from past research are available on the wildlife and fisheries reports page.

Deadlines to apply and contact information to submit the research proposal are outlined at the end of each individual Notification of Funding document.


  • None at this time.

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