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Archaeology Month

September is Indiana Archaeology Month. The Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) coordinates the event to encourage learning about Indiana archaeology. Universities, museums, organizations, and individuals throughout the state host a variety of programs. These can include archaeological laboratory open houses, artifact identifications, lectures on archaeological topics, archaeological excavations, and more.

Archaeology Month helps Hoosiers learn more about the discipline of archaeology, Indiana archaeological sites, and laws protecting those sites.  A goal of this month is to increase public awareness and to minimize myths and misconceptions commonly associated with the science.

Information for Event Hosts

The Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology will produce and distribute a press release regarding Indiana Archaeology Month. Other avenues of publicity utilized by the DHPA include:  e-mail, the DHPA and DNR Facebook pages, and the Preservation at the Crossroads e-newsletter.

The DHPA Calendar of Events webpage will post the complete calendar of events taking place around the state. Event hosts may refer the public to this page for information about the Month.

Event hosts are encouraged to cultivate as much local publicity for their events as possible. We suggest contacting local papers, radio stations, etc. for possible advertising options.

The DHPA has many educational materials available free of charge. If event hosts wish to have any of these items to help with publicity, or to hand out during the event, feel free to download as many as you like. Postage costs will be charged if physical copies are needed. Payment must be received prior to mailing any items.

If possible, we request that after Archaeology Month, event hosts provide the Division with summary information regarding their events. Information such as attendance numbers, comments regarding activities, suggestions for future events, etc. is very helpful for the Division staff to learn about and improve upon the continuing successes of Indiana Archaeology Month and public archaeology outreach.

2024 Archaeology Month Proclamation

Archaeology Month Poster

The poster theme this year commemorates the State Archaeological Survey. In the spring of 1920, the National Research Council Chairman of the Committee on State Archaeological Surveys came to Indianapolis with the intent of starting what would become Indiana’s archaeological survey. Administering and organizing the early Indiana surveys fell to the State Department of Conservation (now known as the DNR), which then had a Division of Geology, and the Indiana Historical Commission. Between the 1920s and the early 1960s, several of Indiana’s counties were surveyed, with reports published by the Indiana Historical Bureau. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the first published survey reports (Lawrence and Washington counties). Recognizing the looming threats to Indigenous and Euroamerican heritage from amateur archaeology excavations, newly proposed highways, reservoirs, and other infrastructure projects, these early surveyors were “on the road to preservation.”

We are proud the DNR was there at the beginning of the State Archaeological Survey, and that today the DNR’s DHPA continues to lead statewide efforts to protect and preserve Indiana’s Native American and Euroamerican heritage.

Free posters (folded and unfolded) will be available to pick up in person at the DNR Central Office lobby in the Indiana Government Center South complex in Indianapolis from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. When attending Archaeology Month events, DHPA staff will also have posters to distribute. Requests for folded posters (limit of 5 per person) to be mailed may be sent to

For details on poster imagery, see 2024 poster details below.

Download poster (PDF)
2024 Archaeology Month Poster

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