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Pursuant to Section 106 and 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act, 36 CFR 800, the National Environmental Protection Act, and Indiana Code 14-21-1; the DHPA reviews, comments, and consults on numerous state and federal projects involving historic and archaeological resources.

You can view current projects and submissions received by the Environmental Review Section of DHPA in the past 30 days by using the search query below.

The most current information on the status of a project may be obtained by contacting the applicant agency or the DHPA, as appropriate.

Des. No. 2101168FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONLAKEWinfield, Winfield Township2/14/2025Addendum 800.11 documentation and Indiana Department of Transportation’s finding of “no historic properties affected” on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration for the 117th Avenue and Randolph Street intersection improvements project
 ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSALLENJefferson, Madison, and Monroe Townships2/14/2025Archaeological short report (Klabacka-Williams/McMahon, 01/28/2025) regarding rebuilding approximately 27.7 miles of 345 kV overhead electric transmission line and pole structures
tcns # 290810FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMCLARKClarksville2/14/2025Project information and Terracon’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the construction of a 47-ft wood telecommunications pole to be located on East Riverside Drive
DES. No. 2000158FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONHAMILTONWashington & Noblesville Townships2/14/2025Addendum phase Ia archaeological survey report and Indiana Department of Transportation’s finding of “no adverse effect” on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration for the SR 32 roadway improvements from East Street to Mensa Drive (Westfield to Noblesville)
 DEPT OF THE ARMYJOHNSONCamp Atterbury2/14/2025Project information and the Department of the Army’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a solar array, support structures and utility lines within Training Area 902-905, the Railhead & Deployment Processing Area, and the Cantonment Area at Camp Atterbury
tcns # 290734FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMSCOTTScottsburg2/14/2025Project information and Terracon’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.5-ft metal telecommunications light pole to be located at 83 South Gardner Street
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPSWITZERLANDVevay2/14/2025Project information and Switzerland County Commissioners’ finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 307 E Pike Street using Community Development Block Grant funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 RURAL DEVELOPMENTTIPPECANOEClarks Hill2/14/2025Project information regarding wastewater utility improvements
tcns # 289870FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/14/2025Project information, cultural resources report (Stretton/Strohmeyer/Pentecouteau/Hitt, 01/2025), and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.5-ft metal telecommunications pole to be located at 8889 Edinborough Road
 UNKNOWN (INFOREQUEST)HENDRICKSPlainfield2/18/2025Archaeology report and architectural report for the Hayes development
Des. nos, 1901703, 2300719, 2300720, and 2300721 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONALLENFort Wayne2/18/2025Historic property report (Natali, 2/2024) for the North Clinton Street Improvements Project
Des. No. 2200521IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONGRANTFairmount and Jefferson Townships2/18/2025Archaeology report for the SR 26 Small Structure and Drains Project, submitted and covered under the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
des. no. 2100782IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONUNIONBrownsville and Harrison Townships2/18/2025Archaeology report for the US 27 over UNT to Richland Creek, submitted and covered under Category B-9 of the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
Des. No. 2101726FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONTIPPECANOEWayne Township2/18/2025Historic property short report (Blad, 2/18/25) and archaeology report (Name, Date) for CR 510 S over Flint Creek, 0.35 mile east of CR 900 W
tcns # 289894FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/18/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.5-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 4778 Millersburg Road
WW 24 09 01 00IND FINANCE AUTHORITY ADAMSBerne, Monroe and Wabash Townships2/18/2025Project information regarding Phase II LTCP Improvements using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority
tcns # 284437    (Ft Wayne 0048)FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMALLENFort Wayne2/18/2025Revised project information and Trileaf’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the installation of small cell antenna on a new 40-foot metal pole to be located at 119 South Seminole Circle
tcns # 291339FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/19/2025Project information, cultural resources report (Stretton/Strohmeyer/Pentecouteau/Hitt, 01/2025), and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.5-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 3780 East Boonville-New Harmony Road
 IND, DNR, IND STATE MUSEUM & HISTORIC SITESADAMSLimberlost State Historic Site2/19/2025Certificate of approval application for repair of the sunroom window at Limberlost Cabin, Limberlost State Historic Site
 IND, DNR, IND STATE MUSEUM & HISTORIC SITESWAYNEFountain City  {Levi Coffin State Historic Site special file}2/19/2025Certificate of approval application to replace the siding of the barn and privy at the Levi and Catharine Coffin State Historic Site
 IND, DNR, IND STATE MUSEUM & HISTORIC SITESPOSEYNew Harmony State Historic Site2/19/2025Certificate of approval application to replace the siding of the Fauntleroy House, New Harmony State Historic Site
DW 22 41 89 02DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPWAYNEMilton2/20/2025Project information regarding Drinking Water Improvements – Phase II using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP & USDA RURAL DEVELOPMENTCLAY & GREENECoalmont, Lewis Township, Clay County & Jasonville, Wright Township, Greene County2/20/2025USDA, Rural Development’s finding of “no historic properties affected” for wastewater system improvements using Community Development Block Grant funds and funds from Rural Development
 US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE VIGOTerre Haute2/20/2025Project information regarding the Fairbanks Park public access site rehabilitation
 US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE VERMILLIONCayuga, Eugene Township2/20/2025Project information regarding the installation of canoe/kayak launch on the Big Vermillion River at the Osanamon public access site
 IND, DNR, IND STATE MUSEUM & HISTORIC SITESADAMSLimberlost State Historic Site2/20/2025Certificate of approval application and archaeology work plan regarding the construction of a new wooden picnic pavilion and privacy fence at Limberlost State Historic Site
Des. No. 1600793FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONJENNINGSwithin and near the City of North Vernon in Center Township2/20/2025Addendum historic property short report (Receveur, 2/20/25) for the O & M Avenue and West Brownstown Road Rehabilitation Project
TCNS # 287457FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMJASPERGoodland2/21/2025Project information, archaeology report and Tetra Tech’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding construction of a 110-foot overall height self-support radar tower for the Carpenter Wind Farm aircraft detection lighting system located at S 1080 W and W 1200 S
DW 24 16 46 01IND FINANCE AUTHORITY LAPORTEWestville, New Durham Township2/21/2025Project information regarding drinking water system improvements - Phase II using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority
LRE-2024-00058-171-S25ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSST. JOSEPHNew Carlisle2/21/2025Project information regarding discharge fill material into Waters of the United States for a proposed Amazon Web Services Data Center
tcns # 289964FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/21/2025Project information, cultural resources report (Stretton/Strohmeyer/Pentecouteau/Hitt, 01/2025) and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.5-ft wood telecommunications pole to be located at 4293 Hornby Lane
 FARM SERVICE AGENCYDUBOISBirdseye2/21/2025Project information and USDA, Farm Service Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the Farbest Turkey Growout Operation located near 9485 E 400 S
des. no. 2301580IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONBOONELebanon, Center and Jefferson Townships3/6/2025Phase Ia archaeological reconnaissance report (Mann and Pietras, 02/2025) and historic property memorandum (Weintraut, 1/8/2025) for SR 32 Roadway improvement project
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPLAKEEast Chicago2/24/2025Project information and the City of East Chicago’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the rehabilitation of 4707 Grasselli Avenue 
Des. No. 2300268IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONDUBOISJefferson Township2/24/2025Archaeology report for SR 145 small structure repair project, submitted and covered under the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
Des. No. 2200020FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONMONROEBloomington2/24/2025Indiana Department of Transportation’s finding of “no adverse effect” on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration for the proposed High Street Trail
 STATE AGENCYMONROEIndiana University-Bloomington2/24/2025Archaeology report for the replacement of a stone garden wall on the north side of the Wylie House at 307 E. 2nd Street
tcns # 291202FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMARIONBeech Grove2/24/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment report (Webb, 02/18/2025), and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 47-ft wood telecommunications pole to be located at 311 S 1st Ave
LRL-2022-00730ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS & INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESJEFFERSONMilton Township2/24/2025Project information, archaeology report and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the Shelton Farm stream and wetland mitigation project
 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYSULLIVANFarmersburg2/24/2025Environmental Protection Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding abatement of asbestos at the former Main Street Bank located at 202 West Main Street using Indiana Brownfields Program funds
WW 23 53 64 04IND FINANCE AUTHORITY PORTERPortage Township2/24/2025Archaeology field reconnaissance report (Stillwell, 9/30/2024) for wastewater improvements using State Revolving Loan Funds from the Indiana Finance Authority
 ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSDELAWAREMuncie2/25/2025U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the Muncie South Levee Tie-Back project
des. no. 2101766IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONLAGRANGEWolcottville, Johnson Township2/25/2025Archaeology report for LaGrange County Bridge 49 Improvements Project, submitted and covered under Category B-4 and B-12 of the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYPARKERockville2/25/2025Environmental Protection Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding abatement of asbestos at the former New Bethel Community Church located at the SR corner of S. Fisher Road and CR 275 S using Indiana Brownfields Program funds
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMONROEBloomington2/25/2025Annual reports for 2024 HUD funded activities covered by the Programmatic Agreement for the City of Bloomington
 IND DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MGTBROWNHamblen Township2/25/2025Project information for the rehabilitation of Brown County Bridge No. 20, carrying Hoover Road over Sweetwater Creek, 0.0 Mile East of Sweetwater Trail using Community Crossings Matching Grant Funds
tcns # 290805 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMHAMILTONCarmel 2/25/2025Project information and Terracon’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the replacement of an existing 28’8” utility pole with a 47’ utility telecommunications pole located at 947 West Main Street 
tcns # 290808FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/25/2025Project information and Terracon’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 46.2-ft wooden utility telecommunications pole to be located at 8716 Wellton Drive
tcns # 290882FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/25/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment report, and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 47-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 9662 Highway 57
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPVERMILLIONFairview Park2/26/2025Project information and the Town of Fairview Park’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the water improvements construction project using Community Development Block Grant funds through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
tcns # 291049FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/26/2025Project information and EBI Consulting’s finding of ‘no adverse effect” regarding the collocation of antennas on a 92-foot building located at 601 Main Street
tcns # 291383FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMALLENFort Wayne2/26/2025Project information and Environmental Corporation of America’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 40-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 6098 Decatur Road
des. no. 2200611IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONJACKSONVernon Township2/26/2025Archaeology report for I-65 over UNT Hall Sherman Ditch (CV I65-036-37.55),  submitted and covered under Category B-9 of the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
tcns # 290926FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMONROEBloomington2/26/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment, and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 46.3-ft wood telecommunications pole to be located at 2000 E Rhorer Road
tcns # 291235FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMPOSEYMount Vernon2/27/2025Project information and Environmental Corporation of America’s finding of “no historic properties affected”  regarding the construction of a 47-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 904 West Fourth Street
tcns # 291251FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVANDERBURGHEvansville2/27/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment, and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the installation of a 47-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 585 W Columbia Street
tcns # 291232FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMKNOXVincennes2/27/2025Project information, phase I cultural resources survey report (West/Beazley, 2/27/2025), and Environmental Corporation of America’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 47-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 623 Kimmel Road
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPFLOYDNew Albany2/28/2025Annual report for 2024 HUD funded activities per the Programmatic Agreement with the City of New Albany
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPCLARKJeffersonville2/28/2025Project information and AEI’s finding of “no historic properties affected” for the refinance and repair of the  Reserve at Riverbend located at 3001 Peach Blossom Drive
Des. No. 1600854FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONBOONE, HAMILTON & MARION COUNTIES (Filed under MULTI)Pike & Washington townships (Marion County), Clay Township (Hamilton County), Eagle Township (Boone County)2/28/2025DUAL REVIEW: Phase Ic work plan regarding I-465 added travel lanes and interchange modification from 86th Street to US 31
Des. No. 2100048FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONCLARKTown of Sellersburg, Silver Creek Township2/28/2025Addendum archaeology report for State Road 60 and County Road 311 intersection improvement project
 RURAL UTILITIES SERVICEJASPERDeMotte2/28/2025Project information regarding fuel upgrades at an existing Family Express to be located at 11880 West State Road 10 using Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program funds
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPDELAWAREMuncie2/28/2025Annual report for 2024 HUD funded activities per the Programmatic Agreement with the City of Muncie
tcns # 291205FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMHAMILTONCarmel2/28/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment (Webb, 2/18/2025), and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 34-ft metal telecommunications pole to be located at 12548 Old Meridian Street
Des. No. 2201280FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONALLENFort Wayne, Washington Township2/28/2025Notice of withdrawal from Section 106 review for the Pufferbelly Trail pedestrian bridge project
DW 21 10 41 01IND FINANCE AUTHORITY BARTHOLOMEW & JOHNSONEdinburgh3/3/2025Project information for water system improvements – Addendum 1 using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority
Des. NO. 1901890ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSALLENWashington Township3/3/2025U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ finding of “no adverse effect” for modifications to the US 30 at Flaugh Interchange and corridor project 
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPRUSHRushville3/3/2025Project information and the City of Rushville’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 225 West 4th Street using Community Development Block Grant funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPRUSHRushville3/3/2025Project information and the City of Rushville’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 903 West Hollywood Drive using Community Development Block Grant funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPRUSHRushville3/3/2025Project information and the City of Rushville’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 911 North Willow Street using Community Development Block Grant funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPRUSHRushville3/3/2025Project information and the City of Rushville’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 218 North Hannah Street using Community Development Block Grant funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPRUSHRushville3/3/2025Project information and the City of Rushville’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 236 North Hannah Street using Community Development Block Grant funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPRUSHRushville3/3/2025Project information and the City of Rushville’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 526 E 11th Street using CDBG funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERSLAKESt John3/4/2025Project information regarding relocation of a water main along US 41 for  Franciscan Health
 FARM SERVICE AGENCY & FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMFOUNTAINHillsboro, Jackson Township3/4/2025Project information and USDA, Farm Service Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 315-ft cell phone tower to be located along South State Road 341
 FARM SERVICE AGENCYRANDOLPHRidgeville, Franklin Township3/4/2025Project information and USDA, Farm Service Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of four new turkey finishing barns to be located on N 450 W
 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONMARIONIndianapolis3/4/2025Early coordination letter and historic property report for Project 1: Capitol Avenue and Illinois Street, Downtown Indianapolis One-Way to Two-Way Street Conversions (ST-25-535), using FY 2023 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Discretionary Grant Program through U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of the Secretary
 FEDERAL EMERGENCY MGT AGENCYSWITZERLANDBennington3/5/2025Project information and Federal Emergency Management Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding security improvements at Camp Livingston located at 4998 Nell Lee Road
DW 24 25 83 02 IND FINANCE AUTHORITYVERMILLIONPerrysville3/5/2025Project information regarding lead service line replacements using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority
 FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION LAPORTEMichigan City3/5/2025Revised draft Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) regarding the demolition of the coaling tower at Milepost 227.35, along Amtrak’s Michigan corridor, 0.1 mile east of the Washington Park Boulevard crossing at U.S. 12 
Des. No. 2002992FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONJENNINGSGeneva Township3/6/2025Archaeology report for the Jennings County Bridge No. 29 (Geneva Ford Bridge), carrying County Road 250 W over Sand Creek (NBI No. 4000028, IHSSI No. 079-472-10027)  
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPDEKALBAuburn3/6/2025City of Auburn’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum Showroom Facade Preservation Project located at 1600 S Wayne Street using CDBG funds
Des. No. 2301052IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONLAKECrown Point3/6/2025Archaeology report for Lake County Bridge 98  (Clay Street) over Deep River, submitted and covered under Category B-12 of the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPWABASHRoann3/6/2025Project information regarding a multi-phase recreational space development to be located at 430 East Pike Street using Stellar Grant funds through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPDEARBORNGreendale3/6/2025Additional project information for the rehabilitation of 111 Billups Drive using funds from the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority
 RURAL DEVELOPMENTLAWRENCEMitchell3/6/2025Project information and USDA, Rural Development’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding construction of a septic system at 8605 State Road 60 West
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPHOWARDKokomo3/6/2025Project information and the City of Kokomo’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the rehabilitation of 1125 E. Taylor Street using CDBG funds
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPHOWARDKokomo3/6/2025Project information and the City of Kokomo’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the rehabilitation of 1009 E. Walnut Street using CDBG funds
tcns # 290418FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMHAMILTONNoblesville3/6/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 46.3-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 1564 Sheridan Road
Des. No. 2300269IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONKNOXJohnson Township3/6/2025Archaeology report for SR 241 small structure repair project, submitted and covered under the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
 STATE AGENCYLAKEGary3/6/2025Certificate of approval application for the demolition of the H. Gordon and Sons Department Store located at 813 Broadway using the Blighted Property Demolition Fund from the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority
 STATE AGENCYLAKEGary3/6/2025Certificate of approval application for the demolition of Grantham Motors located at 733 Washington Street using the Blighted Property Demolition Fund from the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority
 STATE AGENCYLAKEGary3/6/2025Certificate of approval application for the demolition of the City Methodist Church located at 549 Washington Street using the Blighted Property Demolition Fund from the Northwest Indiana Regional Development Authority
WW 24 34 27 01IND FINANCE AUTHORITY GRANTFairmount3/6/2025Project information regarding collection system improvements using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority
Des. No. 1901948FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONLAKECrown Point3/6/2025Indiana Department of Transportation’s finding of “no adverse effect” on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration for the US 231 and 113th Avenue Intersection improvement project (construction of a roundabout)
tcns # 291596FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMARIONIndianapolis3/6/2025Project information and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the collocation of antennas onto an existing 40-ft metal pole located at 905 N University Blvd
tcns #  291602FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVERMILLIONClinton3/6/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment, and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the replacement of an existing street light utility pole with a new 47-ft wooden light telecommunications pole located at 109 N 4th Street
tcns # 290104FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMARIONIndianapolis3/6/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 46.3-ft light telecommunications pole to be located at 2106 North Arlington Avenue
tcns # 291726FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMGRANTUpland3/6/2025Project information and Trileaf’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the collocation of antennas on an existing 296.4-ft self-support telecommunications tower located off State Road 22 West
tcns # 291802FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMVERMILLIONClinton3/6/2025Project information, archaeological sensitivity assessment, and EBI Consulting’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the replacement of an existing utility pole with a new 47-ft wooden light telecommunications pole located at 1298 S 6th Street
tcns # 290065FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMARIONLawrence3/7/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.6-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 5549 North Post Road
tcns # 290617FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMBOONEWhitestown3/7/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 41.6-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 5985 Gateway East Drive
 FARM SERVICE AGENCYRUSHCarthage, Ripley Township3/7/2025Project information and USDA, Farm Service Agency’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding  the replacement of an existing grain bin located at 8376 W 600 N
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPPUTNAMCloverdale3/7/2025Project information regarding a water improvements project using CDBG funds through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
tcns # 290381FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMONROEBloomington3/7/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the replacement of an existing 33.5-ft light pole with a 41.5-ft metal light telecommunications pole located at 1658 East 17th Street
tcns # 290276FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMMARIONIndianapolis3/7/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the installation of a 41.5-ft telecommunications pole to be located at 2511 East Kessler Boulevard
Des. NO. 2100231IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONSTARKENorth Judson, Wayne Township3/7/2025Archaeology report for SR 10 HMA overlay and preventative maintenance, submitted and covered under the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement
 FARM SERVICE AGENCYJACKSONVallonia 3/7/2025Project information and USDA, Farm Service Agency’s finding of “no adverse effect” regarding the construction of a grain bin at 854 W County Road 650 S
 DEPT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPDEARBORNLawrenceburg3/7/2025Project information and the City of Lawrenceburg’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the owner occupied rehabilitation of 228 Maple Street using CDBG funds from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs
tcns # 291213FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMALLENFort Wayne3/7/2025Project information and Environmental Corporation of America’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the replacement of an existing 25-foot utility pole with a 40-foot telecommunications pole located at 3225 Thompson Avenue
Des. No. 1801731IND DEPT OF TRANSPORTATIONHAMILTONCity of Westfield, Washington Township    {SR 32 Westfield Reconstruction special file}3/7/2025Quarterly progress report #15 by INDOT in fulfillment of Condition #9 of the certificate of approval to alter the Westfield Historic District and demolish or remove historic structures at 101, 102 and 103 S. Union Street and 111 E. Main Street to reconstruct  State Road 32
R2024091204496US FOREST SERVICEORANGEHoosier National Forest3/7/2025Cultural Resource Survey and the U.S. Forest Service’s finding of “no historic properties affected” for Paoli Experimental Forest Tree Planting 
Des. Nos. 1801932 & 1900842FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATIONVIGOTerre Haute3/7/2025Notice of Approved Environmental Assessment for a proposed railroad grade separation project on 13th Street and 8th Avenue over the CSX Railroad - Trax Project
tcns # 292093FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMORANGEHardinsburg3/10/2025Project information, cultural resources report, and Trileaf’s finding of “no historic properties affected” regarding the construction of a 250-ft self-support telecommunications tower to be located on South County Road 400 South
 IND DEPT OF ADMINISTRATIONMARIONIndianapolis   {Indiana School for the Blind special file}3/7/2025Application to amend the Certificate of Approval granted April 17, 2024 to alter and demolish structures at the Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in order to construct new buildings to co-locate the Indiana School for the Deaf, and to support both schools within a single campus
 RURAL DEVELOPMENTGIBSONPatoka3/10/2025Project information regarding a new supply well, along with associated line upgrades and rehabilitation of the water storage tank
 RURAL DEVELOPMENTJASPERRemington3/10/2025Project information regarding the rehabilitation of 211 N. Illinois Street
DW 22 46 15 01 IND FINANCE AUTHORITY DEARBORNMiller Township3/10/2025Project information regarding the  Valley Rural Utility DW Lead Service Line and Water Main Replacement Project using State Revolving Loan funds through the Indiana Finance Authority

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