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Archaeology Review Guidance

Archaeology Review Guidance

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Archaeology staff coordinate reviews with the historic structures reviewers within the Environmental Review section of DHPA and occasionally conduct site inspection and consultations with archaeologists on projects under these laws, rules, and regulations. Under state law, archaeology staff reviews surface and underground coal mining projects in Indiana (IC 14-34-3-10; 312 IAC 25), permit areas for the divisions of Water and Oil and Gas, and plans for projects that will disturb the ground within 100 feet of a cemetery or burial ground for the purpose of excavating or covering over the ground or erecting, altering, or repairing any structure (IC 14-21-1-26.5).

When asked to undertake an archaeological project, please make sure that you have the documentation that authorizes that work. If the project is conducted under Section 106, the client or lead federal agency should be able to provide you with a copy of documentation that the work is required. If the project is on state property, you must have documentation that an approved plan (under Indiana Code 14-21-1) for the work has been issued. If the activity is on private property and isn’t conducted under Section 106, an approved plan under IC 14-21-1 is required if any level of work beyond surface survey is planned. Always make sure to have landowner permission and that curation issues are addressed. It is also best to carry the relevant documentation with you in the field in case you are questioned by law enforcement officials. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our office at 317-232-1646. Appendix B of the archaeology Guidebook also provides additional information.

For projects conducted under IC-14-21-1, be aware of the requirements of 312 IAC 21-3-8(d) regarding an abbreviated project completion report and 312 IAC 21-3-8(e) regarding an archaeological records check or literature search.

Most archaeological sites in the State are located on private property. State statute and rules address issues such as artifact collecting, buying, and selling of artifacts, and archaeological discoveries.

Archaeology Submission Guidance

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