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Job Opportunities

The Division of Water has a wide variety of responsibilities and employs a diverse group of professionals in customer service, technical, and staff support positions. Employment incentives include flexible work hours and excellent benefits for all positions. Most positions require education and/or experience in the following disciplines:

Civil, Agricultural, or Environmental Engineering
Degreed engineers occupy approximately 25 percent of the full-time positions within the Division of Water. Most are Civil or Agricultural Engineers with a background in water resources or geotechnical engineering. Many engineers obtain their Professional Engineer Registration while employed at the Division of Water. Engineering positions are assigned to several workgroups within the division. Engineers develop hydrologic and hydraulic models, assess dam safety, investigate floodplain violations, and provide public assistance for floodway construction projects. Most engineering positions are titled "Hydraulic Engineer".

Environmental / Natural Sciences
Several Division of Water workgroups employ individuals with various environmental or natural resource degrees, including Environmental Science, Environmental Management, Forestry, and Natural Resources. Position titles include Environmental Manager, Natural Resources Project Manager, Natural Resources Inspector, and Water Planner. Individuals with environmental/natural science degrees or experience occupy approximately 30 percent of the full-time positions within the division. They participate in many important programs, including permit administration, floodplain management, project development, public assistance, and water rights.

Degreed geologists occupy approximately 10 percent of the full-time positions within the Division of Water. Most geology positions are devoted to water rights investigations or water resource assessments; however, geologists are also involved in waterway construction projects and dam safety. Candidates for geology positions in the division should have a background in hydrogeology and/or engineering geology or geography. Most geology positions are titled "Engineering Geologist". Many geologists are registered as Professional Geologists.

GIS Technology
GIS technology is critical to the operation of all Division of Water programs and many public assistance services. The main responsibility for this section is to create and assist with GIS applications development. Staff members have computer technology, programming, and, or GIS experience and education.

Search the Indiana State Job Bank for currently available positions with the Division of Water.


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