The DNR Division of Water regulatory webpage provide a comprehensive one-stop site for permitting information. Simply click on a particular category below for links to forms, instructions, and informational resources. Several instructional videos are now available that provides important information to assist you in completing a permit application, fulfilling the public notice requirements, and providing the supporting technical documentation that is necessary in the application review process. Also, technical worksheets have been developed for the agents who are submitting Construction in a Floodway applications.
IDEM and DNR have partnered together to create the Indiana Waterways website to facilitate access to related information in one central place. The agencies have also created the Waterways Inquiry Request form to help landowners determine which application and Waterways permit is required for a potential project.
If your corporate firewall restricts access to YouTube, your systems administrator may allow exceptions to certain publishers. All DNR videos are published by Indiana DNR Videos for the purposes of such exceptions.
- Use a Permit Application Form or File an Application Online
Permit Application Form
File an application on-line:
- Permit e-Application. Credit Card will be needed to pay for application fee and an additional credit card processing fee.
- Permit e-Application. Indiana Interactive subscribers only.
- Statement of Affirmation, State Form 56471 (1-18) (PDF)
- Technical Requirements: Minimum Application Submittal for Construction in a Floodway
Instructional videos have been developed to assist agents in preparing the technical information that is needed in a permit application for construction in a floodway. These videos are broken down into specific non-modeling assessment approaches. A link to the corresponding worksheets can be found to the right of the video link in the table below. Also refer to Construction in a Floodway User Guide for a quick reference of various project types and the appropriate worksheet. To watch an instructional video or access a worksheet, click the link in the table below. If you have problems viewing the videos, please contact us at or at 317-232-4160, toll free at 1-877-928-3755.
Instruction Info Video Introduction and general overview of Non Modeling Worksheets Video Bridges & Culverts Video Worksheets Bridge Replacement in Kind
Worksheet B
INDOT-DNR Bridge Replacement AssessmentNA Worksheet (fillable PDF)
Worksheet (Word Format)
Companion B
INDOT-DNR WorksheetAll Other Construction Video Worksheets Effective Cross Sectional Flow Worksheet (fillable PDF)
Worksheet (Word format)Ineffective Area of Contraction or Expansion Reach of a Stream Crossing Video Worksheet (fillable PDF)
Worksheet (Word format)Fish, Wildlife, and Botanical Resources Impact Assessment (State Form 57132) NA PDF version
Word version - Floodway Habitat Mitigation Guidelines
This document provides guidance for the assessment and determination of compensatory mitigation for habitat impacts that may be required as a result of the review of a Construction in a Floodway application.
- Public Notice Requirements
After the permit application has been received by the IDNR, Division of Water, Public Notice requirements must be completed by the applicant or agent for any one of the Regulatory Permit Programs listed within this webpage. An instructional video has been developed to assist an applicant or agent in fulfilling the public notice requirements and in providing DNR with the necessary documentation as proof that public notice was served to the appropriate property owners. A link to the corresponding Public Notice forms can be found to the right of the video link in the table below. To watch an instructional video or access a form, click the links in the table below If you have problems viewing the videos, please contact us at or at 1-317-232-4160, toll free at 1-877-928-3755.
Instruction Info Video State Form Instructions for Public Notice requirements Video SF 50354
SF 52086 - Other Permit-Related Resources and Information
- Permit Application Assistance Manual
- General Guidelines for Hydrologic-Hydraulic Assessment of Floodplains in Indiana
- FEMA's No-rise Requirements
- Information on the USACE Programmatic General Permit (PGP) – Indiana
- Permit Application Database (application not compatible with mobile devices)
- DNR Weekly Public Notice Report
- - Request to receive weekly report.
- Notification to Public Notice Recipients, September 2008 - Information on receiving weekly reports via email.
- Early Coordination Environmental Review Requirements - Information about requesting an early coordination/environmental (NEPA) review.
- Outstanding Rivers List for Indiana
- Salmonid Streams Listing
- In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Form
- Regulatory Permit Statutes, Rules and Related Information Links
- Construction in a Floodway, Flood Control Act, IC 14-28-1
- Floodplain Management Rules, 312 IAC 10
- Construction on a Public Freshwater Lake, Lake Preservation Act, IC 14-26-2,
- Public Freshwater Lakes Rules
- Construction in a Navigable Waterway, Navigable Waterways Act, IC 14-29-4, and
- Navigable Waters Rules
- Construction on a waterway within ½ mile of a freshwater lake 10 acres or larger in size Lowering of the Ten Acre Lake Act IC 14-26-5
- Mineral excavation from a navigable waterway, Sand and Gravel Permits Act, IC 14-29-3
- New stream channel construction or improvement for access purposes, Construction of Channels Act, IC 14-29-4
- Comprehensive listing of related Statutes and Rules
- Division of Water's Online Research Center