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Aquifer Systems Mapping (1:48000)

State MapAdams countyAllen countyBartholomew countyBrown countyBenton countyBlackford countyBoone countyCarroll countyCass countyClark countyClay countyClinton countyCrawford countyDaviess countyDearborn countyDecatur countyDeKalb countyDelaware countyDubois countyElkhart countyFayette countyFloyd countyFranklin countyFountain countyFulton countyGibson countyGrant countyGreene countyHamilton countyHancock countyHarrison countyHendricks countyHenry countyHoward countyHuntington countyJasper countyJay countyJennings countyJackson countyJefferson countyJohnson countyKnox countyKosciusko countyLagrange countyLake countyLaPorte countyLawrence countyMadison countyMarion countyMarshall CountyMartin countyMiami countyMonroe countyMontgomery countyMorgan countyNewton countyNoble countyOhio countyOrange countyOwen countyParke countyPerry countyPike countyPorter CountyPosey countyPulaski countyPutnam countyRandolph countyRipley countyRush countySt. Joseph countyScott countyShelby countySpencer countyStarke countySteuben countySullivan countySwitzerland countyTipton countyTippecanoe countyUnion countyVanderburgh countyVermillion countyVigo countyWabash countyWarren countyWarrick countyWashington countyWayne countyWells countyWhite countyWhitley county

This series, created to provide e-products (such as GIS coverages) for quick release includes:*

  • maps and digital coverage of unconsolidated and bedrock aquifer systems
  • text describing aquifer thickness, depth, yield, static water levels, and contamination potential
  • table of registered significant ground-water withdrawal facilities
  • GIS shapefiles of pertinent features that are important to ground-water hydrology, such as: karst features, dye tracing routes in karst areas, and coal-mined areas (surface and underground)
  • ultimately will combine to form a single consistent map and GIS coverage of unconsolidated aquifer systems of the state
  • Aquifer Systems Mapping Methods

Click on the counties in the completed column and basin studies program to view unconsolidated and bedrock aquifer systems maps. (Images, additional text, tables, and shapefiles are available for free download.)



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