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Wabash River (above Lafayette)

Aboite Creek Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Beal Taylor Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Bichacoff Drain
(Little Indian Creek)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Big Indian Creek
(Indian Creek)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Bobay Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Brindle Ditch
(Chapman Ditch)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Burnett Creek Elliott Ditch, Burnett Creek
Calf Creek Calf Creek, Cow Creek, McPherren Ditch: Huntington County
Chapman Ditch
(Brindle Ditch)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Cow Creek Calf Creek, Cow Creek, McPherren Ditch: Huntington County
Deer Creek Selected Streams in Miami County
Durnell Ditch Durnell Ditch (Modified Flow): Allen County
Eightmile Creek Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Flaugh Ditch Flaugh Ditch (Modified Flow): Allen County
Geller Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Goose Creek Goose Creek: Logansport & Cass County FIS
Graham McCulloch Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Griffin Ditch Griffin Ditch: Wells County FIS
Honey Creek Selected Streams in Miami County
Indian Creek
(Big Indian Creek)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Johnson Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Lawrence Branch
(UNT Flaugh Ditch @RM 0.75)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Limberlost Creek Adams County & Decatur FIS
Little Indian Creek
(Bichacoff Drain)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Little Pipe Creek
(Trib to Pipe Creek)
Selected Streams in Miami County
Little Pipe Creek
(Trib to Wabash River)
Little Pipe Creek: Peru FIS
Little River Little River
Loblolly Creek Adams County & Decatur FIS
Loon Creek Loon Creek: Huntington County
McPherren Ditch Calf Creek, Cow Creek, McPherren Ditch: Huntington County
Parkview Heights Ditch Parkview Heights Ditch: Peru FIS
Robinson Brindle Ditch
(Robinson Creek)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Robinson Creek
(Robinson Brindle Ditch)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Seegar Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Suter Ditch
(UNT Robinson Creek)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Treaty Creek Treaty Creek: Wabash County
UNT Flaugh Ditch at RM 0.75
(Lawrence Branch)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
UNT Robinson Creek
(Suter Ditch)
Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Wabash River Wabash River (Modified)
Wabash River Wabash River (Natural)
Whitzgall Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County
Woods Ditch Ungauged Streams in Allen County


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