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Climatic Conditions

Sources of Information

Midwest Regional Climate Center (MRCC) Home Page - Midwest Regional Climate Center. Climate Products and Services, including: Midwest Climate Watch and Recent Climate Information such as Precipitation and Temperature departures from normal, Drought Index Maps, Crop Moisture Maps and more.

National Drought Mitigation Center Home Page - National Drought Mitigation Center. This site contains information about drought, including Current Droughts Affecting the United States and Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) maps and current conditions, plus many other drought links.

Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC) - Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC). This site provides a Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) mapping matrix tool for the U.S. climate divisions through the current month. Also click on a map to get a time scale history for a climate division.

U.S. Drought Monitor - National Drought Mitigation Center, National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center, and USDA Joint Agricultural Weather Facility. These sites provide a National Drought Summary and maps that focus on widespread U.S. Drought and Climate Forecasts.

Current Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) Map - Climate Prediction Center, National Weather Service. User may view Current Palmer Drought Severity Index Map by Climate Divisions or choose to view current information by state. Another map is also available that shows Additional Precipitation Needed to Bring Palmer Drought Index to -0.5 inches.


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