- Equitable Services FAQ
- Non-Public Schools Contact List
- FFY2023 Non-Public School Preliminary Allocations
- FFY2022 Non-Public School Preliminary Allocations
- The equitable share preliminary allocations are subject to change throughout the year based on unforeseen circumstances. Non-public schools may close or waive services ultimately changing the proportional allocation for equitable services. These totals reflect submitted, reviewed, or approved applications in the spring.
The state education agency (SEA) must designate an ombudsman to monitor and enforce the requirements related to equitable services provided to non-public school children, teachers, and other educational personnel in non-public schools as outlined in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).[Sec. 1117(a)(3)(B) and Sec.8501(a)(3)(B)].
The ombudsman’s role as a fair and impartial mediator helps to ensure equitable services for non-public school children, teachers, and other educational personnel. Please contact IDOE's Ombudsman at ombudsman@doe.in.gov.
Ombudsman’s Roles and Responsibilities
- Monitors and enforces equitable services requirements under Title I, Part A and programs governed under Title VIII: Title I, Part C; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; and Title IV, Part A & B;
- Monitors consultation between school districts and non-public schools;
- Addresses questions and concerns from non-public school officials and public school administrators regarding the provision of equitable services under Titles I and VIII;
- Serves as the primary point of contact for responding to and resolving any formal complaints regarding equitable services that the SEA receives under its ESEA complaint procedure;
- Provides resources, processes and training for equitable services;
- Works in partnership with the Office of Title Grants and Support to develop monitoring protocols applicable to the provision of equitable services under each program.