Special Notice
All states applying for funds under Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are required to make the application and proposed budget available for public review and comment. The application packet, developed by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), includes a summary of the assurances, certifications, and IDEA use of fund descriptions that the state will use to implement Part B of IDEA. Upon OSEP's approval of Indiana's Part B application, the State will receive a federal grant award under Part B of the IDEA for the period of July 1, 2025, through September 30, 2027.
The application and its components are posted for public review from March 21, 2025, to May 21, 2025. Written comments will be accepted until April 21, 2025, and should be submitted here: Public Comment for Part B
Please note the following when reviewing the application and budget:
- The application is in a format required by OSEP.
- Indiana is providing general assurances to OSEP that the state will be implementing the provisions of state and federal regulations for Part B of IDEA 2004.
- The dollar amounts listed in Section III, Use of Funds, are for State-level Administration and Targeted Initiatives and are not the total cost of special education services in Indiana.
- The dollar amounts in Indiana’s application do not include the allocations for individual school corporations.
Mission Statement
All students, including those with disabilities, are held to high expectations and have equitable access to educational opportunities that enrich their lives and prepare them for future success.
Our goal as educators is to improve outcomes for all students. This can be accomplished through a system that ensures equity and access. Equitable Access is the guarantee that all students are provided the necessary and individualized supplementary aids and services, accommodations, modifications, or supports to meaningfully participate in the general education curriculum. Equitable access must be accompanied by a school-wide acceptance or belief in shared responsibility, shared accountability, and high expectations. According to the Dear Colleague letter on the provision of a Free Appropriate Public Education (November 2015) and the Every Student Succeeds Act (December 2015), improving outcomes also requires a strong core curriculum, high quality instruction, unbiased assessment that guides instruction, and collaboration among administrators, general and special education staff, parents, and the community. Multi-tiered system of support and universal design for learning provide the foundation necessary to reach the overall goal.
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