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Hoosier Workforce Resources

Workforce Resources for Former Students with Disabilities

Hoosier Workforce Resources List, updated annually by December 31st

Vocational Rehabilitation

VR provides quality, individualized services to enhance and support people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain or retain employment.

Department of Workforce Development

Erskine Green Training Institute

Postsecondary training opportunity for individuals with any type of disability. This is for those who have exited high school, but a high school diploma is not required.

MED Works: Medicaid for Employees with Disabilities

Many people are fearful of obtaining a job or receiving a promotion and how the effect of the increased income with effect their benefits. MED Works is an Indiana program designed to allow employees with disabilities to work without fear of losing their Medicaid.

Ticket to Work

This is a free and voluntary program helping Social Security beneficiaries go to work, get a job and become financially independent, all while keeping Medicaid or Medicare benefits.

Indiana Works

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance services are commonly known as “benefits counseling” for individuals who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplement Security Income who are currently employed, re-entering the workforce or are interested in work. The staff have been trained to assist with identifying possible resources and how they will affect their benefits all while trying to meet the person’s employment goals.

Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)

AHEAD is a leader in professional membership association for individuals committed to equity for person with disabilities in higher education.

College Resources for Students with Disabilities

Indiana Institute on Disability and Community

IIDC has multiple resources for every stage of life, including schooling and job resources. offer/lifespan.html#adulthood

Indiana Secondary Transition Resource Center

Helping students with disabilities as they transition from school to adult lives, working and/or post- secondary education.

National Center for College Students with Disabilities

The only federally funded national center in the U.S. for college and graduate students with any type of disability.

National Center on Secondary Education and Transition

NCSET offers technical assistance and information related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities.


Promoting and expanding quality, community employment outcomes of choice for all people with disabilities.


Helps individuals and their family members to organize ideas, visions, goals, problem solving, navigate and advocate for supports in one’s own life.

Pre-Employment Transition Services

Pre-ETS include job exploration counseling, work-based learning experiences, counseling on postsecondary opportunities, workplace readiness training and instruction in self-advocacy.

INSource Annual College Survey College listing.pdf

Work to Include

This coalition is part of the national Employment First movement with the goal to design a system of employment services and supports ensuring competitive integrated employment outcomes for Hoosiers with disabilities.

Independent Living Centers

Promotes the independent living philosophy to empower all people with disabilities. Each center is unique but operates under the same five core services: peer counseling, information and referral, individual and systems advocacy, independent living skills training, transitioning from nursing homes and other institutions in the community, assisting those at risk of entering institutions, and facilitating transition of youth to postsecondary life.

Indiana Family to Family

This organization provides peer support, training and information throughout the state to families raising children and youth with diverse health, mental health, and/or educational needs.

HANDS in autism

This is a statewide training and resource center making an impact in lives of individuals with autism and other special needs along with their families and caregivers.