Project Overview
- To support early child care and learning programs in implementing systems to support business best practices, OECOSL is offered a Child Care Management System (CCMS) program in partnership with SPARK Learning Lab, aimed at giving programs the tools to build financial management systems, and allowing for reduction of administrative paperwork due to automation and adoption of technology. Some of the benefits of a CCMS are improved billing practices, increased communication with families, and streamlined document and information management of records such as attendance, menus, and incident reports.
- To ensure providers have resources, knowledge, and skills to successfully implement a CCMS, SPARK Learning Lab provides technical assistance options, including help desk support, individual and group coaching, and a menu of resources linked to CCMS including technology adoption and implementation of interoperable CCMS data systems to support program business operations and management.

Click here to learn more about the Child Care Management System

Eligibility Criteria
CCMS access is available to support early child care and education programs that meet the eligibility criteria outlined below:
- Regulated licensed, registered, or legally licensed exempt CCDF provider with the State
- In good standing with the State and actively serving children