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Early Child Care and Education Legislative Changes

Expanded Eligibility for Child Care Workers

CCDF and On My Way Pre-K (OMWPK) income eligibility expanded for employees of licensed or regulated child care programs on Sept. 30, 2024, allowing more workers to apply and qualify for child care assistance. This change was a result of Indiana Senate Enrolled Act 2, which passed earlier in 2024.
The income threshold for child care workers to be eligible for assistance will increase to 85% of state median income (SMI) from 150% of the federal poverty level (FPL):

State Median Income (SMI) Chart

FamilySize85% SMI

150% FPL Chart

Family Size150% FPL

*For additional family sizes, please contact your eligibility office.

How to Apply for Expanded Assistance

Newly eligible child care workers must talk with their program administrator/supervisor at the site where they work, who will then make a referral for them through a simple process in I-LEAD.

Note: There is a waitlist in effect for all CCDF and On My Way Pre-K applicants. Completing a referral for a child care employee puts that employee on the waitlist. Child care workers are receiving priority on the waitlist as long as funding permits. Applications are processed and vouchers issued on a first come, first served basis by region. Employees who receive assistance will likely be required to provide a co-payment.

Prepare in Advance

Providers and child care workers can take the following steps to ensure a smooth referral and application process:


  • Ensure your I-LEAD employee roster is up to date and that all employee contact information is correct.
  • Ensure potentially eligible employees have a consent form, updated fingerprints and a completed background check on file. If any of these are in progress, work with employees to complete.
  • After making a referral, you may be able to help your employee collect information required to include with their application:
    • You can fill out the provider information page, which must be included with the employee’s application, in advance.
    • Employees are also required to include, among other documents, a copy of their ID, recent pay stubs and a copy of their child(ren)’s birth certificates if available. If any/all are available to you, you can collect this information and be ready to share when an employee begins their application.

Child Care Workers

  • Use the chart above to determine if you would likely be eligible for child care assistance.
  • Work with your child care program administrator/supervisor to ensure you have a consent form, updated fingerprints and a completed background check on file.
  • When applying for assistance, you will be required to provide:
    • Verification of your identity and of your co-applicant, if applicable
    • Child(ren)’s birth certificate(s) - your program administrator/supervisor may be able to help provide if your child(ren) are enrolled at the program where you work
    • Current paystub – your program administrator/supervisor may be able to help provide this
    • Proof of any other income
    • Provider information page (to be filled out by your program administrator/supervisor)


Frequently Asked Questions: Expanded Eligibility for OMWPK and CCDF for Employees of Licensed Early Child Care Programs

Reduced Minimum Ages for Caregivers in Licensed Child Care Centers

As of July 1, 2024, Senate Enrolled Act 2 introduces new staffing rules for licensed child care centers, expanding opportunities for younger caregivers while ensuring safety and quality in child care programs. Key changes include:

  • 18-Year-Old Caregivers: These individuals can now serve as lead teachers in all classrooms, including those caring for infants and toddlers.
  • 16- and 17-Year-Old Caregivers: These caregivers may now be included in child-to-staff ratios and can work as child caregivers for school-age children (ages 5–15). However, they must always be supervised by a lead caregiver over the age of 18.

Supervision Requirements

  • A lead caregiver (age 18 or older) must supervise 16- and 17-year-old caregivers at all times when they are responsible for school-age children.
  • Supervision requires that the lead caregiver is always present and available to oversee the younger caregiver’s interactions and activities with children. At no time should a 16- or 17-year-old caregiver be left alone with a child.

These changes aim to address workforce needs while maintaining safe, supportive environments for children. Child care centers are encouraged to review the updated guidelines carefully and ensure compliance to uphold quality care standards.


  • Young Caregivers One-Pager
  • Sample Training Plan for Newly Eligible Caregivers
  • Family Communication Toolkit
  • Family FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions: Reduced Minimum Ages for Caregivers in Licensed Child Care Centers

Frequently Asked Questions: Additional Legislative Changes

Frequently asked questions have been provided below related to each additional legislative change.

Streamline Options for K-12 Schools to Participate in On My Way Pre-K

Increase number of unrelated children allowed in unregulated homes, with limits on non-related infants.

Allow a family child care home to become licensed when caring for children for at least 6 hours/day.

Allow contracted support employees at a school to access child care at that school.

Allow Qualified Individuals to Serve as ECE Substitute Teachers

Broader Legislative Changes that will Stand to Impact the Field Long-term

New Micro-Facility Pilot Program

Statewide Compensation Study and Dashboard

New Child Care Subsidy Reporting Requirements for State Agencies

Find Support

Email with any questions that are not addressed in the FAQs. FAQs on this page will continue to be updated as OECOSL receives additional questions.

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