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Provider FAQs

Changing Systems


  • Is Conduent still processing payments? 

    Conduent is no longer OECOSL’s payment vendor. The new payment vendor is Tyler Technologies. Your last payment from Conduent was deposited on July 31, 2024.

  • Who should I call if I do not receive a payment in the new system?

    You must first register with Tyler Technologies, which includes adding bank information, online. You must complete your registration by the Saturday before a payment date for your payment to be calculated and sent to Tyler Technologies. If you change banking information after registration you must do so at least two (2) business days prior to the payment date. If you have done this and still do not see payment, please contact the SPARK help desk at (800) 299-1627.

  • Has bank account information automatically moved from Conduent to the new payment system vendor? 

    No, your bank account information was not transferred. You must register with Tyler Technologies and enter your banking information online – paper forms are no longer be used. You will not be paid until these steps have been completed.

  • Can I still see past payment information in EPPIC? 

    Past payment information is not not available in the new portal. The EPPIC Provider Portal ( will remain online in a read-only mode until early December. You are encouraged to print or screenshot any information you may need from the EPPIC portal prior to it being shut down on December 3, 2024. This info will not be available after that time.

  • How does this change impact my year-end 1099?

    For the 2024 payment year, you will receive two (2) separate 1099 statements for taxes.  One will be from Conduent for the first half of the year and the other will be from Tyler Technologies for the second half of the year. These will be mailed to you.

  • Who should I contact with questions about the amounts reflected on my 1099s? How can I obtain a report of the payments included in these 1099s?

    You are strongly encouraged to download or save payment records from the EPPIC provider portal before it goes offline on December 3, 2024. Contact your Policy Consultant with any questions about the 1099 issued from Conduent.  Your Policy Consultant’s contact information can be found here.

  • Who should I contact about a wrong payment?

    Please email OECOSL at or reach out to your Policy Consultant.  Your Policy Consultant’s contact information can be found here.

  • How can I know which children/vouchers are included in my payments? 

    A breakdown of payment information can be found in the transaction details in the payment vendor portal. Follow this guide for instructions on accessing your payment details.

  • How are my payments calculated?

    You are paid full-time for each child with vouchers enrolled in your program until a child accumulates 40 absences (or 20 consecutive absences) in an enrollment year. If a child attends any part of the day, they should be marked Present.  While there is no minimum number of days or hours children are required to attend, regular attendance should be encouraged.

    Weeks that have any day’s combinations of Present, Absent, Off Days, Paid or Unpaid Closures days will be paid in full.

    Absences should be marked (for planned or unplanned days) that a child normally attends, but did not attend (vacations, sick time, emergencies, etc.) These will count against the child’s 40-day absence total, and you will still get paid.

    Off Days should only be marked when a child is not regularly scheduled to attend (for example, a child who only attends four (4) days a week), or you are not scheduled to be open and operating (for example, if you do not operate on Saturdays and Sundays). Off Days should not be used for planned or unplanned days that a child normally attends and should not be used for full-time students. These will not count against the child’s 40-day absence total, and you will still get paid.

    Weeks with no attendance, and only Paid Closures, will still be paid in full. You will receive 16 Paid Closure Days per calendar year for vacations, sick time, in-service days, inclement weather, emergencies, etc. If you are closed for the whole week, you need to record five (5) Paid Closure Days for that week.

    Weeks with no attendance, and only Unpaid Closures marked, will not be paid.  You should use all 16 paid closures before recording any non-paid closures.
    On My Way Pre-K programs that do not offer full-day care will be paid at a pro-rated rate. Children can still receive a full-time CCDF voucher for the remainder of the day, if applicable.

  • When are attendance submissions due and when will providers be paid?

    Attendance is due every two weeks and must be submitted no later than two weeks after a service period closes. The service periods, submission due dates and payment dates can be found here: 2024 Payment Schedule | 2025 Payment Schedule

  • How do I obtain a copy of a 1099 for a previous year (2023 or before)?

    You can request a copy of a previous year 1099 by contacting Conduent’s 1099 help desk at (866) 528-1127 or by emailing them at

Provider Portal

  • How can I access the new portal?

    Provider administrators can access the new portal by logging in through I-LEAD and selecting “Attendance and Voucher Info.”

  • What can I do in the new portal?

    The new portal allows you to manage absences and off days, to enter and manage paid and non-paid closures, and view voucher and past absence data for the children on your rosters. The portal is also how you will connect to Tyler Technologies, OECOSL’s new payment vendor. You can set up how you would like to submit attendance and absence data (Data Entry Setup) - by using the online portal or using one of the state-preferred CCMS vendors. By default, all providers will be set to enter attendance through the portal when they first start.

  • Who has access to the new provider portal? 

    Providers/program administrators have access to the new portal.

  • If I manage multiple sites, do I need to have a separate portal account for each site? 

    No, you have a single account through I-LEAD that offers access to all sites. After logging in, select the drop-down arrow on each screen to choose the site you want to work on.

  • How do I change between sites when navigating in the portal? 

    Select the drop-down arrow on each screen to choose site you want to work on.

  • Can I submit attendance for all my sites at the same time, or do I have to submit each site separately? 

    You must select and submit each site separately. There is no option to submit all sites at once.

  • Can a provider administrator designate other staff to enter absences or manage payment information?  

    No, only provider administrators will have access to the provider portal to enter absences. Only one person will be able to access or manage banking and payment information in the Tyler Technlogies’ portal.

  • What should I do if there is a child on my roster who no longer attends my program or withdraws?

    Contact your local eligibility office to update your roster, which should always reflect only the children that are still enrolled and attending your program.

  • What do all the codes (P, AB, PC, OD, NP) mean on the grid/child roster? 
    • P is Present. This is the default setting for Monday-Friday. If any child is not present, update this to reflect actual attendance before submitting your attendance record.
    • AB is Absent. You will still get paid for a child’s occasional absence days until that child reaches their 40th absence in an enrollment year.  Vouchers will automatically terminate after the child’s 40th absence.
    • PC is Paid Closure. This is listed as one of the your 16 paid closure days for the calendar year.
    • NP is a Non-Paid Closure. This is listed as any closure over 16 paid closure days per calendar year.  These should be used after all paid closures are exhausted.
    • OD is Off Day. This is for days you do not regularly operate or a child is not regularly scheduled to attend. This is only used for part-time children.  These would not count toward the child’s absence total. Weekends will default to “OD.” If your program is open on weekends and the child attended, change this default to a “P.” If a child was expected to attend on a weekend but did not attend, change the value to “AB” to record an absence for this child
  • Do I need to enter an attendance code for every date and child? 

    The data entry process has been simplified by defaulting values to what is most common for providers. This means Monday-Friday will default to “P” for present, and Saturday and Sunday will default to “OD” for off day. If these values are incorrect for any given child on any given day, you will have to manually change the values to the correct attendance code.

  • When entering attendance into the grid on a day that says ‘PC’ or ‘NP,’ the values cannot be changed. Why?  

    PC and NP are listed as closure days, so attendance cannot be added. If these closure days need to be changed, they must be changed prior to submitting attendance for that pay period. To remove a closure, log in to the provider portal through I-LEAD. On the home page of the provider portal, select the “Closure Days” tile to view, edit or delete closures.

  • Can I submit attendance early? 

    No, attendance can only be submitted after the service period has ended. Service periods always end on Saturdays.

  • If I miss an attendance submission, will I still get paid? 

    If you miss one (1) submission, you will still get paid. All future payments will be held until the missed submission has been completed. You must submit payment weeks in order from oldest to newest. The system will begin sending email reminders five (5) days before a submission is due and will continue sending emails every day until the due date passes or attendance has been submitted.

  • How many absences are children allowed? 

    Children are allowed a total of 40 absences per enrollment year across all providers.

  • How will I know how many absences a child has?

    You and families will receive notices at 10, 20, 30, and 35 days before a child’s vouchers are terminated after 40 days (or 20 consecutive absences). You can also view the absence count by reviewing the vouchers in the provider portal for a specific child.

  • Why might I receive a notice that a child has excessive absences when they have regularly attended my program?

    You will receive notices if the child is missing attendance at any provider. The family should contact the eligibility office to discuss if they have questions.

  • How can I enter closures (paid and non-paid)? 

    All closure dates must be entered in the provider portal before the service period is submitted. Providers need to use all 16 paid closures in a calendar year before using non-paid closures.

  • Can I enter closures that happened in the past? 

    You can enter closures until the service period has been submitted. Closures cannot be added or edited once the pay period is submitted.

  • Can I enter future closures? 

    Yes, you can enter up to 16 paid closure days for the calendar year. Additional closures can be added but will not be paid.

  • How can I view my paid and non-paid closures?  

    Log in to the provider portal through I-LEAD. On the home page of the provider portal, select the “Closure Days” tile to view, edit or delete closures.

  • Can I cancel a closure?

    Closures can be deleted if they did not occur during a service period that has already been submitted. Once a period has been submitted, the closure date can no longer be deleted or changed.

  • How many paid closures am I allowed?

    You have 16 paid closure days (holidays, vacations, sick days, in-service days, inclement weather days) per calendar year.

  • What should I need to do if I submitted attendance, see an error and can’t change the entry?

    Attendance should be carefully checked prior to submission. Once a service period has been submitted, it cannot be unlocked. If you notice an error after submitting, contact your policy consultant to have the data manually updated in the state’s system.

  • Why would my roster show a week grayed out for a specific child? 

    It is possible for a child’s benefits to end on any given Saturday or start on any given Sunday even though the service periods are two weeks in length. If a child’s benefits start or end in the middle of a service period, you will not be able to enter attendance for a week when benefits did not exist.

  • Can I export or print bi-weekly attendance data? 

    Yes. Attendance data can be printed or exported from the ‘absences’ screen in the provider portal.

  • What is the difference between an Off Day (OD) and an Absence (AB)?

    Absent should be used when a child is regularly scheduled to attend but was not in attendance at all on a given date (pre-planned or not) for a child's vacations, sick days, emergencies, etc. Children are allowed up to 40 absence days (or 20 consecutive absences), across all providers        they attend, per enrollment year.  Providers will still be paid for these occasional absences until a child reaches 40 days (or 20 consecutive absences).

    Off Days should be used when the provider does not operate (for example on weekends), or the child is not regularly scheduled to attend on this day.  Off Days DO NOT change from week to week – they must be days the child is never regularly scheduled to attend.  Off Days are paid and do        not count against the child’s excessive absence total.  Full-time children (enrolled 5 days a week) will NEVER have Off Days marked (unless the provider is not regularly operating those days) - days that they miss will always be marked as absences.

CCMS use with Pay by Enrollment

  • Can I submit attendance through my Child Care Management System (CCMS)? 

    If you use one of the state’s preferred CCMS vendors (Alliance CORE powered by Early Learning Ventures, brightwheel and Playground) to track attendance, you will not need to duplicate their attendance entries in the new provider portal. If you choose to, you can record attendance in the CCMS and follow the CCMS specific instructions to submit attendance to the state. Submission IS NOT automatic. You still must take steps in your CCMS to send the date to the state. Learn how to change your submission method in this quick guide. You can only change your submission method for a future service period and it can not be changed for past or current service periods.

  • Can I use both the provider portal and their CCMS to submit attendance? 

    No. If you opt in to submit attendance through a state-preferred CCMS, your portal ‘absence’ screen will become read-only. You can also choose to enter absence data manually in the portal. Learn more in this quick guide.

  • Do I have to use the state paid CCMS subscription to be able to submit attendance using a CCMS?

    No. As long as you are using one of the state preferred CCMS vendors (Alliance CORE powered by Early Learning Ventures, brightwheel, or Playground) you can use your absence data for voucher children to the state using a CCMS. If you are using another CCMS, you need to enter attendance manually in the provider portal.

  • How can I choose which method I want to use to submit attendance?

    The default option for all providers is to submit attendance manually through the portal. If you would like to use one of the state-preferred CCMS vendors to submit attendance, you can set this up in the ‘Data Entry Setup’ tile within the portal. Learn how to set up this automation in this quick guide.

  • If a provider decides to use a CCMS for attendance and later decides to switch back to the portal, how can they make that change? 

    Submission methods can be changed by selecting the ‘Data Entry Setup’ tile within the portal. You may only change your submission method for a future service period. Past or current service periods cannot change their submission method.

  • If I submit attendance through my CCMS, what data will be shared with the state?

    By agreeing to use a state-funded CCMS, you are agreeing to share high-level data including adoption of various modules and log-in frequency. For example, the CCMS vendor may share with the state that you are using the billing module or family communications module, but not the details of your billing or communications such as amounts due, amounts charged, content of the family communications, etc.

    If you are sending attendance data through a preferred state CCMS vendor, the state is only receiving attendance information (i.e., ‘Present, Absence, Off Day) for children with vouchers. You are not required to use your CCMS to send attendance, and if you choose to do so, you must opt in.

    No personal information about your families, children served, or staff is ever shared with the state by the CCMS vendors.
