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To be eligible for this opportunity, applicants must meet the following requirements.

  • Be one of the following:
    • A business or corporation employing 20 or more Indiana-based employees;
    • A group of employers with a total of 20 or more Indiana-based employees; or
    • A 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) community-based non-profit organization (i.e., community foundations, chambers of commerce, United Way agencies, coalitions, etc.) applying on behalf of a group of local employers with a combined total of 20 or more Indiana-based employees.
  • All entities included in the application, including lead applicants and supporting partners, must be located in Indiana and be in good standing with the Indiana Secretary of State Office.

Child care operators are not eligible to apply for this opportunity but will benefit indirectly from investments made through this program. Employers and non-profit organizations may only apply once and, even if not the lead applicant, cannot be represented across multiple applications.

In addition to these eligibility requirements, applicants who apply and receive awards must agree to implement project plans within the grant period (within 12 months of receiving funds), must contribute a minimum 10% share of the total project cost and sustain the program after the grant period.