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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Post-Award Considerations


Grant Agreements


  • 1. What are the reporting requirements and process?

    Quarterly reporting will be required and will take place within the Grant Portal (where the application was completed). You will receive notification when the Portal is ready for you to submit reports, where you will indicate how much of the funds were spent within the reporting timeframe. See the instructions and guides for accessing the portal, filling out a quarterly report and all reporting periods under Reporting Resources on the webpage.

  • 2. Can a new user be added to the grant portal to have access to the reporting feature?

    If you do not have access to the grant applicant login, submit the following information to and it will be added to the portal.

    Subject Line: Grant Portal Access Change – [Name of the entity]

    1. The name of the organization you wish to have access to.
    2. The name and email address of anyone your organization wants added to the account.
    3. The name and email of the applicant who applied for the grant and currently has access to the account.
      • Does this person need to be removed from accessing the portal account?
  • 3. What is the login URL for the Grant portal?

    Access the grant portal here or you can copy and paste the URL into your internet browser here:

  • 4. What is a Grantee Contribution vs Grant Expenditure?

    Grantee Contributions are monetary or in-kind donations. Contributions must be a minimum of 10% of the grant funding awarded. Grant Expenditures are expenses accrued that can be submitted for cost-reimbursement from the state up to the amount of grant funds awarded. All expenditures must have receipts submitted as supporting documentation to claim the amount for cost-reimbursement.

  • 5. Which claims forms need to be attached to the Quarterly Report?

    Any claim submitted with an invoice date that falls during that reporting quarter needs to be uploaded in the quarterly report. A description of what expenses that claims form covered is required for each uploaded form as well.

  • 6. Will receipts ever be required to show how the Implementation Compensation (advanced funds) was spent?

    At the end of the grant term, in the grant portal, you will be required to submit receipts showing how the advanced funds were used. These receipts should align with the submitted Implementation Plan used as supporting documentation to claim the advanced funds. Grantees must ensure receipts for expenses that have already been claimed for reimbursement are not submitted as expenses covered by the implementation compensation at the end of the grant term. Additional instructions and guides will be uploaded to the webpage under Quarterly Reporting Resources.