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Indiana All Hazards


A disaster can be large or small. It can occur with or without warning. The type of disaster influences the duration and severity of psychological distress experienced by individuals

and communities and the type of response needed. This distress is a normal reaction to an abnormal or unusual situation. For various reasons, some people in Indiana may be

more vulnerable or at risk for experiencing distress as a result of disaster. A diverse pool of mental health professionals and community responders must be prepared and poised

to act in a coordinated manner to adequately address the psychological and/or social needs of people impacted by disaster.

Residents of Indiana, including sworn emergency responders face the threat of emergencies and disasters. Recognizing this threat, government at all levels has a continuing

responsibility for the health, safety and general welfare of Hoosiers that includes the mental health and addiction needs as well as the psychosocial impacts following an emergency

or disaster.


"The mission of the Mental Health and Addiction’s Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response is to coordinate all mental health and addiction activities prior to, during, and

after an emergency or disaster, including acts of terrorism, to ensure the continuity of operations of mental health and addiction agencies."

About this site

  • This website is designed to be THE place for the 10 Indiana district Disaster Mental Health Response teams to share information
  • This site also contains a district wide calendar of events and training opportunities

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