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Indiana Food Protection Division

Recalls and Advisories

How to Start a Retail Food Business

Food Protection Manager Certification

Report a Food Safety Complaint

Temporary Event Registration

Our Mission

At the Indiana Department of Health (IDOH) Food Protection Division (FPD), our mission is to ensure a safe food supply throughout the State of Indiana. We achieve this by developing regulations, conducting inspections, investigating foodborne illness complaints, and responding to other food emergency incidents. We are also committed to educate both the industry and the public about safe food production practices and risk mitigation. By safeguarding the health of Hoosiers, the Division plays a vital role in preventing food related injury in the State of Indiana.

Our Programs

The FPD consists of four main programs:

  1. Food Emergency Response:
    • Plays a vital role in responding to multi-state foodborne illness outbreaks and nationwide recalls.
  2. Produce Safety Program:
    • Oversees the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of Indiana fruits and vegetables.
  3. Retail Safety Program:
    • Conducts inspections of retail food establishments located on state property.
    • Supports Indiana’s 95 local health departments (LHDs) by providing resources and training for retail food inspections.
  4. Wholesale Manufactured Food Program:
    • Ensures the safe storage, production, and distribution of manufactured food products within the state and nationwide.