All QMA Program Directors (PD) must complete a train-the-trainer course. Train-the-Trainer courses are provided by:
- IU – School of Nursing Indianapolis
- Healthcare Education Consultants, Janet Terrill, RN and Nancy Adams, RN
- Ivy Tech Community College
Train the Trainer
Questions related to Train the Trainer can be sent to
Any questions can be sent to
Approval to Conduct a Qualified Medication Aide Training Program
The IDOH must approve all programs prior to conducting qualified medication aide training. The initial approval process requires the submission of an application and additional documentation. The IDOH reviews this information and grants approval. No qualified medication aide training can be done until approval is obtained.
Entities that can apply for approval:
- Licensed long term care facility,
- vocational, career or academic institute, or
- independent / corporate companies
Information to be submitted to
- Completed Application for Approval to Operate a QMAT
- List of items that will be included in each student file
- Copy of the classroom time record for each student
- Signed and dated supply list indicating all supplies are available – see forms
- Email / letter indicating the IDOH QMA curriculum will be followed or programs specific lesson plans
- Copy of Practicum sites agreement – sample (NOTE: All QMA training sites MUST have practicum site approval for every clinical site used by students)
- Picture of current drug book that will be given to each student to keep
- Pictures of classroom (2-3) and Medication cart with medications (2-3)
- Pre-admission math/reading assessment/test