Water fluoridation is a public health measure that adjusts fluoride levels in community water to prevent tooth decay. It benefits dental health across populations, especially for those lacking regular dental access. Water fluoridation is not only safe but also essential for preventing tooth decay and cavities.
- Did you know?
- Fluoride occurs naturally in water, though usually not at a high enough level to protect teeth
- Community water fluoridation is the most cost-effective way to protect oral health and advance health equity
- What is water fluoridation and why is it important?
Water fluoridation is a public health measure that adjusts fluoride levels in community water to prevent tooth decay. It benefits dental health across populations, especially for those lacking regular dental access.
- Why is fluoride important for children?
Fluoride plays a vital role in preventing tooth decay and strengthening their teeth. From drinking water to toothpaste and dental treatments, fluoride is readily available to support children’s oral hygiene. Learn more about the benefits and safety of fluoride for children's dental health.
- How do you know if my water is fluoridated?
My Water's Fluoride (MWF) allows consumers to learn about the fluoride level in their drinking water.
Additional Resources
- Learn about the natural presence of fluoride, how fluoride prevents tooth decay, the history of water fluoridation, and more at the Indiana Department of Health's Fluoride and Water Fluoridation Information page.
- The American Fluoridation Society provides information on properly fluoridated water, showing how fluoride keeps smiles bright.
- Discover the benefits of fluoride in tap water through the informative video, The Benefits of Fluoride in Tapwater. Learn why over 100 national and international organizations endorse community water fluoridation as a vital public health measure for preventing dental decay.
- 'Fluoridation Facts' is an e-book endorsed by leading dental and public health organizations. This book addresses common misconceptions about community water fluoridation and is backed by the latest scientific research.
- The Campaign for Dental Health debunks myths and presents facts to help you navigate through the conversation about water fluoridation.
- The Journalist’s Resource provides answers to common questions about fluoride in drinking water.
- Public Health Communications explains what fluoride is and why it matters.