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Contact and Information

Our Vision

An Indiana where all are free from tobacco addiction and exposure to commercial tobacco products.*

Our Mission

Indiana Tobacco Prevention and Cessation seeks to achieve health equity by eliminating the disease and economic burden associated with tobacco addiction and exposure to commercial tobacco products.

Our Values

We recognize that all Hoosiers are affected differently across racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups, and these disparities must be addressed.

The work of Indiana’s network of partners in Tobacco Prevention and Cessation is grounded in science as supported by the following values:

  • Transparency – We are committed to honest and open communication.
  • Diversity and Inclusion – We embrace the uniqueness of each person, seek fairness and justice for all, and welcome multiple perspectives in our work.
  • Partnership and Collaboration – We can only accomplish our goals through strong partnerships and collaborative strategies.
  • Empathy – We have compassion for those suffering from tobacco addiction and exposure to commercial tobacco products.

As a program within the Indiana Department of Health, Indiana’s tobacco control plan adheres to the values of the agency:

  • Health Equity – We place equity at the center of our work to ensure every Hoosier, regardless of individual characteristics historically linked to discrimination or exclusion, has access to social and physical supports needed to promote health from birth through end of life.
  • Communication – We provide stakeholders and the public accurate and up-to-date scientific data and provide education.
  • Innovation – We continue to learn, research evidence-informed practices, advance our services, and be open to new methods, ideas, and products that help build and expand upon the services we provide.
  • Integrity – We are honest, trustworthy, and transparent. We uphold our standards and do the right things to achieve the best public health and safety outcomes.

2025 Priority Areas

  1. Decrease tobacco use rates among Indiana youth and young adults
  2. Increase the proportion of Hoosiers not exposed to secondhand smoke
  3. Decrease Indiana adult smoking rates
  4. Maintain state and local infrastructure necessary to achieve health equity by eliminating tobacco addiction and exposure to commercial tobacco products.
2025 Tobacco Control Strategic Plan

*Commercial tobacco is manufactured by companies for recreational and habitual use in cigarettes, e-cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, pipe tobacco, cigars, hookahs, and other products.


Main Line (317) 234-1787

Miranda Spitznagle
(317) 234-1780

Andrew Derry
Director of Community Programs
(317) 234-1866

Katelin Rupp
Director of Program Evaluation
(317) 234-1783

Natalie Rivich
Director of Health Systems Change and Cessation Services
(317) 234-1784

Holly Simpson
Quitline Director
(317) 509-9676

Shirley Dubois
Regional Program Director - Northern Indiana
(317) 509-9678

Diana Ford
Regional Program Director - Central Indiana
(317) 358-3438

Sally Petty
Regional Program Director - Southern Indiana
(317) 509-9680

Melina Rivera
Youth Program Manager

Stacy London
Statewide VOICE Coordinator

Brandy Paul
Tobacco Epidemiologist
(317) 233-7111

Renee Gholson
Training and Engagement Manager
(317) 473-3270

Christine Coverstone
Communications Coordinator
(317) 234-1778

Becky Haywood
Administrative Assistant
(317) 234-1784