MLK Days of Service 2022
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, “what are you doing for others?”. This year, the Indiana Civil Rights Commission has been guided by the late Dr. King’s passion for service.
The Indiana Civil Rights Commission, the MLK Holiday Commission, and Indiana Black Expo, Inc. are excited to host their Annual Day of Service once again, but this year with a bonus. There will be two days of service! To coincide with Governor Eric J. Holcomb’s Executive Order that increased State employees’ community service leave to two days, we are eager to use this opportunity to spend more time in our communities.
On September 13 and 14 from 10 AM to 2 PM, ICRC will host its days of service along MLK Blvd in the Northwest Neighborhood in Indianapolis, IN. ICRC has collaborated with members of the community, the Northwest Landing Association, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful Inc., and the City of Indianapolis to identify a variety of beautification projects in order to improve the neighborhood’s quality of life.
Volunteer Check-In begins at 9 AM each day at the Watkins Park Family Center. Light breakfast refreshments will be served from 9 AM to 10 AM. A boxed lunch will be served in the afternoon.
We would love for you and your organizations to join us in honoring Dr. King’s legacy.