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The State of Indiana Holocaust Observance 2022

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  • Current: The State of Indiana Holocaust Observance 2022


The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Commission, the Indiana Civil Rights Commission, and the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council will be hosting the 24th Annual State of Indiana Holocaust Remembrance Program on Thursday, November 10, 2022 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 PM at the Indiana Statehouse North Atrium.

November 9-10 is the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass. On this day in 1938, Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools, and businesses, and killed approximately 100 Jews. The program will honor those who perished in the Holocaust and commemorate the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

This year’s program is centered around honoring and remembering the women from the Holocaust who showed resilience, bravery, and courage. We invite all to attend the program and join us in remembering these women and all people who were victims of the Holocaust.

There will be remarks given from state leaders and members of the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council. There will be awards given to community leaders and organizations who have shown a commitment to sharing teachings of the Holocaust in order to inspire others to stand up against hate and bigotry. Awards will also be given to students who have participated in the Hoosier Student Artistic Expressions Contest in which students created pieces of art in response to a quote about the Holocaust. The program will end with a commemorative candle lighting ceremony, musical arrangements, and prayer.

Click here for event registration!

Watch the  24th Annual State of Indiana Holocaust Remembrance Program LIVE here.

Holocaust 2022

Holocaust Remembrance Awards

The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Indiana Holiday Commission, the Indiana Civil Rights Commission, and the Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council will be awarding Hoosiers and Indiana Organizations who have shown a commitment to promoting Holocaust Education so that such atrocities will never be repeated.

Nominate a fellow Hoosier or Organization for one of the awards below:

Never Again Ambassador Award

The Never Again Ambassador Award is for an individual or organization that has shown a commitment to Holocaust education and creates meaningful spaces for both the memories and lessons of the Holocaust to never be forgotten so that such atrocities never again happen.

Hoosier Upstander Award

The Hoosier Upstander Award is presented to an individual or organization that has shown a commitment to using the lessons of the Holocaust to inspire Hoosiers to stand up in the fight against hate and bigotry by actively promoting respect and understanding.

Nominations are now closed.

The winner(s) will be notified by email no later than October 26, 2022.

Holocaust Remembrance Hoosier Student Creative Expressions Contest2022StateofIndiana

The Indiana Civil Rights Commission is once again partnering with the Jewish Community Relations Council of Indianapolis and the MLK Holiday Commission to host Holocaust Remembrance Hoosier Student Artistic Expression Contest

This year, we are inviting middle and high school students from across the state of Indiana to submit an original piece of art or writing to be considered for inclusion in the 2022 State of Indiana Holocaust Remembrance program, marketing materials, and to be displayed at the Eugene and Indiana State Museum.

This year’s theme is “Women of Valor,” based on the Eshet Chayil poem in the Torah. This year’s program will highlight the bravery, sacrifices, and resilience of Jewish and non-Jewish women during the Holocaust. Students can consider the following quote from a 21st-century interpretation of the Eshet Chayil as a prompt to inspire their artistic creation: “She rises, exhausted. She rises, in joy. She rises, trembling. She rises, fearless. She rises, bruised. She rises, alone. She rises, lonely. She rises.”

Two winners will be selected. One winner will come from the 6-8 Grade Category and one from the 9-12 Grade Category.  All winners will have their art displayed at the Indiana State Museum during the month of November and their art will be used in the 2022 State of Indiana Holocaust Remembrance program booklet

Art Submission Guidelines

Students creating a piece of artwork should be made aware that certain images associated with the Holocaust, such as Nazi symbols, barbed wire, and images from the death camps, carry potent and brutal racist connotations. Students are advised to use such imagery judiciously and thoughtfully, if at all, in their compositions.

For creative expressions to be considered, all the following must be adhered to:

  • Only one entry per individual.
  • All artwork or written creative expressions must be original. Any plagiarism will immediately disqualify the student from the competition.
  • All entries must be submitted electronically, and the online form (below) must be completed in full.
  • Entries should be titled and include the student’s name.
  • Artworks must be 2-D and no larger than 20"x 24". Photos of the original artwork can be uploaded on the submission form if scanning the artwork is not possible.
  • Research materials and sources should be cited.
  • Entries should be titled.
  • All entries will be judged on composition, form, and content.
  • Entries due by September 30, 2022 at 11:59 PM

Nominations are now closed.

The winner(s) will be notified by email no later than October 26, 2022. All entrants will receive a certificate honoring their participation. Winning artwork will be published in the 2022 State of Indiana Holocaust Remembrance program and used marketing materials