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Manure Management

IDEM’s Guidance Manual for Indiana’s Confined Feeding Program (see Laws and Rules) explains key requirements for manure management at confined feeding operations (CFOs) and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs). Below are some manure-related topics that have generated interest.


Emergency Provisions for Storm Damage

The Indiana Department of the Environmental Management’s (IDEM’s) Confined Feeding Operations (CFO) Program has recently released provisions that are intended to assist livestock operations that face building damages from severe weather.  Regulated farms with limited alternatives may now consider overstocking barns to protect animals from further stress.  This letter provides further information that may assist farms that may be facing issues from damaged barns that have animals that need to be removed.

In April 2021, IDEM revised State Form 55053, titled Professional Engineer Certification, Construction of Concrete Liquid Manure Storage Structures. The revised form is available on the IDEM Forms page and should be used for all new CFO applications, as applicable.

Wet Weather Concerns - Spring 2023

The Indiana Department of the Environmental Management's (IDEM's) Confined Feeding Operations (CFO) Program recognizes the frequent and widespread precipitation across the Midwest during Spring 2022 which has left many of the state's regulated farms with limited options for storage and land application of manure. This letter provides further information to assist farms that may be facing issues with limited manure storage or land application of manure.

Placing Solid Manure Piles in Fields

The Confined Feeding Operation Rule, 327 Indiana Administrative Code 19 [PDF], regulates the staging of solid manure – which in Indiana is usually poultry manure – in crop or pasture fields if the manure comes strictly from a regulated CFO or CAFO. If a regulated CFO or CAFO sells their manure, or the manure comes from non-regulated, unknown, or multiple sources, it would be regulated under the Fertilizer Rule, 355 Indiana Administrative Code 8 [PDF], administered by the Office of Indiana State Chemist (OISC).

Under either of these rules, if the manure is left for more than 72 hours, it must be bermed or covered. Bermed or covered staged manure must be land applied within 90 days. The staged manure must meet setbacks as defined in the rules. Solid manure may not be staged in standing water, floodways, or waterways.

Application of Manure to Frozen or Snow-Covered Ground

Small CFOs with 120 days or less storage may apply for frozen ground or snow-covered ground spreading of manure under 327 Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) 19-14-4(i). These applications are considered on a case-by-case basis for approval through an alternate compliance approach under 327 IAC 19-5-1. CAFO sized operations are not eligible to apply for the IDEM commissioner’s approval because of the explicit prohibition under 327 IAC 19-14-4(e). The only option for CAFO farmers who feel that they need an approval to surface apply to frozen or snow-covered ground is to apply for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System CAFO Individual Permit under 327 IAC 15-16.

When soils meet frozen or snow-covered ground conditions, injection or incorporation of manure into the soil on the same day is not considered surface application and is not prohibited.

Farm operators who have an emergency that creates an immediate need to surface apply manure to frozen or snow-covered ground due to unforeseen circumstances beyond their control should contact their CFO Compliance Inspector for assistance prior to application.