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Regulatory Services Portal


Welcome to the Regulatory Services Portal (RSP). RSP provides a web portal for the regulated community to electronically interface with IDEM. This portal allows the public to complete a wide variety of services that reduce potential data entry errors while increasing efficiency.

About RSP

The Regulatory Services Portal is a secure Web services portal that allows IDEM customers to use these services to submit data and information as required by law, permit or regulatory requirement. The functionality of these services can range from permit application submission to online certification programs. IDEM will be frequently updating the site to add additional features and services to allow more submissions for various agency requirements.

RSP Users

RSP can be used by anyone required to submit data to the agency for one of the services provided. A service must be available in order to submit data. Several new services will be activated during the next year. Check back frequently to see if a service you need has been activated.

Using RSP

When you first enter the RSP site, you will be required to set up your account via the IDEM eAuthentication page. There is no charge for setting up this account. After setting up the account, you will then be able to select the types of forms, applications and data you will be submitting to IDEM through the RSP. This will give you access to the various available services.

Some services require the creation of an Indiana Electronic Subscriber’s Agreement (IESA) which is a physical document that must be completed and mailed to IDEM to establish credentials for an e-signature.

Instructions for completing the data-input requirements for each of the services are included on each screen. Additional assistance or information may be found using the "Help" links located in the upper right corner of each screen.

Services Available

RSP currently has two services available:

  • Services Requiring Creating An Indiana Electronic Subscriber’s Agreement (IESA):
    • Industrial Storm Water Discharges
  • Services Not Requiring An Indiana Electronic Subscriber’s Agreement (IESA):
    • Underground Storage Tank Operator Training

Many more IDEM services will be made available via the RSP over time.

For additional instructions on using the available services, visit the links below or use the "Help" links located in the upper right corner of each screen.

If you need assistance or have questions about the RSP, please contact us at (800) 451-6027 or via e-mail at To find more information about additional e-services available to enhance your myIDEM experience, visit the new e-Services page.