Coming later in 2025, a new way to report sanitary sewer overflows through an online portal. Training and more information to be released by the end of 2025.
Compliance evaluation for wastewater is responsible for receiving and logging bypass/overflow reports, administering the sewer ban program, and evaluating the compliance of wastewater treatment facilities with their NPDES permits, addressing instances of non-compliance, certification of wastewater facility operators and continuing education for operators.
For more information, contact the Office of Water Quality: (317) 605-6489.
Operator Assistance
The Operator Assistance Group within Wastewater Compliance provides operation and laboratory technical assistance to wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) operators and facilities. The objective of the 104-g-1 Technical Assistance Program is to assist small community wastewater treatment plants (less than 5.0 MGD) with NPDES compliance.
Our technical staff provides on-site, hands-on assistance in the proper operation of wastewater plants. Also, the technical staff provides management assistance and promotes the involvement of community elected officials in the operation of wastewater treatment plants. Please contact Aaron Deeter, or (317) 691-1915.
Laboratory Assistance
Laboratory technical assistance with NPDES approved test methods or other laboratory issues is available. Please contact Becky Ruark, or (317) 691-1909.
The DMRQA Laboratory Quality Assurance Program is administered by the Office of Water Quality Compliance Branch. All major dischargers must participate annually in a DMRQA study. Minor dischargers must participate on a three-year rotating schedule. Information is distributed by U.S. EPA each year in January or February. Questions about DMRQA should be directed to Maggie Kroeger, or (317) 619-3639.
The rotating schedule for minors is:
- 2025
- Industrial NPDES (including some water treatment plants (WTPs)) Permit holders
- Industrial Pretreatment Permit holders.
- 2026
- Municipal WWTPs
- Municipal WTPs with an NPDES discharge
- 2027
- Semi-publics (such as schools, campgrounds, and mobile home parks)
- State and federal facilities (including rest areas and state parks)
- Indiana QA/QC Manual for Wastewater Laboratories [PDF]
- Benchsheets:
- Ammonia-N
- Ammonia/Phosphorus TNT Method [PDF], Ammonia/Phosphorus TNT Method [DOC]
- Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
- Chain of Custody and Preservation Record [PDF], Chain of Custody and Preservation Record [DOC]
- Chlorine:
- DO Meter
- E coli:
- Flow Proportioning:
- Mercury Rolling Average
- Mixed Liquor Data [PDF], Mixed Liquor Data [DOC]
- pH:
- Spectrophotometric Analysis [PDF], Spectrophotometric Analysis [DOC]
- Temperatures:
- Total Nitrogen:
- Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
- Benchsheets:
- Instructions for the Precision Control Charts [DOC]
- Instructions for Submitting Reports [PDF]
- Precision Control Charts [XLS]
- Instructions for the Accuracy Control Charts [DOC]
- QC Standard Chart [XLS]
- Matrix Spike Chart [XLS]
- Total Toxic Organics (TTO)
NPDES Permit Program Reporting Forms
Wastewater Certification
- Wastewater Certification and Continuing Education
- Notice of Change of Operator [PDF]
- List of Contract Operators - Updated, 3/13/25
The wastewater certified operators included on the above list have active licenses in their respective class as of the time of original posting. The operators listed are not a recommendation or endorsement of IDEM. You should investigate these operators similar to any other service that you would deal with and ensure that the certification license is current and valid. If you would like to be included on this list in the future, please contact, Kim Rohr,