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For assistance with water-related topics, please contact:

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality
100 North Senate Avenue, 12th Floor
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Program-specific Contacts

Drinking Water

Drinking Water Field Inspectors

The Inspection Section ensures that public water supplies (PWSs) are operated and maintained so that they produce safe water and meet the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The section staff perform routine inspections at all PWSs. These inspections include a review of the source, treatment, distribution system, storage, monitoring programs, operator certification, and the overall management and operation of the PWS. If deficiencies are found, corrective actions are required, and staff follow up to check compliance. If a PWS detects a contaminant in their water, IDEM staff provide technical assistance to help correct the problem. Inspectors also assist water systems comply with the location and construction of a new well.

Need help with proper collection of Total Coliform (Bacteriological) sample(s)? Click here for a video tutorial.

Drinking Water Field Inspection Staff Map
Drinking Water Field Inspection Staff Map
Indianapolis Central Office Staff
Northern Regional Office Staff
Boil Water Advisories and Discolored Water Events
Boil Water Advisories and Discolored Water Events
Northwest Regional Office
Southeast Regional Office
Southwest Regional Office


Wastewater Permit Program

Wastewater Field Inspectors

Wastewater inspectors assure facility compliance with NPDES permit and Clean Water Act requirements. They assist operators with proper maintenance and operation techniques. They also respond to citizen complaints of water pollution and investigate those complaints to determine their validity and cause.

Wastewater Field Inspection
OWQ Wastewater Inspector Areas
Indianapolis Central Office Staff
Northern Regional Office Staff
Northwest Regional Office Staff
Southeast Regional Office Staff
Southwest Regional Office Staff

Wastewater Operator Certification Program

General IDEM Information

 Top FAQs