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File an Environmental Complaint

  • IDEM
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  • Current: File an Environmental Complaint

IDEM Complaint Coordinator

The Complaint Coordinator is IDEM’s central point of contact for complaints about polluting activities. IDEM's goal is to respond to a complaint within 30 days and to address each complaint within 90 days.

Please read all the information below to ensure your complaint is within IDEM’s authority and is handled properly. Many common issues are under the authority of local, city, and/or county governments.

IDEM can only process complaints for issues it has the legal authority to address.

What issues can IDEM address?

IDEM has the authority to address complaints about a variety of environmental concerns and to ensure compliance with the air, land, and water permits issued by the agency. Inspectors also investigate complaints or concerns about:

  • Open burning of trash or other materials
  • Asbestos removal
  • Fugitive dust
  • Proper use of outdoor hydronic heaters
  • Open dumping of trash or other debris
  • Manure handling and storage by regulated farms
  • Handling and storage of hazardous wastes
  • Problems with drinking water systems and wastewater system
  • Stormwater run-off from active construction sites
  • Discharges of pollutants from industrial facilities with a wastewater or stormwater permit
  • Activities in wetlands and streams that includes the placement of fill material into the wetland or the stream

Complaints regarding drinking water or wastewater should be reported your local utility before contacting IDEM.

What kinds of activities are not handled by IDEM?

  • IDEM does not handle indoor air quality complaints (e.g., mold or lead-based paint removal), complaints about residential septic systems, mosquito or other rodent infestations, or conditions of retail food establishments. You should contact your local health department or the Indiana State Department of Health for those issues.
  • Complaints regarding local trash pickup or the condition of yards or city parks should be referred to the local municipality.
  • Issues regarding stormwater quantity, including flooding, drainage, or excessive run-off are typically addressed under local ordinances and building codes and should be directed to your local municipal or county government first.
  • IDEM does not regulate the use of pesticides or fertilizers. Contact the Office of Indiana State Chemist for more information.
  • IDEM does not regulate workplace safety. Please contact the Indiana Department of Labor to file a complaint.
  • Many complaints IDEM receives for issues in Indianapolis/Marion County are handled locally. Please refer to the Mayor’s Action Center website before contacting IDEM.
  • IDEM will make every effort to understand a complaint and forward a complaint outside our authority to the appropriate agency whenever possible. Complaints received by IDEM regarding federal civil rights claims will be forwarded to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s External Civil Rights Compliance Office (ECRCO). Complaints based on Indiana state civil rights laws can be filed with the Indiana Civil Rights Commission.

What Information should I have available?

The following information will be helpful to IDEM when you are filing a complaint or notifying the agency of a violation:

  • Name(s) of suspected violator.
  • A detailed description of the activity you observed.
  • Location of the activity (such as a physical address, driving directions, or the name of a location, like a stream or a creek, the suspected violation took place).
  • Date(s) you observed the activity; and
  • If the activity is ongoing.

Can I remain anonymous?

Any information you submit to IDEM can become part of the public record and is subject to public records laws. When filing a complaint, you do not have to provide personal information (such as name and phone number). However, providing personal information enables IDEM to contact you for further information that may be needed to investigate your complaint or concern and will allow us to keep you updated on the progress of the complaint investigation. Individuals who call for information on an investigation may remain anonymous.

Some agencies and local government entities do not accept anonymous complaints. IDEM may be unable to forward a complaint to the appropriate agency without your contact information.

What are IDEM's Non-Discrimination Policy and Procedures?

Visit the following page for information on IDEM’s Non-discrimination policy and procedures.

How do I file a complaint?

You can file a complaint with IDEM by:

  1. Submitting a complaint online
  2. Call the Complaint Coordinator at (800) 451-6027 Option 3
  3. Mailing a completed Complaint Submission Form (available on the IDEM Agency Forms page)

How do I check the status of a complaint?

To check on the status of an anonymous complaint, individuals should call the IDEM Complaint Coordinator at (800) 451-6027, Option 3.

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