The documents in this section are examples which will allow you to see what the document might look like before crafting it. Remember that every regional district is different; therefore, documents vary because the districts vary. Please remember these documents are examples and should be used as guides. All of these documents require the latest version of Adobe Reader, unless specified.
- Example Regional Water/Sewer/Solid Waste District Petition [PDF] [DOC]
- Interlocal Agreement Manual [PDF]:
- Discusses the process of making inter-local agreements, the positives and negatives of them, Indiana statute as it relates, negotiations, and gives models and examples. Please note before reading this text describes inter-local agreements for many types of municipalities and forms of government, not just districts.
- Press Release for a Rate Ordinance Changing the Rate [PDF].
- Steps to Adopting a Rate Ordinance Revision [PDF].
- Notice of a Rate Hearing [PDF].
- Guide to Conducting a Meeting [PDF]:
- Useful in planning board meetings.
- Conflict of Interest [PDF]:
- There is a legal conflict of interest statement, required by the State Board of Accounts. It is also helpful to have someone list every organization with which they are involved for example, where they are board members, their children attend school, etc. If there is a listed conflict of interest, then the board members may excuse themselves from voting or discussion. This is also explained in the board section.
- Protocol for On-site Sewage System Abandonment [PDF].
- Lateral and Sewer Extension Ordinance [PDF].
- An Ordinance to Establish and Regulate a Regional Sewer District [PDF].
- An Ordinance to Establish Rates and Charges [PDF].