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Aboveground Storage Tank Regulations

AST Reporting Requirements

Information required from AST owners and operators by statute is through numerous state and federal regulations. As requested during the 2015 legislative session (in response to a requirement of then SEA 312) IDEM provided the legislature with a Report of Aboveground Storage Tank Rules and Regulations Pursuant to SEA 312. The Report assists in identifying the universe of various state and federal reporting requirements for AST owners and operators.

Secondary Containment Rule

IDEM established secondary containment requirements under the Secondary Containment Rule, 327 IAC 2-10, in effect since June 27, 1999. This rule requires secondary containment and a spill response plan for liquid hazardous materials in ASTs, storage areas and transfer areas. New facilities must provide secondary containment unless there is: less than 660 gallons at a facility that is not in a delineated wellhead protection area as approved by IDEM under 327 IAC 8-4.1; or less than 275 gallons at a facility that has been notified in writing by a water utility that it is in a delineated wellhead protection area as approved under 327 IAC 8-4.1.

This rule applies to AST systems that were constructed after the effective date of the rule (June 27, 1999). An AST system, storage area, or transfer area constructed before this date must be brought into compliance with this rule when it is moved or relocated.

Indiana companies that store chemicals in ASTs have been asked to verify they are compliant with 327 IAC 2-10. Chemicals of concern would be materials reported in the SARA Chemical Inventory Report (Tier II) or chemicals on the U.S. EPA Hazardous Substances list (40 CFR 302.4) and chemicals on the U.S. EPA Extremely Hazardous Substances list (40 CFR 355).

If there is a release or suspected release from AST systems containing flammable or combustible liquids or heating oil (if greater than 1,000 gallon capacity), it must be reported to the IDEM Emergency Response Section. The emergency response quick reference sheet [PDF] provides a listing of what information must be included in the spill report regarding 327 IAC 2-6.1-7 (4). For additional information, contact the IDEM Emergency Response Section.