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Green Steps

All it takes is one easy step to go green!

(Note: IDEM no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.)

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management’s (IDEM) voluntary program called GreenSteps can help school officials:

  • increase the quality of students' learning environment;
  • avoid serious and potentially life threatening health concerns;
  • ensure compliance with environmental regulations; and,
  • save money by minimizing waste and increasing efficiency.

The goal is to encourage all Indiana schools to become "green" schools.

The GreenSteps program provides recommendations and tools to reduce potential hazards within the school environment. GreenSteps will help you eliminate or reduce potential environmental health hazards in your school through "greener" cleaning tips and recommendations for building maintenance, playground equipment, heating and ventilation, lighting, pests, classroom health triggers, paint, and pesticides.

Benefits of GreenSteps:

  1. Learn how to reduce or avoid potential health risks.
  2. Enjoy one-stop access to a library of resources designed to help administrators, staff and students learn about environmental issues in their schools.
  3. Save money by minimizing waste and increasing energy efficiency.
  4. Create a favorable learning and teaching environment.
  5. Increase efficiency of operations and use of resources.
  6. Foster student environmental stewardship.
  7. Maintain or increase compliance with environmental regulations.
  8. Help parents and community members better understand a school's environmental status, and
  9. Generate community goodwill.

With the GreenSteps tool kit, you can learn how to reduce or avoid potential environmental risks and involve students and the community along the way. This program can help your school become greener and healthier with little or no cost.

The Indiana GreenSteps Tool kit:

  • Program Guide and Introduction
    • Contains a guidebook, checklists, and other general information about how the "GreenSteps" program will benefit your school and your students. Go ahead -- take that first step!
      • GreenSteps Guide Book [PDF]
      • Program Guide Introduction Booklet (Currently Unavailable)
      • Healthy Classroom Fact Sheet (Currently Unavailable)
      • Healthy Classroom Checklist (Currently Unavailable)
      • Energy Fact Sheet (Currently Unavailable)
  • Assessment Survey [ZIP]
    • The assessment survey is specially designed to help you easily identify your school's unique needs.
  • Transportation and Waste Minimization
    • How much and what types of waste does your school generate? How can you manage transportation to better protect the health of your students? Find answers for improving your students' learning environment and reducing your school's costs for transportation and waste management.
      • Transportation and Waste Minimization Booklet (Currently Unavailable)
        • Transportation Checklist (Currently Unavailable)
        • Transportation Poster (Currently Unavailable)
      • How to Make a Difference at Your School:
      • Vehicle Idling
  • Enviroville
    • Have you heard of Enviroville? Although you will not find it on your state map, it is only a mouse click away and offers a world of information about the environment. As you explore the town’s virtual streets, homes, and businesses, you'll have fun and find useful tips for greening your home, business, and school.
  • Breatheasyville
    • Breatheasyville Info Sheet (Currently Unavailable)
  • Chemical Management
    • Every day you use chemicals at school and on school grounds. Not all chemicals are dangerous, but some are. Good health is important to our families, the students in our schools, and to us. Therefore, you and your co-workers need to know what dangers are associated with the chemicals you use.
      • Chemical Management Tips (5 Mini-posters) (Currently Unavailable)
      • Chemical Management Fact Sheet (Currently Unavailable)
      • Chemical Storage Checklist (Currently Unavailable)
      • Maintenance Closet Checklist (Currently Unavailable)
      • Indiana Mercury Spill Information and Cleanup Guidance for Schools (Currently Unavailable)
      • School Lab Cleanouts
  • Educational Resources
    • Contains a wide variety of educational resources, including inspirational videos about people who are making a difference in their community or school, fun and interesting science lessons, and beneficial environmental projects for classroom and school.

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