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Title 329 - Solid Waste Management Division

Environmental Rules Board (Solid Waste Management Division)
Rule Name, LSA #, and Subject Matter Submit Comments and Questions to * Rule Notices, Actions, and Comment Periods Public Hearings, and Anticipated Adoption and Effective Dates **
Coal Combustion Residuals

Adds a new rule at 329 IAC 10 concerning the establishment of a comprehensive state permitting program for coal combustion residuals (CCRs).
Keelyn Walsh
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Phone: (317) 232-8229
Fax: (317) 233-5970
First Notice of Comment Period
DIN: 20211013-IR-329210458FNA
Comment Period
Second Notice of Comment Period
DIN: 20221221-IR-329210458SNA
Comment Period

Continuation of Second Notice of Comment Period
DIN: 20230118-IR-329210458SCA
Comment Period
A Continuation of Second Notice of Comment Period (Continuation) was published on January 18, 2023, in the Indiana Register (DIN: 20230118-IR-329210458SCA) concerning amendments to rules at 329 IAC 10-3-1, 329 IAC 10-3-4, and 329 IAC 10-9-1, and the addition of a new article at 329 IAC 14, concerning the establishment of a state permitting program for coal combustion residuals (CCR). The Continuation stated that IDEM “is providing an additional sixty (60) days for submission of comments on the rulemaking.” As the previous comment deadline was January 20, 2023, an additional sixty (60) days would establish the new comment deadline as March 21, 2023. However, the Continuation went on to state, “All comments must be postmarked or time stamped not later than March 19, 2023.” (March 19 is sixty (60) days after publication of the Continuation.) IDEM acknowledges the inconsistency and hereby notifies the public that IDEM will consider and respond to comments postmarked or time stamped not later than March 21, 2023.

Continuation of Second Notice of Comment Period - Amendment
DIN: 20240731-IR-329210458SCA
Comment Period

Summary/Response to Comments Coal Combustion Residuals
DIN: 20240731-IR-329210458ONA
Public Hearing: Preliminary Adoption
DIN: 20221221-IR-329210458PHA
To Be Scheduled
DIN: 20230201-IR-329210458CHA 
DIN: 20240731-IR-329210458PHA
DIN: 20241002-IR-329210458CHA
Kaiser Aluminum

This rulemaking updates 329 IAC 3.1-6-8 to change the wastewater treatment operations facility at the Alcoa Corporation Warrick Operations in Newburgh, Indiana, to Kaiser Aluminum Warrick LLC.  Kaiser is also upgrading its wastewater treatment equipment and will be installing an additional filter press for requirements for the facility to reflect this new point of generation.
Keelyn Walsh
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN  46204

Phone: (317) 232-8229
Fax: (317) 233-5970
First Notice of Public Comment Period
DIN: 20240703-IR-329240213FNA
Comment Period

Regulatory Analysis
DIN: 20240703-IR-329240213RAA

Second Notice of Public Comment Period
DIN: 20241002-IR-329240213SNA
Comment Period
10/2/2024 – 11/01/2024 
Public Hearing: Preliminary Adoption
DIN: 20240703-IR-329240213PHA

Public Hearing: Final Adoption
DIN: 20241002-IR-329240213PHA 
Waste Tire Financial Assurance Updates

This rulemaking primarily proposes updates to the waste tire financial assurance requirements at 329 IAC 1505 that will add a corporate financial test option for waste tire storage sites.  The addition of this financial assurance is required by state statute at 13-20-13-11(b)(3).  Other changes include updating the definition of “used tire” to also comply with a statutory change, and conforming changes related to the addition of the corporate financial test.
Daniel Watts
Rules Development Branch
Office of Legal Counsel

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
100 North Senate Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 234-5345
Fax: (317) 233-5970

First Notice of Public Comment Period
DIN:  20240911-IR-329240322FNA
Comment Period

Regulatory Analysis
DIN: 20240911-IR-329240322RAA

Public Hearing: Preliminary Adoption
DIN: 20240911-IR-329240322PHA

Public Hearing: Final Adoption
DIN: 20241225-IR-329240322PHA

* Copies of rules, comments, and the agency's written response to those comments are open for public inspection at the Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Indiana Government Center North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Thirteenth Floor East, Indianapolis, Indiana.

** After a rule is final adopted, IDEM must provide the complete administrative record to the Attorney General’s office in the form of a “promulgation packet.” The Attorney General’s office then has forty-five (45) days to review the rule for form and legality before submitting it to the Governor for signature. The Governor has fifteen (15) days to sign or reject the rule and may request an additional fifteen (15) days if necessary. After signature, the rule is submitted to the Legislative Services Agency for publication in the Indiana Register. Unless specifically stated in the rule, the rule becomes effective thirty (30) days after filing with Legislative Services.

*** These dates are anticipated dates for the action listed. These dates may change during the rulemaking process and will be updated if any changes occur.

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