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Proof of Publication

The Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSGP) was issued on December 18, 2021. The CSGP requires an applicant that is to be permitted under the CSGP to notify the public of the project. The CSGP (Section 3.7) provides several options that may be used to achieve this requirement. These options are outlined below:

  1. Ten (10) calendar days prior to the submittal of the notice of intent (NOI) post a notification at a visible and publicly accessible location at the project site.
    • Note: If this option is used it must also include the date of the posting, signature of the project site owner or representative. The notification must be on an 8.5-inch X 11-inch sheet and remain posted in a legible condition for the duration of the project.
  2. Local, state, and federal agencies may post a notification on their publicly accessible website for a minimum of ten (10) calendar days prior to the submittal of the notice of intent (NOI).
    • Note: If this option is used it must also include the date of the posting. The notification must be legible and maintained as part of the project management log.
  3. If options (1) or (2) are not met, the applicant must publish a notice in a printed or digital newspaper of general circulation in the affected area for at least one day.
    • Note: If this option is used it must also include the date of the posting. The published advertisement and affidavit must be legible and maintained as part of the project management log.

To demonstrate the public has been notified, the options listed above must include specific language. The language must include the following information:

  • Company name or the name of the individual applying for permit coverage. It is also an option to provide the name of another entity that represents the company or individual that is applying for permit coverage.
  • Statement that a Notice of Intent will be filed with to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management with the intent to discharge stormwater from construction activities/land-disturbing activities.
  • Name of the project.
  • Address or a general location of the project.
  • Name of the receiving water(s).
  • Contact information (phone and email) as to where questions may be directed.


  • The address of the project is an option; however, it is also acceptable to identify the site by a legal description (Latitude/Longitude or Section, Township, and Range)
  • Identification (name) of the stream, creek, etc. that will receive run-off from the project site.


  • Notifications are not required to be submitted with the Notice of Intent.
  • Notifications that do not contain the required information will be considered deficient. IDEM will require that a new public notification be completed as required by the CSGP.

Sample Proof of Publication

XERT Development Inc. (10 Willow Lane, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206) is submitting a Notice of Intent to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of Construction Stormwater General Permit to discharge stormwater from construction activities associated with Water Garden Estates located at 24 Washout Lane, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206. Run-off from the project site will discharge to the White River. Please direct questions to Xert Development Inc at XXX-XXX-XXXX or by email at XertBuilds@notgiven...

For more information regarding the CSGP, please contact the IDEM Storm Water Permits program staff.