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Notification to all Storm Water Permit Applicants:

IDEM has modified the internal processing of payments that accompany a permit application. The submittal of all Notice of Intent (NOI) applications for construction site storm water run-off (Rule 5) and industrial storm water run-off (Rule 6) should be sent to the program area. Applications should not be directed or delivered to the Cashiers Office. The applicable NOI forms (Rule 5 (State Form # 47487)) and (Rule 6 (State Form # 51286)) have been modified to reflect these changes. It is important for all applicants to utilize the new forms and mail or hand deliver to the address on the form and as listed below. Failure to follow these procedures may delay processing an application.

Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Office of Water Quality, Storm Water Program
100 North Senate Avenue Room 1255
Indianapolis, IN 46204

The updated forms are available on the IDEM Agency Forms page.