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A proof of publication is required to be included with the NOI submittal. A proof of publication must appear in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the facility is located. The following information must be included in the Public Notice:

  • Facility name and address;
  • Address of the location of the discharging facility (if different);
  • Identification of the stream(s) receiving the discharge(s);
  • Facility representative contact information;
  • A statement that the facility is submitting a Notice of Intent to notify IDEM of its intent to comply with the requirements under 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to industrial activities.

The actual proof of publication from the newspaper is required to be submitted as an attachment to the NOI. If the proof of publication is not available, a legible photocopy of the notice, the name of the newspaper, and the date(s) that the notice appeared is acceptable.

Note: Notices that do not contain the required information will be considered deficient. IDEM will require that a new public notice be placed in the newspaper and submitted to the IDEM.

Sample Proof of Publication

"Xert Industries (with corporate offices at 10 Facility Lane, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206) is submitting an NOI letter for our facility (located at 5 Wet Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46206) to notify the Indiana Department of Environmental Management of our intent to comply with the requirements of 327 IAC 15-6 to discharge storm water exposed to industrial activities. Run-off from the facility will discharge to the White River. Questions or comments should be directed to Walter Water at the above referenced Xert Industries corporate address."

For more information regarding the applicability requirements for 327 IAC 15-6, please contact the Storm Water Permit Coordinator.