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About the IVOSB Program

The Indiana Department of Administration, Division of Supplier Diversity has relaunched the Secured Supplier Portal and is only taking applications through the electronic application process. See below for more details.

Program Goal

  • Promote meaningful business opportunities for Indiana Veterans
  • Build productive partnerships
  • Create successful integration of Indiana veteran owned small businesses within the business infrastructure of the State of Indiana

Benefits of Certification

Businesses that are certified as an Indiana Veteran Owned Small Business will affect the award process for state purchases.

Solicitations under $75,000

In solicitations under $75,000, IVOSB Prime Contractors can claim a Price Preference of 15% (Indiana Small Business Price Preference).

The IVOSB Prime Contractor must meet the definition from IC 5-22-14-3.5.

Solicitations over $75,000

In solicitations over $75,000, prime Contractors will be encouraged to utilize IVOSB subcontractors to meet goal participation. IVOSB subcontractors must provide goods/services specific to the contract and provide a letter to the prime contractor verifying IVOSB certification.

IVOSB subcontractors are required to submit subcontractor receivable information into the State of Indiana Pay Audit System for monitoring of prime contractor payment commitments.

Business Eligibility

In order to be certified/registered as an Indiana Veteran Owned Small Business, a business must be an Indiana business registered through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or through the State of Indiana registration process.

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Eligibility

To review the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs program and eligibility visit the Veterans Affairs Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization web page.

State of Indiana IVOSB Application Eligibility

The state certification requires the company be at least 51% owned by a Veteran, who must have control over the management and day to day operations and meet one of the following:

  • Pays the majority of its payroll (in dollar volume) to residents of Indiana;
  • Employs Indiana residents as a majority of its employees;
  • Makes a significant capital investment in Indiana; or
  • Has its headquarters in the State of Indiana.

Indiana Code IC 5-22-14-2.5 defines Veteran as:

  • An Individual who has previously served on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or their reserves, in the National Guard, or in the Indiana National Guard; and received an honorable discharge from service;
  • Or an Individual who is currently serving in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States or their reserves, the National Guard or the Indiana National Guard.

Indiana Code IC 10-16-7-0.5 defines Active Duty as:

As used in section 5 of this chapter, "active duty military service" refers to state active duty service, federally funded state active service, or federal active service. The term does not include service performed exclusively for training, including basic combat training, advanced individual training, annual training, inactive duty training, and special training periodically made available to members of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. The term excludes time spent in an absent without leave (AWOL) status, or other dishonorable status while on active military service.