Greg Wilson Chairman Indiana Civil Rights Commission | Brandon Clifton Commissioner Indiana Department of Administration |
*Kesha Rich Deputy Commissioner Division of Supplier Diversity | Christine Jeffers Vice President, Defense Business Development Indiana Economic Development Corporation |
Elizabeth Kiefner Crawford Director, Economic Opportunity Division Indiana Department of Transportation | *John Bartlett State Representative |
*Joanna King State Representative | Maurice Coates Jr. Southern Commissioner CK United Trucking, Inc. |
*Greg Taylor State Senator | Angela Franklin Central Commissioner SOAR Consulting |
Frances Vega-Steele Northern Commissioner Ivy Tech Community College Northwest | Darren C. Patterson Southern Commissioner The Mortgage Company of Southern Indiana, Inc. |
Ellen Dunnigan Central Commissioner Accent on Business | Carol Slager Northern Commissioner Inkwell Coaching |
Nick Lunn Central Commissioner Cornerstone Construction Group, LLC |
*non-voting member
Membership of the Governor's Commission on Supplier Diversity is specified by Indiana statute and consists of the following members:
- A governor's designee, who shall serve as chairman of the commission.
- The commissioner of the Indiana Department of Transportation.
- The chairperson of the board of the Indiana Economic Development Corporation or the chairperson's designee.
- The commissioner of the Department of Administration.
- Nine individuals with demonstrated capabilities in business and industry, especially minority and women's business enterprises, appointed by the governor from the following geographical areas of the state:
- Three from the northern one-third of the state
- Three from the central one-third of the state
- Three from the southern one-third of the state
- Two members of the house of representatives, no more than one from the same political party, appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives to serve in a nonvoting advisory capacity.
- Two members of the senate, no more than one from the same political party, appointed by the president pro tempore of the senate to serve in a nonvoting advisory capacity.
Contact the Commission
Greg Wilson, Chairman
200 W Washington St
Indianapolis, IN 46204
View the 2024 Commission Press Release here.