- Overview/General Requirements
- Citizenship Requirement
- Pre-Licensing Resident Education Requirements
- Waiver of Pre-Licensing Education Requirements
- Licenses Requiring/Not Requiring Exam
- Continuing Education Audits
- Consultants
- Public Adjuster
- Title Agents
- Temporary Licenses
- Consent Under 18 U.S.C. 1033 Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Overview/General Requirements
The Indiana Department of Insurance (Department) is empowered by Title 27, Article 1, of the Indiana Code to qualify those who wish to operate as insurance producers, surplus lines producers, insurance consultants and limited lines producers in Indiana. Read Title 27, Article 1 carefully for the specific requirements of the license you are pursuing as some licenses require successful completion of a prescribed course of study and/or an examination.
Indiana Code states you may not receive or accept, directly or indirectly, any commission or other valuable consideration unless you were properly licensed at the time of the transaction out of which arose the right to such commission or other valuable consideration, and you are a duly appointed agent of the insurer at the time that such insurer pays such commission or other valuable consideration.
Indiana residents desiring any type of insurance license must:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Maintain principal place of residence or principal place of business in Indiana.
- Successfully complete a pre-licensing education program (when required) and an examination (when required).
- Not have committed any act that is a ground for denial, suspension or revocation of a license.
- Submit the appropriate forms, application, and nonrefundable fees for the desired license.
In accordance with Indiana Insurance Code, IC 27-1-15.6-5, before becoming licensed by the department each applicant for licensing as an insurance producer, surplus lines producer or insurance consultant must pass an examination for the line(s) of authority for which application is made. The examination tests the candidate’s knowledge concerning the line(s) of authority, duties and responsibilities of a licensee and the Indiana insurance laws and administrative rules. For the specific exam content you will need to study please refer to the Examination Content Outlines below. Be sure that you understand all of the materials before you take the test. There are no pre-licensing examinations for certain Limited Lines licenses or Title license. The Department encourages you to prepare properly for your examination and requires you to continue your professional education once you are licensed.
The applicant must obtain a Certificate of Pre-Licensing Education Completion from an approved pre-licensing provider before taking the exam. The certificate must be dated and signed by the provider/instructor and match the requested examination. Approved Pre-Licensing Education provider courses may be viewed at www.sircon.com/indiana.
You may submit your application for licensure to the Department online at anytime after completing pre-licensing study (if necessary). The application fee is $40 for each of the following resident licenses: Life; Health; Life and Health; Property and Casualty; Personal Lines; Consultant; and Title. For the application fee for a Public Adjuster license see Public Adjuster section on this page. Submit your application for licensure online through either www.sircon.com/indiana or www.NIPR.com. *All license application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. You may then begin to solicit insurance of the type for which you received a license. If your application is denied, you will be notified in writing as to the reason for such denial.
Citizenship Requirement
All applicants must be a United States citizen or legal alien who possesses work authorization from the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. If you are an applicant for licensure, you must submit documentation that supports your work authorization status to the Department. This documentation can be emailed to AGENTLICENSING@IDOI.IN.GOV or attached to your application electronically.
Pre-Licensing Resident Education Requirements
Pre-licensing education requirements are established to ensure an entry level knowledge about the products and services that producers offer to the public. In addition, license candidates must understand and comply with the statutes and rules affecting insurance. You must meet the following education requirements before applying for a license.
Line(s) of Insurance | Course Hours |
Life | 20 |
Health | 20 |
Life & Health | 40 |
Personal Lines Property and Casualty | 20 |
Personal & Commercial Property and Casualty | 40 |
Title | 10 |
State-approved pre-licensing self-study courses may be used to fulfill classroom requirements.
Access a current list of authorized pre-licensing schools from Sircon
You may also access the Sircon website for the following information:
- Transcript Inquiry
- Available Course Offerings
- Approved Courses
- Approved Providers
A pre-licensing education Certificate of Completion will be issued by your pre-licensing school at the end of your course. The certificate is valid for six months. You must pass your exam and apply for your license during this six-month period.
You must take the Certificate of Completion with you to the test center the day of the exam.
Waiver of Pre-Licensing Education Requirements
Under Indiana Code 27-1-15.6-9, you may be exempt from pre-licensing education requirements if you hold at least one of the following professional designations or degrees:
For the Life and Accident & Health lines of authority only:
- Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)
- Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
- Chartered Financial Consultant (CFC)
For the Property & Casualty and Personal Lines lines of authority only:
- Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)
- Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)
- Accredited Advisor in Insurance (AAI)
For all lines of authority:
- A Bachelor's Degree in Insurance
You must request an approved Waiver from the Commissioner in order to be exempt from pre-licensing education. To request the Waiver, please email the request to agentlicensing@idoi.in.gov along with the following information:
- Your name as it appears on your driver's license;
- The license qualification you are applying for (Life, Accident & Health; Property & Casualty; Personal Lines; Life; or Accident & Health); and
- A photocopy of your designation certificate or degree.
Once granted the Waiver from pre-licensing education, you may take the assessment pertaining to Indiana Laws and Regulations for the license qualification you are applying for. A Laws and Regulations Assessment may be registered for and scheduled online through http://in.gov/idoi/2482.htm#a.
Licenses Requiring/Not Requiring an Exam
The following licenses require an examination:
- Life
- Health
- Life and Health
- Property and Casualty
- Personal Lines
- Surplus Lines Producer
- Bail Agent
- Recovery Agent
- Public Adjuster
The following licenses do not require an examination:
- Limited Line Credit
- Title
- Travel
- Portable Electronics
Continuing Education Audits
If you have received a continuing education audit letter, you will have 15 days to fax copies of Certificates of Completion to the Department. You may not use:
- Hours used to satisfy previous license renewal periods.
- Certificates from unapproved providers.
- Another state's certificates.
You may not take the same course more than once in a license renewal period. If you do not respond to an audit request your license will be suspended.
IDOI maintains a record of producer continuing education hours in the Sircon data base. Maintaining such a record is also the responsibility of the producer. These certificates are the proof of a course completion if a producer is audited.
Unless your records are being audited do not send your certificates to IDOI.
IC 27-1-15.6-23 provides for an Insurance Consultant License. The code stipulates that an individual or corporation shall not engage in the business of an insurance consultant until a consultant license has been issued to the individual or corporation.
Once licensed as a consultant, the person may not continue to hold an insurance producer or limited lines producer license. No licensed consultant may employ, be employed by, be in a partnership with or receive any remuneration whatsoever from any licensed insurance producer, surplus lines insurance producer, limited lines producer or insurer, except that a consultant may be compensated by an insurer for providing consulting services to the insurer. No consultant license is required for the following:
1. Attorneys licensed to practice law in Indiana acting in their professional capacity
2. A duly licensed insurance producer or surplus lines insurance producer
3. A trust officer of a bank acting in the normal course of his/her employment
4. An actuary or a certified public accountant who provides information, recommendations, advice or services in her/his professional capacity.
Prior to rendering any service, a consultant must submit for the Commissioner's approval the written agreement intended for use.
To apply for the Consultant license, the individual must complete all requirements of the particular class of insurance the individual is applying for and submit an online application through either www.sircon.com/indiana or www.NIPR.com, or mail the NAIC Uniform Paper Application and $40 application fee (by check or money order made payable to IDOI) to the Indiana Department of Insurance. Under the "Jurisdiction and Type of License Requested" section of the paper application, the individual should write that the individual is seeking a "Consultant" license (NOT a Producer license) under "License Type."
*All license application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Additional Resources:
Exam Registration and Scheduling
Public Adjuster
IC 27-1-27 provides for a Public Adjuster license. The code stipulates no individual or corporation shall act within Indiana as a public adjuster, or receive, directly or indirectly, compensation or reward for services rendered in the adjustment of any claim or claims unless the person holds a certificate of authority to act as such public adjuster.
Access Resident Public Adjuster Licensing Requirements
Access Non-Resident Public Adjuster Licensing Requirements
Public Adjuster licenses expire on December 31st of each year. You will be required to pay the renewal fee by that date to keep your license valid. Renewals are open for 90 days prior to the expiration date.
Title Agents
IC 27-1-15.6-18(4) provides for limited insurance producer license for persons who solicit or negotiate only title insurance products. Any person who conducts a real estate closing on behalf of a title insurance producer or title insurance company in which a title insurance policy is issued or is to be issued must be a licensed Title insurance producer. Additional information regarding Title insurance license requirements is available in IDOI Bulletin 135.
Resident applicants must meet the following requirements in order to obtain a Title Insurance License.
- Complete not less than ten (10) hours of instruction in a structured setting or comparable self-study on:
- ethical practices in the marketing and selling of title insurance;
- requirements of the insurance laws and administrative rules of Indiana;
- principles of title insurance, including underwriting and escrow issues; and
- principles of the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. 2608).
- Obtain a certificate of completion from the education provider. This certificate is valid for six months, in which time the application must be submitted.
- Submit an application and the $40.00 application fee either online at www.Sircon.com/indiana or www.nipr.com, or through the uniform NAIC paper application (must be mailed to IDOI along with a check or money order made payable to IDOI). *All license application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
- Pre-licensing education information is required to be submitted by the education provider. Approved provider courses may be viewed through www.sircon.com/indiana.
Non-Resident Title Agent Not Licensed in Home State
Non-residents seeking a Title license in Indiana living in a state that does not license for it may apply for an Indiana Designated Home State (DHS) Title license. Applicants must complete the same requirements as Indiana residents. This includes completing the 10-hour pre-licensing education course, an online application at www.sircon.com/indiana or www.nipr.com, or the uniform NAIC paper application, and submitting the $90 nonresident license application fee. *All license application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Temporary Licenses
Under IC 27-1-15.6-11, under certain circumstances IDOI may issue a temporary resident insurance producer license for not more than 180 days if deemed necessary for the servicing of an insurance business in the best interests of the public. Requests for temporary licenses may be directed to agentlicensing@idoi.in.gov. Please include a detailed description as to the reason for the request.
Consent Under 18 U.S.C. 1033 Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
To apply for the Consent Under 18 U.S.C. 1033 Federal Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 waiver you must submit a completed 1033 waiver application to the IDOI Enforcement Division. A complete 1033 waiver application will include the application, a certified copy of the applicants complete criminal history, certified copies of the indictment or criminal complaint, certified copies of the judgement and sentence, an affidavit (must be notarized) from the individual that seeks to employee the applicant, and two pictures.
Once the 1033 waiver application is filed:
- The Commissioner will review the application and issue or deny consent within 30 days from the date the waiver application is received by the IDOI.
- If waiver is denied and the applicant disagrees with the denial, within 15 days of the date he or she received the denial the applicant must request a hearing on the matter.
- The Commissioner will schedule a hearing within 30 days of receiving the request for a hearing.
- The applicant has the burden of proof at the hearing and must show the Commissioner's denial of consent is unreasonable.
- Within 30 days of the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will issue a Final Order either granting or denying consent.
Indiana Department of Insurance
311 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204-2787