Indiana Finance Authority September 13, 2022
Indiana Regional Water Planning Map
Click here to download a copy.
List of 2025 Regional Planning Meetings:
- Northwest Region
- This group meets approximately twice a year.
- Next meeting: Thursday, June 12, 2025, 10:00-11:30 CST.
- Location: Woodland Park Community Center, Sycamore Room, 2100 Willowcreek Rd. Portage, IN
- Agenda and registration coming soon.
- Wabash/Wildcat Region
- Little Vermillion Region
- This region meets approximately once per year.
- Next meeting: September 2025
- Location: Lafayette, IN
- Central Indiana Wastewater Operators Association Region
- This group holds bimonthly meetings.
- Next meeting: Thursday, May 8, 2025.
- Location: Greencastle, IN.
- For general information and to RSVP, contact: cioasecretary@hotmail.com
- Central Indiana Drinking Water Collaborative Region
- This group holds quarterly meetings.
- Contact: Madison England, Citizens Energy Group, email: MEngland@citizensenergygroup.com
- Southwest Central Region
- This group meets three - four times per year.
- Next meeting: Thursday. April 17, 2025, 10:00-11:00am
- Location: Roy Clark Community Building (Humphreys Park), 1351 A St NE, Linton, IN 47441
- Register here
- Draft agenda
- US 50 Region
- This group meets approximately twice a year.
- Next meeting: TBD Summer 2025
- Stoll's Lakeview Restaurant, 15519 US Hwy 231, Loogootee, IN 47553
- Southern Indiana Water/Wastewater Professionals Association West
- This group holds quarterly meetings.
- Next meeting: Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 2:00-3:30pm EST, French Lick Springs Hotel, French Lick, IN 47432 as part of the Alliance of Indiana Rural Water Spring Conference
- Contact: Dylan Schaefer, Patoka Lake Reg Water & Sewer District, at dylan@plrws.net
- Register here.
- Agenda
- North Central Region
- This group meets approximately twice a year.
- Next meeting: Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 1:00-2:30pm.
- Location: Community Center, 606 Washington St, Walkerton, IN 46574
- Agenda coming soon.
- Register here.
- Northeast Region
- This group meets one to two times per year.
- Next meeting: Thursday, May 1, 2025, 10:00-11:30am
- Location: Rieke Park Lodge, 1600 N Indiana Avenue, Auburn, IN 46706
- Register here
- Draft agenda
- Upper Wabash Region
- This group meets once per year.
- Next meeting: February, 2026.
- Whitewater Region
- This group meets one to two times per year.
- Next meeting: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 2:00-3:00pm.
- Location: Centerville Municipal Building, 220 E Main St. Centerville, IN 47330
- Registration here
- Draft agenda
- Southeast Central Region
- This group meets once per year.
- Next meeting: Thursday February 2026
- Southern Indiana Wastewater Operators Association Region
- This group holds quarterly meetings.
- Contact: sioaofficer@gmail.com
- Ohio Valley Region
- This group meets approximately once per year.
- Next meeting: Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 1:00p-2:00p
- Location: Osgood Town Hall Community Center, 147 West Ripley Street Osgood, IN 47037
- Register here.
- Draft agenda
- Muscatatuck Region
- This group meets approximately once per year.
- Next meeting: February 2026
- Location: Jennings County Public Library, 2375 IN -3, North Vernon, IN 47265
- Southern Indiana Water/Wastewater Professionals Association West
- This group holds quarterly meetings.
- Contact: Danny Turner at dturner@ramseywater.com
The list of utilities who have attended an IFA Regional Planning Meeting is available here. Click here to view the list.
As more meetings are scheduled, they will be added here. If you would like to host one, please contact Sarah Hudson at sahudson@ifa.in.gov.
Please note: these meetings are for utility personnel, board members, and elected officials, and only these individuals can meet the attendance requirement. Consultants and contractors are welcome to attend when they attend at the invitation of a utility who is also attending. Utilities may attend a regional meeting outside of their region, but the intention is that they attend one in their region to get the benefits of interacting with their neighbors.
Background and Overview
In 2018, the State convened the Water Infrastructure Task Force (“Task Force”) to study drinking water and wastewater utility needs and best practices in Indiana. One recommendation of the Task Force was for the State to assist utilities with long term planning by establishing Water Infrastructure Study Areas for the purpose of studying supply and demand, drought preparedness, infrastructure needs, and opportunities for utility collaboration within a region.
As a result of these recommendations, the 2019 Indiana General Assembly enacted Senate Enrolled Act 4. (“SEA 4”) requiring the IFA to conduct regional meetings throughout the state to enable drinking water and wastewater utilities to work together to address long term needs. SEA 4 also requires drinking water and wastewater utilities to report their participation in the meetings to the IFA.
Starting in 2020, the IFA will host annual, regional meetings throughout the state for the purpose of regional, long-term planning. During these meetings, drinking water and wastewater utilities and other interested parties can, for example, identify regional drinking water and wastewater priorities, discuss topics of regional interest, and investigate avenues of possible collaboration. For the purpose of these meetings, “regional, long-term planning” is defined as a group of localized utilities working together to describe and address future needs. The IFA’s goal in conducting these meetings is to help organize utility-led planning groups that focus on regional, long-term issues.
Many utilities are already participating in regional planning via formal or informal arrangements. If your utility already participates in a utility-led, regional planning group, please let us know. We do not want to “recreate the wheel”; rather we would like to partner with you and help bolster your efforts. Your utility can meet the SEA 4 requirement if the IFA participates in an existing utility-led regional planning meeting that your utility attends.
The legislation requires utilities to attend an IFA regional planning meeting every year and report their participation by March 1. Please note participation in an IFA regional planning meeting is required to be eligible for State-supported financial resources.
Documents and Links
Indiana Regional Meetings Legislative Report for 2021-2022, October 2023
Indiana Regional Meetings Legislative Report for 2020, October 2021
Sarah Hudson
Technical Assistance and Outreach Manager
Program Mailing Address:
100 North Senate Avenue, Rm. 1275
Indianapolis, IN 46204
317-234-1338 (fax)
Joanie Jones
Administrative Assistant