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Indiana Agriculture Sustainability

Growing a sustainable future

Indiana agriculture is continuously becoming more sustainable though the adoption of advanced technologies. Farmers in the state are implementing cover cropping, reduced or no-till practices and other conservation efforts to enhance soil health and water quality. Livestock farmers are become more and more sustainable through improved manure management systems, rotational grazing and pasture management strategies and much more!

Check out the videos below to explore how Indiana agriculture is making strides in sustainability.

Row Crops

Learn how cover crops, no-till, buffer strips and other practices have benefited this farming operation over the years.


Indiana dairy producers and farmers have made strides around sustainability and work each day to reduce ecological impact.


Trees are a green, renewable resource and are used for many different things. They provide food, soaps, rubber, furniture, timber products, paper products and much more.

Community Gardens

Lawrence Community Gardens and urban, small-scale agriculture provides healthy, nutrient rich food to communities.

Restoring Wetlands

A look into how USDA-NRCS partnered with IDNR and other agencies to create the largest wetland restoration in Indiana.

Row Crops

Learn how filter strips, minimum tillage and other practices have benefited this farming operation over the years.