Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP)
Update from USDA: The RFA is currently under review at the federal level and although a specific publication date is currently unknown, it is anticipated that it will occur around the same timeframe as years prior.
* The Agriculture Improvement Act (“The Farm Bill”) of 2018, extended through FY2023 by HR 6363, expired on September 30, 2024. The bill was a multi-year law that governed an array of agricultural and food programs, including the Specialty Crop Block Program. Despite the expiration of the bill, we expect the application round to open in spring 2025 and will communicate any updates via the ISDA grant opportunities and funding page. Preliminary selections and award amounts made by Indiana for FY2025 SCBGP are contingent upon congressional approval of the farm bill.
The Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG) program helps State Departments of Agriculture enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops throughout the state of Indiana by:
- Leveraging efforts to market and promote specialty crops;
- Assisting producers with research and development relevant to specialty crops;
- Expanding availability and access to specialty crops; and,
- Addressing local, regional, and national challenges confront specialty crop producers.
Specialty crops are defined as “fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture).” Please refer to the list of plants on the United State Department of Agriculture website to determine eligibility: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/scbgp/specialty-crop.
Eligible Projects
Specialty Crop Block Grant Program projects must enhance the competitiveness of specialty crops in the state of Indiana to be eligible. Applicants must be able to demonstrate that the proposed project will benefit the specialty crop industry and/or the public as a whole. Projects that benefit a single entity, organization, or individual are not eligible.
Eligible Applicants
For-profit entities (including sole proprietors), nonprofit entities, local units of government (e.g., towns, cities, counties), and both public and private institutions of higher education (IHEs) may apply for the SCBGP. Individuals acting on their own are not eligible to apply.
ISDA SCBGP Application Resources:
- ISDA SCBG Notice of Funding Opportunity 2024
- Indiana SCBG Application Instructions 2024
- 2023 SCGB Webinar
- 2023 SCGB Webinar Slides
USDA-AMS SCBGP Resources: https://www.ams.usda.gov/services/grants/scbgp
- Definition of a Specialty Crop
- Grant Performance Measures website
- General Terms and Conditions (2021 - Present) (pdf)
- Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Overview (Video)
Eligibility Resources
Questions? Contact:
Selena Tartabull, Economic Development Program Manager
startabull@isda.in.gov | 317.452.0742
Emily Conwell, Economic Development Program Director
EmConwell@isda.IN.gov | 317.502.5673
Success Stories
Slaughter Orchard & Cidery - 2023 Awardee
Slaughter Orchard & Cidery was awarded $163,680 in Specialty Crop Block Grant Funds in 2023 to demonstrate to orchards, cider mills, cideries and wholesale buyers that ground harvested apples can be safely and legally harvested, processed and fermented into hard cider by creating a HACCP Plan, demonstrating the HACCP Plan for stakeholders during multiple field days and writing a position paper explaining how the process can be achieved safely and legally by others in the apple, cider and hard cider industries.
Slaughter Orchard & Cidery presented their Indiana Specialty Crop Block Grant on the safe harvest of ground apples to make hard cider at CiderCon 2024, the annual meeting of the American Cider Association in Portland, Oregon. Interested orchards, cider mills, cideries, researchers, and industry participants were able to discuss how they can participate in upcoming orchard demonstration days and learn safe methods for harvesting and processing ground apples into juice for fermentation into hard cider. Their project will be completed by 2026.
Sign up for grant updates at www.slaughterorchard.com/groundapples. Updates will include upcoming orchard demonstration days, a model HACCP plan, and an educational paper.