Approved Practices
The following CRP conservation practices are approved for the Indiana CREP:
- CP2 Permanent Native Grasses
- CP3A Hardwood Tree Planting
- CP4D Permanent Wildlife Habitat, Non-easement
- CP21 Filter Strips
- CP22 Riparian Buffer
- CP31 Bottomland Timber Establishment
- CP23 Wetland Restoration
- CP23A Wetland Restoration, Non-floodplain
- CP9 Shallow Water Areas for Wildlife
Practices CP2, CP3A, CP4D, CP22 and CP21 must be installed on former cropland adjacent to an eligible stream, river or water body and meet additional requirements.
- CP2 – minimum average width of 50 feet and a maximum width of 120 feet (up to 300 feet in alluvial soils)
- CP21 – minimum average width of 35 feet and a maximum width of 120 feet (up to 300 feet in alluvial soils)
- CP3A, C4D and CP22 – minimum average width of 35 feet and a maximum width of 180 feet (up to 300 feet in alluvial soils)
- CP23, CP23A and CP31 are not required to be adjacent to a stream, river or waterbody; however, CP23 and CP31 are required to be located in the 100-yr floodplain.
Federal Incentives
- Cost Share of Practice Implementation: Based on a current FSA cost-share plan of 50% of eligible cost (not-to-exceed) as determined by FSA for eligible reimbursable practice establishment costs.
- Signing Incentive Payment (SIP): A one-time incentive payment equal to 32.5% of the 1st full year Annual Rental Payment (12-months) for newly enrolled CP21, CP22, CP23, CP23A, CP31 and CP9.
- Practice Incentive Payment (PIP): A one-time incentive payment equal to 50% of the eligible installation costs for CP21, CP22, CP23, CP23A, CP31, and CP9.
- Annual Rental Payment: An annual payment for the life of the contract. The payment consists of the sum of three components:
- Base Soil Rental Rate: determined by calculating the normal CRP weighted average soil rental rate for the three predominant soil types using the current posted applicable local soil rental rates for cropland offers.
- Incentive payment of 40% of the base rental rate without regard to other incentive payments for all practices offered and eligible for CREP.
- A maintenance fee equal to the terms of FSA national CRP directives, if applicable.
State Incentives
- A one-time State of Indiana Incentive payment of $100/acre for CP2, CP4D, and CP21.
- A one-time State of Indiana Incentive payment of $400/acre for CP3A, CP22, and CP31.
- A one-time State of Indiana Incentive payment of $950/acre for newly enrolled CP23, CP23A, and CP9.
- A one-time State of Indiana Incentive payment of $400/acre for re-enrolled CP23, CP23A, and CP9.