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Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects over half a million children and adults living in Indiana. Asthma can be controlled but not cured. In a person with asthma, airways can swell and tighten making it hard to breathe.

Asthma is a serious health condition, but it doesn't have to slow you down! With proper management of triggers and control of symptoms, people with asthma can lead a full, healthy life.

Asthma Resources


Estimated Asthma Prevalence for Indiana in 20211:

  • Adult Age-Adjusted Current Asthma Rate - 10.2%
  • Adult Age-Adjusted Lifetime Asthma Rate - 15.3%
  • Child Age-Adjusted Current Asthma Rate - 6.3%
  • Child Age-Adjusted Lifetime Asthma Rate - 9.4%

Source: 1| CDC and Indiana Department of Health Data Analysis Team [IDOH DAT]. (2023). Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Prevalence Data, 2021.