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Integrated Resource Plans

Jurisdictional electric utilities are required to submit Integrated Resource Plans (IRPs) every three years according to Indiana Code § 8-1-8.5-3(e)(2). The IRPs are subject to a rigorous stakeholder process. IRPs describe how the utility plans to deliver safe, reliable, and efficient electricity at just and reasonable rates. Further, these plans must be in the public interest and consistent with state energy and environmental policies. Each utility’s IRP explains how it will use existing and future resources to meet customer demand. When selecting these resources, the utility must consider a broad range of potential future conditions and variables and select a combination that would provide reliable service in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

The following utilities must submit IRPs to the Commission. Click on the utility names below to find the utilities’ most recent IRPs, comments received about the plans, and the RPP Division’s Final Report on each IRP. IRPs older than the most recent submitted versions can be found on the IRP archive page here.

Questions regarding IRPs should be directed to the Commission's Research, Policy, and Planning Division at (317) 232-2736 or via email.

Submitting Comments

For more information on the Commission's guidelines for IRPs, please see 170 IAC 4-7-1. Interested parties may submit comments on a utility’s IRP. A comment must:

  1. be in writing;
  2. be received by the Commission within ninety (90) days from the date a utility submits its IRP to the Commission;
  3. be electronically submitted to the director unless otherwise agreed by the director;
  4. clearly identify the utility upon which written comments are submitted; and
  5. be provided to the utility using the utility contact information provided in the IRP.

Please submit your comments via email or by mailing them to the Commission:

Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
Attn: Research, Policy, and Planning Division
101 W. Washington Street, Suite 1500 E.
Indianapolis, IN 46204-3407

Integrated Resource Plans by Utility