The goal of the Howard County Public and Semi-Public Swimming Pool/Spa program is to promote and ensure public safety in recreational water establishments. In order to operate a Public or Semi-Public Swimming Pool, Spa, Wading or Therapeutic Pool, the establishment must obtain a satisfactory water sample result from a certified water lab and a pool permit from the Health Department prior to opening. Howard County regulates Public and Semi-Public Pools according to Indiana Department of Health Public and Semi-Public Pools Rule 410 IAC 6-2 and Howard County Ordinance 2006-BCC-11. Annual pool permits are issued for 12 months and seasonal permits are issued for 6 months. Weekly water sample reports are required from each permitted pool and inspections are conducted by the Health Department.
- 410 IAC 6-2.1 Public and Semi-Public Pools (pdf 463kB)
- 675 IAC 20 Swimming Pool Construction Code (pdf 464kB)
- Howard County Public/Semi-Public Pool and Spa Ordinance (pdf 144kB)